
Money observes mustard undiscovered sea cucumbers

author:Eat with the garden

Original text: [Sea Cucumber Three Laws]: Sea cucumber is tasteless, sand is fishy, the most difficult to please. However, the nature is thick, and it is not possible to simmer the soup. It is necessary to check the small ginseng, first soak the sand paste, boil it three times with the broth, and then simmer it in the chicken and meat two juices. The auxiliary is made of mushrooms and fungus, which are similar in color to black. If you invite guests tomorrow, you will simmer for the first day, and the sea cucumber will rot. Taste the money observer, in the summer with mustard, chicken juice mixed with cold sea cucumber silk is very good. Or cut into small cubes and simmer chicken soup with diced bamboo shoots and mushrooms to make a soup. Jiang Shilang's home tofu skin, chicken legs, mushrooms simmered sea cucumber is also good.

Yuan Ming's "Suiyuan Food List" seafood list

Money observes mustard undiscovered sea cucumbers

As the saying goes: men eat sea cucumbers, women eat abalone, why is this? I asked many people with this question, including the so-called scholars, experts believe that sea cucumbers prevent kidney deficiency, which has long been recorded in the ancient "Materia Medica Collection": "Tonify the kidneys and improve sperm, aphrodisiacs to cure impotence", the kidney is the innate foundation, the source of life. Insufficient kidney power, the human body will feel fatigue, waist and knee weakness, insomnia and forgetfulness, hair loss and premature aging and other symptoms. Men should take ginseng first to supplement the kidneys. Abalone is a snail, in addition to containing more abundant protein, there are also some minerals and trace elements, while the fat, cholesterol content is low. Because it grows in the deep sea, the effect of nourishing the yang and tonifying the yin is better, especially the effect of nourishing the yin is considered to be more suitable for women to eat. Later, when I met the guidance of the high people, I finally understood why the male sea cucumber and the female abalone were said, it turned out that this came from the so-called shape complement theory, "shape complement" is to use the animal's internal organs to treat the disease of the corresponding organs of the human body. Chinese medicine theory holds that what to eat to supplement, like what to supplement, to shape the form, to make up for the dirt, eat pig lungs can "clear the lungs"; eat pork belly can "warm and stomach"; stomach pain can be pork belly boiled white pepper; palpitations and other symptoms can be used pig heart stewed baizi kernel; liver depression rib pain can buy pork liver steamed acacia flowers. In the form of eating walnuts to supplement the brain, eating ginger to supplement the stomach, the long shape of the cashew nuts is more similar to the kidneys, has the effect of plant hormones, often eating will have a tonic effect on the kidneys, tomatoes have four chambers, and are red, which is the same as our heart. Experiments have confirmed that tomatoes are full of lycopene, and patients with high cholesterol may wish to eat more if they want to reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke. After listening to such a convincing explanation, I finally opened my mind and took out the sea cucumber abalone to compare it, and this male ginseng female abalone was simply too right.

Money observes mustard undiscovered sea cucumbers

Put down the abalone is not the table, today we talk about the sea cucumber, the sea involved in abalone, bird's nest, shark fin is equally famous, is one of the eight treasures in the sea. Not only precious food, but also precious medicinal herbs. According to the "Compendium of Materia Medica", it is recorded: sea cucumber, sweet and salty, kidney tonic, beneficial essence, urine, aphrodisiac treatment, its sexual warmth supplement, enough enemy ginseng, so the name of sea cucumber. Sea cucumber has the effects of improving memory, delaying gonadal aging, preventing arteriosclerosis and anti-tumor. There are many types of sea cucumbers. According to the records, there are about 1100 kinds of sea cucumbers in the world, and there are about 120 kinds of sea cucumbers in China, and the vast majority of sea cucumbers cannot be eaten. According to statistics, there are 40 species of edible sea cucumbers in the world. Edible sea cucumbers in China account for half, up to 20 species. According to whether there is a conical flesh spine-like wart foot on the back of the sea cucumber, it is divided into two categories: "thorn ginseng" and "light ginseng". Among them, "thorn ginseng" is mainly a species of thorn ginseng, and "light ginseng" is mainly a species of sea cucumber family, melon ginseng family and taro ginseng family. The family Ginseng includes Ginseng, Plum Ginseng, Green Ginseng, and Flower Ginseng. Thorn ginseng, also known as Liao ginseng, is the best of the sea cucumber species, and it is also a relatively highly nutritious one. The Compendium of Materia Medica mentions that "(sea cucumbers) produced in Liaodong Bay have a better texture.". "Materia Medica" points out: "Sea cucumbers, produced in the Liaohai are good. ”。 Among the several domestic sea cucumber production areas (Liaoning, Shandong, Fujian), the sea cucumber produced in Liaoning is the highest quality. The best wild sea cucumber in the country is from the sea of Dalian ZhangziDao at 39 degrees north latitude.

