
"Essay" A good boy must live as a mountain (2) Everyone has their own way of life and posture, or like grass and ephemera, or like mountains and trees, or like the stars and the sea... The so-called understanding and mastery of life is nothing more than keeping the heart, doing a good job in the present, and hearing the wind and pleasing each other. I would like to use this document for those who are confused. To be continued. This article refers to the relevant literature, some of the picture sources network, hereby thanks!

author:The old fourth of the boat family
"Essay" A good boy must live as a mountain (2) Everyone has their own way of life and posture, or like grass and ephemera, or like mountains and trees, or like the stars and the sea... The so-called understanding and mastery of life is nothing more than keeping the heart, doing a good job in the present, and hearing the wind and pleasing each other. I would like to use this document for those who are confused. To be continued. This article refers to the relevant literature, some of the picture sources network, hereby thanks!


In the Eastern Han Dynasty, there were thirteen prefectures in the country, and the number of counties and countries under the jurisdiction of one state varied. Yanzhou is known as the "throat of Qilu", and its strategic location is quite important. A generation of tyrants Cao Cao rose here, but that was a century later, and his origins were only "the predecessors planted trees, and the posterity cooled down".

Li Ke stayed in the organ for a long time, belonged to the typical "three doors" (home door, school door, unit door) cadres, had no local work experience, and if he continued to stay in the state ministries and commissions, his development was bound to be limited. After the exchange to the locality, he will have the opportunity to integrate theory with practice, his personal ability will be more comprehensive, his political resume will be more complete, and he will accumulate stamina for continuous development. The appointment of Yanzhou Laishi shows that the high level has a high degree of trust and full affirmation of Li Ke, but this "secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission" is not good, and it is even more difficult to supervise and supervise the people at the same level.

"The king begins with this, and ends with this." At that time, this prophecy circulated privately by the people said that Liu Xiu relied on the powerful landlord forces to establish the country, which became a lingering nightmare of the Eastern Han Regime. The powerful landlord is not the "savior" of Pudu sentient beings, never engages in loss-making business, and supports Liu Xiu's ascension to the throne, but it is not just as simple as inviting guests to dinner. Liu Xiu is a hot-blooded man, not willing to become the spokesman of a powerful landlord, and has made a lot of top-level designs to strengthen the centralization of power, but it is more difficult to touch interests in reform than to touch the soul. Powerful landlords and non-judges acted perversely, and the data of the fields and population were so large that they frightened people to death, and the family foundation of the Eastern Han Dynasty became a great confusion.

"Essay" A good boy must live as a mountain (2) Everyone has their own way of life and posture, or like grass and ephemera, or like mountains and trees, or like the stars and the sea... The so-called understanding and mastery of life is nothing more than keeping the heart, doing a good job in the present, and hearing the wind and pleasing each other. I would like to use this document for those who are confused. To be continued. This article refers to the relevant literature, some of the picture sources network, hereby thanks!

As a rich and developed leading economic power state in the Eastern Han Dynasty, Yanzhou was an important granary and a major source of taxation for the country, and the problem of concealing fields was particularly prominent. In order to ensure the state's fiscal and tax revenues, Li Ke sent people to re-measure all the land in the whole prefecture, verify the household registration of local personnel, adopt iron fist measures to restrict the powerful and powerful merger of land and fish and meat people, severely crack down on troublemakers, and severely punish illegal officials.

To strike iron, it must be its own., in addition to not colluding with corrupt officials and powerful landlords, Li Ke also set an example everywhere, with a heart of Wei Que, loving the people and goods, paying attention to thrift and thrift, opposing extravagance and waste, and willing to be poor and self-conscious. His house is simple and simple, and the living room has four walls, not to mention antique furniture and precious calligraphy and paintings. I ate coarse tea and light rice, never more than two dishes on the table, and I couldn't eat meat once in months. In the cold winter of the northwest, the weather was cold, he sat and never laid double mats, wore coarse cloth linen clothes, covered with linen quilts, and a worn-out sheepskin pad became an "heirloom", running with him.