Money observes mustard undiscovered sea cucumbers

ZhangziDao is located in the southernmost part of the Changshan Islands, consisting of four islands, including Zhangzi Island, Qiaodao Island, Big Rat Island and Little Rat Island, 56 nautical miles from Dalian. It is the main production area of the core resource area of Liao ginseng wild Ginseng, Zhangzi Island has this name because there were many roe deer on its island before, "Roe deer" is an animal, similar to roe deer. Zhangzidao has a famous proverb "stick to beat the roe deer, scoop the fish". Later, the island more people roe deer also extinct, fish is also less, the local sea cucumber has been as a state banquet boutique to entertain Nixon, Tanaka Kakuei and other Chinese and foreign VIPs famous in the world, Zhangzi Island sea cucumber with superior geographical location, high-quality sea water quality and natural reproduction of the ecological environment, become the top of the national sea cucumber quality. In fact, Zhangzidao shellfish is also good, has developed the bottom sowing sea area of 600,000 acres, has become the country's largest Ezo scallop bottom sowing breeding base, and gradually developed the "Zhangzidao" brand series of seafood. Relying on the abundance of seafood, the island has spawned special leisure and entertainment activities such as eating, shopping, and fishing.

Money observes mustard undiscovered sea cucumbers

There are many ways to make sea cucumbers, such as: home-cooked sea cucumber, sea cucumber millet porridge, scallion roasted sea cucumber, sea cucumber porridge, sea cucumber fungus roasted tofu, braised sea cucumber, sea cucumber soup, prawn sea cucumber soup, sea cucumber braised pork, sea cucumber millet green vegetable porridge, sea cucumber steamed egg, sea cucumber steamed custard soup, Chinese cabbage sea cucumber soup, eight treasures tofu, sea cucumber green porridge, sea cucumber fishing rice, abalone sea cucumber, butterfly sea cucumber, grilled sea cucumber, etc., "Suiyuan Food List" in its volume three seafood list, there are "sea cucumber three methods", although this is called three methods, it is actually four methods, one method of red simmering sea cucumber, soaking small thorn ginseng in sand mud, Boil the broth three times; simmer the chicken and meat two juices to the extreme, add shiitake mushrooms and fungus; observe the mustard before it is cold and mix the sea cucumber silk, and mix the cold sea cucumber shreds with mustard and chicken juice. The three methods of cutting the sea cucumber into small cubes, using diced bamboo shoots and diced shiitake mushrooms into chicken soup to simmer to make sea cucumber soup. Sifa Jiang Shilang's home tofu skin, chicken legs, mushrooms simmered sea cucumber is also good. Although he had not tasted it, he was impressed by the essence of the ancient law. In particular, it is stated that qian observes that the mustard undissposed sea cucumber is the first method of opening the cold mixed sea cucumber. It's summer, and it's very refreshing and innovative to eat.

Money observes mustard undiscovered sea cucumbers

In fact, Qian observes the preparation method of mustard undissposed sea cucumber, which should belong to the current sauce sea cucumber dish, the first time I ate this mixed sea cucumber, it is my friend high-speed construction of the fishing juice mixed with live sea cucumber silk, high-speed construction, male, born in 1960 in the "hometown of Lu cuisine" Shandong Yantai Fushan people, worship the national treasure level master, Lu cai Taidou Wang Yidu, long-term commitment to the research and development of Jiaodong seafood dishes, from 1991 onwards, successively developed and launched the "four big mix", "four big stew" and other "four big" series of dishes, In particular, the production of sea cucumber dishes is unique, and it is known as the "little sea cucumber king" in China. The "Mizong Sea Cucumber" series of dishes such as "Dried Sea Cucumber", "Brewed Sea Cucumber", "Luan Driving Sea Cucumber" and so on, not only retain the traditional charm of sea cucumber production, but also lose the characteristics of the era of its pursuit of avant-garde beauty. The "sea cucumber series dishes" produced by him, with profound skills and exquisite skills, integrate traditional craftsmanship and the style of the times, have the characteristics of mellow and timeless, soft and sticky, rigorous selection of ingredients and exquisite cooking, so that diners can not only appreciate the profound heritage of Chinese culinary culture while tasting delicious dishes, but also enjoy the beauty of the art given to people by delicacies.