"The poor are alone, and the masters are good at helping the world." Li Ke, who had the ambition of a master when he was young, had a glass heart of compassion for the world and help the world. Before taking office, he made a detailed review of the situation in Yanzhou. Here the river system is longitudinal, the lakes are dotted, the climate is warm and humid, the soil is fertile and crispy, and it is suitable for wheat growth. After taking office, he communicated with Taishou, exchanged views, reached a consensus, started from improving people's livelihood, encouraged production, built water conservancy, dug irrigation canals, opened up good land, improved agricultural tools, reduced servitude, and helped disaster victims. Since then, local agricultural production has made great strides into the era of high yield of intensive farming.

Agriculture continues to be productive, and food and clothing are not a problem, but floods are frequent, and there will be major plagues after major disasters, and there will be a great plague every ten years, and the frequency and length of time are staggering. In the face of the big war test, Li Ke insisted on relying on collective wisdom and collective efforts, paying attention to brainstorming, conscientiously summarizing the experience of the people fighting the epidemic, and vigorously promoting garlic planting.

Some people will ask, why garlic?

"Essay" A good boy must live as a mountain (2) Everyone has their own way of life and posture, or like grass and ephemera, or like mountains and trees, or like the stars and the sea... The so-called understanding and mastery of life is nothing more than keeping the heart, doing a good job in the present, and hearing the wind and pleasing each other. I would like to use this document for those who are confused. To be continued. This article refers to the relevant literature, some of the picture sources network, hereby thanks!

"Garlic is a treasure, and it is good to eat it all the time." Once garlic is mashed or cut, the allicinin contained in it is decomposed by air oxidation to form allicin, which is the nemesis of typhoid bacillus, dysentery bacillus and influenza virus, and is known as "natural penicillin". Garlic in the Eastern Han Dynasty is not called garlic, called Hu garlic, as soon as you hear the name, you know that it is an imported goods, for the fourth year of the Yuan Hunt (119 BC) Zhang Qian was ordered to go to the Western Regions for the second time when he introduced, high yield, garlic head, good taste, when it is a treasure, the people rarely see.

When he took office, Li Ke brought some garlic seeds to plant in his backyard, and gave all of them to his subordinates after harvesting. At that time, egg garlic was widely cultivated in Yanzhou, and because of its small size and low yield, it was also called "small garlic". Everyone has never seen such a high-end product as Hu Garlic before, and they can't bear to let go of it, and they are very happy. Once, Li Ke went out on an inspection tour, passing through a village called Liangzhuang (located in Chudun Town, Luozhuang District, Linyi City, Shandong Province), and saw that the local soil was fertile, the villagers were industrious and kind, and the people's customs were pure, and they gladly left the garlic seeds they had brought. If they are precious, they are carefully cultivated and bear fruit. The following year, Li Ke came here again and found that every household spontaneously planted garlic, and garlic quietly became the main cash crop in the local area. This made him feel inspired, so he ordered the wide introduction of the species in the Yanzhou area, and after several improvements, it was refined into a well-known Shandong garlic brand.

Garlic "flies into the homes of ordinary people" and slowly turns into a wisp of fragrance in the streets and alleys. Whenever I see it, I always think of the "number one hero" who promotes planting - Li Ke. Perhaps, he and Garlic are humble gentlemen dressed in white, warm as jade, and people will never forget it. They feel so sorry for each other, no one can tell whose personality is spicy?!

Sometimes, I wonder: Will Li Ke be a "foodie" who knows grass and trees and fireworks in the world? Did Su Shi in later generations often hold a bowl of Dongpo meat with garlic titian and recite Li Ke's selfless righteous deeds? How much I wished that the warmth and pleasure on the tip of their tongue would make them forget the bitterness and pain of going straight.

However, the idealists are destined to endure the grinding and beating of reality. Not long after, Li Ke was again in danger of being appointed and promoted to taishou of Zhangye (present-day Zhangye, Gansu), one of the "Four Counties of Hexi" (Dunhuang, Jiuquan, Wuwei, and Zhangye).

"Essay" A good boy must live as a mountain (2) Everyone has their own way of life and posture, or like grass and ephemera, or like mountains and trees, or like the stars and the sea... The so-called understanding and mastery of life is nothing more than keeping the heart, doing a good job in the present, and hearing the wind and pleasing each other. I would like to use this document for those who are confused. To be continued. This article refers to the relevant literature, some of the picture sources network, hereby thanks!


"I don't want the snow on the top of Qilian Mountain, and I mistake Zhangye for Jiangnan." Zhangye is located at an important crossroads of the ancient "Silk Road" and enjoys the reputation of "Golden Zhangye". However, with the political corruption of the Eastern Han Dynasty, the "three links and three extinctions" between the Central Plains and the Western Regions, the economy of Hexi was seriously declining, and Zhangye lost its former prosperity. Li Ke took over this deteriorating stall, and the hardships were self-evident. Fortunately, he was majestic and resolute, brave in his duties, just and righteous, and handed over a satisfactory answer sheet, but even if one loyal subject died in peace and happiness until he bowed to exhaustion, he could not save the decline of a dynasty.

"Essay" A good boy must live as a mountain (2) Everyone has their own way of life and posture, or like grass and ephemera, or like mountains and trees, or like the stars and the sea... The so-called understanding and mastery of life is nothing more than keeping the heart, doing a good job in the present, and hearing the wind and pleasing each other. I would like to use this document for those who are confused. To be continued. This article refers to the relevant literature, some of the picture sources network, hereby thanks!

Throughout the middle and late period of the Eastern Han Dynasty, loyal and righteous people threw their heads and spilled blood for the country and the people, but the ill-intentioned xiaoxiao people put cold guns and stabbed knives in the back. Don't care, these people are not enough to do things, but the ability to do bad things is great. Li Ke, who was simple and upright, was hated by people. This person was none other than the great general Dou Xian, who was leading an army to attack the Northern Xiongnu and the Tun army.

Dou Xian, with the empress's sister's flames, flew high, dared to act boldly, and even bullied princess Qinshui to buy her farm at a low price, which made Emperor HanZhang furious - "the country abolished the constitution like a lonely rotten rat's ear." In the first year of the Yongyuan Dynasty (89 AD), Dou Xian sent people to assassinate Empress Dowager Dou's concubine Liu Chang, and after the incident of marrying the eunuch Cai Lun was revealed, he could only beg him to attack the Xiongnu in the north and make meritorious deeds. Clear-eyed people could see that he was named a cheri general, and he was only a nominal commander, with no outstanding military talent, and the real commander was Geng Bing, the deputy commander of the garrison capital, "Zhi Jingo". However, "there are people in the DPRK who are good officials", and Dou Xian was even named a great general a few months later for his military achievements.

When "the ass decides the head" became a trick, the officialdom of the Eastern Han Dynasty became darker and darker, and the corrupt officials were even more immoral. Dou Xian has always had no one in sight, and his eyes will be rewarded. Officials from all over the country rushed to give generous gifts, and Dou Xian did not refuse to come. The face of the gift-giver is not familiar, and if it is not sent, Dou Xian is grumpy. As everyone knows, Li Ke respects the leader, but refuses to bribe and give gifts, first, he is single-mindedly devoted to his career and has no time to play this set of ghost tricks; second, he has a clean wind in his sleeves, he is so poor that he really can't afford to play. However, corrupt officials talk about the logic of robbers, which are arbitrary and unreasonable, and in their view, there are no good people in the world, and "when an official gets rich, there is no mistake" is the last word. "Don't be afraid of thieves, you are afraid of thieves." Li Ke did not follow the tide, and inevitably became difficult to support alone, and as a result, he was retaliated against by the Dou clique and dismissed from his post on trumped-up charges.

However, fate is always fair, and it not only tricks the good guys, but also the bad guys. In the fourth year of Yongyuan (92 AD), Dou Xian, a powerful minister who had once been in the limelight, died at the hands of his fourteen-year-old nephew Han Hedi.