Money observes mustard undiscovered sea cucumbers

High-speed construction has a unique skill, the first hand to pull live sea cucumber, a live sea cucumber with moderate warm water soaked, and then seven pulls and eight pulls as far as possible to pull into a paper-like thin thickness, and then cut shredded or clear soup, or thick juice or millet sea cucumber, or fishing juice, high-speed construction in July and December 2008 respectively set two world Guinness records - the thinnest hand pull live sea cucumber, and with "China's first spacewalking astronaut" - Zhai Zhigang and other 14 major world Guinness records, from nearly 200 Guinness records stand out, It was awarded the 2008 Great World Guinness "Best Project Award". On February 5, 2011, CCTV's four international channels "Walking All Over China" column, with the title of "Charming Sea Cucumber", made a special report on the "old and small sea cucumber king", Gao Gaojian and his mentor, Lu Cai Taidou Wang Yijun. On the eve of the opening of the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, Gao Gaojian was invited to perform the "Hand Pulling Live Sea Cucumber", after 2 minutes of freehand pulling, the 50-gram sea cucumber was pulled into a transparent sheet of only 0.003 mm, which was included in the "Guinness Of the World".

Money observes mustard undiscovered sea cucumbers

Now fishing sauce cold mixed sea cucumber is a fashionable dish, but don't forget that cold mix sea cucumber is yuan ming's first. Of course, the hand-pulled sea cucumber machine content is too high, we can't do it, or use water to send sea cucumbers, on how to make sea cucumbers I have been introduced in other articles in "With the Garden Food Talk", today will not delay everyone's time, focus on how to mix and juice preparation. First of all, this is a summer dish, which Mr. Yuan Ming ate at Qian's house, and The chef of Qian's house used mustard and chicken juice to mix cold sea cucumber shreds in the summer, and Yuan Mei tasted it very well.

Money observes mustard undiscovered sea cucumbers

The following made with the garden vegetable money observation mustard unsound sea cucumber, sea cucumber is good after cutting into silk into the container, with mustard, chicken juice mixed, chicken juice is not the current seasoning bottle of chicken juice, with the garden food list has chicken juice, chicken soup, tender chicken soup, etc., with the garden vegetable chicken juice is chicken soup thick juice, equivalent to the current top pole clear soup, of course, in addition to mustard but also add other condiments, Jinling Xue Wenlong master to do this dish in addition to chicken soup, but also put fine salt, shao wine, sugar, green onion ginger, etc., the most important spice to do this dish is mustard, this mustard is not Japanese green mustard At that time, there was no such thing as mustard, also known as mustard, Western potato, mustard powder, generally divided into green mustard and yellow mustard. Green mustard and yellow mustard are two completely different seasonings. Of course, must not use mustard oil, must use yellow mustard powder, yellow mustard originated in China, is the seed of mustard ground; green mustard (green mustard) originated in Europe, made of horseradish (horse radish), after adding pigments, it is green, its spicy smell is stronger than yellow mustard, and has a unique aroma. Mustard is slightly bitter, spicy aromatic, has a strong stimulation of the mouth and tongue, the taste is very unique, mustard powder has an aroma spurt after wetting, with a strong pungent spicy taste of tear-inducing, stimulating effect on taste and smell.

Money observes mustard undiscovered sea cucumbers

Yellow mustard originated in China, is the seed of mustard milled, yellow, slightly bitter, there is a mustard in the mustard garden painting, referring to this, is a common spicy seasoning, mostly used in cold mixed vegetables. In addition to seasoning, folk also use yellow mustard for internal treatment of vomiting, subumbilical colic, and external application for arthritis. After the yellow mustard is produced, it can be poured with boiling water. After stirring well, soak the container of mustard in boiling water and cool it to the nose. Of course, mustard can also be poured with cold water. After stirring well, put the container containing the mustard in a steamer and steam for 10 minutes before allowing to cool. After the mustard is not well stored in the refrigerator, take and use, put the mustard into the bowl, add chicken soup, mix into the rice wine, salt, sugar, sesame oil, rice vinegar evenly, pour into the sea cucumber silk bowl, put on the ginger shredded shallot shreds, of course, sea cucumber can also put some onion shreds, millet spicy, juice can add some beauty, etc., so that the taste is more delicious.

Money observes mustard undiscovered sea cucumbers

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