"The family is poor and thinks of filial piety, and the country is difficult to remember the good general." After Emperor Han and Emperor Dou destroyed the Dou clan, they found that there were very few people available above the court, and the loyal subjects who refused to cater to the traitors had long been liquidated by the Dou family. "The enemy of the enemy is the friend", those officials who have been suppressed by the Dou family can use it with confidence. Li Ke was the patriarch of the middle of the dynasty, extremely prestigious, was the first batch of candidates to be employed after the Han and Emperor actually took power, and was appointed as the Gurudwara of the Middle Palace, accompanied by the emperor, in charge of communication affairs from top to bottom, directly influencing high-level decision-making. As the courtiers who relied on the trust were either old and weak, or had a short life, and gradually withdrew from the stage of history, the Han And Emperor decided to fill this position with eunuchs, and from then on, the Eastern Han regime was also castrated and lost its life.

But then again, Emperor Han he was still an emperor with a mind, a realm and a pattern. For the sake of Jiangshan Sheji, he restarted the ancient "Silk Road". As a staunch supporter and practitioner of this national opening strategy, Li Ke has successively presided over zhangye, western regions, Wuwei and other ancient "Silk Road" node cities, and what is eye-catching is that he went to work in these places, most of them appeared as "fire brigade leaders".

In the sixteenth year of Yongping (73 AD), Emperor Ming of Han sent Ban Chao to serve as the protector of the Western Regions and take care of the countries of the Western Regions until he returned to the dynasty after the age of ancient disease. In his thirty years in the Western Regions, he "attacked Di Yi with Yi Di", and his contribution was indispensable, but the economic and social development of the Western Regions was completely weakened by successive years of war. In particular, his successor Ren Shanglu was ignorant, he only had a mouth left, he could only talk about soldiers on paper, and he broke eight thousand troops in a single battle against the enemy, and this man was not modest at all, and did not take seriously the admonition of Ban Chao's elders to "be simple and simple, lenient and small, and to be self-sufficient in the general outline", acted in a harsh manner, acted arbitrarily, and was cruel and tyrannical, and was strongly dissatisfied by the countries in the western region, which eventually led to turmoil and caused uneasiness in the imperial court. Emperor He of Han then appointed Li Ke as a lieutenant in the Western Regions and took charge of military power.

At that time, the Northern Xiongnu were increasingly arrogant, not only enslaving and oppressing the countries of the Western Regions, so that all parts of the Western Regions were "resentful and happy to do things", but also often sent cavalry to cut off the traffic routes of cheshi and Yiwu in the Western Regions, and robbed and killed Han envoys, resulting in the inability of imperial court decrees to reach the area west of Longsha. Li Ke carefully organized a counterattack against the Northern Xiongnu and offered a reward for killing Northern Danyu, but he did not kill the innocent. His bold style and way of culture and martial arts have been deeply loved by the people of all ethnic groups in the western region. In this way, the Western Passage is safe and quiet, and the society is harmonious and stable.

"Essay" A good boy must live as a mountain (2) Everyone has their own way of life and posture, or like grass and ephemera, or like mountains and trees, or like the stars and the sea... The so-called understanding and mastery of life is nothing more than keeping the heart, doing a good job in the present, and hearing the wind and pleasing each other. I would like to use this document for those who are confused. To be continued. This article refers to the relevant literature, some of the picture sources network, hereby thanks!

The Western Regions are rich and wealthy, and once a "world of flowers and flowers" for drunken gold fans. The monarchs, officials, and merchants of the Thirty-Six Kingdoms, in accordance with the custom, repeatedly gave beautiful horses, gold and silver jewelry, and brocade and jade to each other, but Li Ke did not accept them. They began to not understand, thinking that Li Ke's "appetite" was large, that he had sent less things, that he was typical of false canons, and that later they knew that he was a man, and they all respected him in their hearts.

"Outstanding performance, recognized by the masses." Li Ke was once again highly valued by the imperial court and transferred to Wuwei Taishou. In the eyes of ordinary people, this is a big fat shortage. Wuwei is known as "Silver Wuwei", which is the gateway of the "Silk Road" into the Hexi Corridor, with fertile land and abundant products. Li Kemu was a man of stone hearts, upright and honest, and was always intolerant of the traitorous party, and was framed and accepted bribes soon after his transfer. At this time, Han Hedi died, and the successor Emperor Han had just reached the full moon, and the empress dowager Deng Sui was in power, and she did not ask about the red card, and she sent Li Ke off the red card. (Boatman's fourth)