
Hou Jie, director of the Qingdao Municipal Audit Bureau, | of the Three People's Activities: Be a good guardian of the interests of the people's livelihood

author:Qilu one point
Auditing is an important part of the supervision system of the party and the state and the guardian of the interests of the masses. In the past year, the Municipal Audit Bureau has adhered to the people-centered approach, given full play to the role of audit supervision services, audited 71 projects, promoted the increase in revenue and expenditure of 774 million yuan, reviewed and reduced investment by 726 million yuan, transferred 34 case leads and handling matters to discipline inspection and supervision, judicial organs and competent departments, successfully completed various functional goals and tasks, and made positive contributions to building an open modern, dynamic and fashionable international metropolis, building a new platform for international cooperation on the "Belt and Road" and a bridgehead for Shandong's new highland of opening up to the outside world.
Hou Jie, director of the Qingdao Municipal Audit Bureau, | of the Three People's Activities: Be a good guardian of the interests of the people's livelihood

First, judge the hearts of the masses and be the guardians of the interests of the people's livelihood

The interests of the masses are no small matter. Where the hot spots of social concern are and where the blockages of the interests of the masses are, the Audit Bureau will audit them. In the past year, auditing has been carried out closely around issues of concern to the masses such as education and housing, and the proportion of people's livelihood audit projects has increased from 30% to 40%.

The first is to carry out follow-up audits of the implementation of preschool education policies around "early childhood education". Promote the completion of rectification of 131 supporting kindergartens and 431 unlicensed kindergartens in the city, start construction of more than 60 new, renovated (expanded) kindergartens, add 12,000 new degrees, introduce a number of systems such as safety management, and promote the accelerated implementation of the "one-key alarm" system.

The second is to focus on "living and housing" and carry out a tracking audit of the city's affordable housing projects. A total of 85 shantytown renovation projects and 40 public rental housing projects were audited, involving an investment of 59.6 billion yuan, extending the investigation of 77 relevant units and 186 families, promoting the solution of problems such as idle funds and slow progress of projects, and effectively protecting the rights and interests of the masses.

The third is to organize districts and cities to carry out cross-audits of the situation of accurate poverty alleviation around the "weak and supportive". In view of the key links and prominent problems of the "two worries and three guarantees", 27 poverty alleviation projects were randomly inspected; on the basis of last year's audit of 200 provincially designated poor villages, a dragnet audit was carried out on the withdrawal procedures and income standards of 310 weak villages in the city; the rectification of problems was tracked and promoted, and 12 systems were introduced, which promoted the poverty alleviation funds to be in place and put into use, and 1496 poor people received medical insurance claims or bursaries of more than 1.2 million yuan.

The fourth is to focus on "managing money" and helping the people manage and make good use of funds. Financial money is also the money of the people, and helping the public to look after the "money bag" is an important duty of auditing. To this end, a new model of auditing was created, and all 95 first-level budget units included in the centralized accounting of municipal financial accounting were analyzed in full coverage, and according to the doubts found, 31 units were selected to carry out key audits, along the direction of funds, all the way to the subsidized families, and more than 180 problems were found, involving 17.68 million yuan of funds. The experience was commended by the Audit Office and disseminated throughout the country.

Second, work where the overall situation needs, and be a good inspector of policy implementation

In order to make the city's development better and the citizens' lives more comfortable, the municipal party committee and the municipal government have made a series of major decisions and deployments this year. The Audit Bureau insists that the work priorities of the municipal party committee and the municipal government are deployed, and the service is tracked wherever it is deployed.

The first is to focus on major policies and implement 15 offensives. Closely focusing on the "three major battles", the conversion of new and old kinetic energy and other major deployments, as well as the implementation of policies and measures such as 15 offensives in our city, the construction of the pilot free trade zone, and the construction of the Shanghai Cooperation Demonstration Zone, we organized the implementation of follow-up audits in 11 aspects such as deepening supply-side structural reform and optimizing the business environment, and took policy implementation as a mandatory content for various projects, with a total of 289 units and 88 projects, promoting the acceleration of project progress and improving 8 policy measures. Around the major deployment of 15 offensives, study the combat plan one by one, specially formulate follow-up audit opinions, each offensive has an audit project to serve the guarantee, and each project is carried out around the offensive advancement. For example, around the marine offensive, organize and carry out projects such as the audit of the development of Qingdao International Cruise Port Area, promote the rationalization of the management system and accelerate the progress of development and construction; focus on the "double stroke and double introduction" offensive, pay attention to the implementation of incentive policies for market entities, and promote relevant departments and districts and cities to cash out about 200 million yuan of funds to enterprises.

The second is to focus on the optimization of the business environment. For the first time, the integrated audit model was adopted to carry out an audit survey on the implementation of the "one-time good" and tax reduction and fee reduction policies, and the fiscal policy support to accelerate the development of the "top ten" modern advantageous industrial clusters, revealing that some of the fees charged by the enterprises involved should be returned and not returned, and the exemptions should be exempted from levies. Carry out audit investigations on the liquidation of arrears of accounts owed to small and medium-sized enterprises of private enterprises, supervise the clearance of arrears of 100 million yuan, promote the construction of a rule of law government, improve the integrity of the government, and optimize the business environment.

The third is to focus on the promotion of major projects. Carry out follow-up audits of major construction projects such as subways, airports, and highways, comprehensively sort out the progress of key projects at the municipal level since 2018, and conduct a "drag-net" audit of the progress of 200 key construction projects in the city in 2019, revealing problems such as slow progress of some projects and inadequate approval management, and promoting the smooth progress of project construction. The construction of the country's first construction project full-chain intelligent audit system - Qingdao public investment big data audit platform, which can lock in the construction project bidding, bid-rigging and other aspects of the problem in a short period of time, audit efficiency and deterrence significantly improved, the National Audit Office will be Listed Qingdao as a national investment audit big data integration research pilot city.

The fourth is to focus on the scientific use of power by leading cadres. Update and improve the audit object database, bring all economic responsibility audit objects into the audit field of vision, and transfer 10 relevant case leads and handling matters. For the first time, the implementation of policies such as "doing a good job at one time", reducing taxes and fees, and clearing up arrears of enterprise accounts was included in the mandatory content of the audit of the economic responsibility of leading cadres. In the province, it took the lead in issuing implementation opinions on the audit of the departure of leading cadres from natural resource assets, and promoted leading cadres to establish the concept of green development. Innovate and formulate fault-tolerant and error-correcting methods for auditing, and encourage leading cadres to take better responsibility. Send a "letter" to the "number one" of the district and municipal governments, municipal departments, and state-owned enterprises, list the problems that are likely to occur one by one, warn and remind them; and conduct training for more than 120 leaders and financial responsible personnel of the municipal budget units at the municipal level in charge of financial work, explain the newly revised regulations on auditing economic responsibility, multiple problems, and relevant measures, and promote the standardized use of power.

Third, stimulate the responsibility as an endogenous force, and be a good practitioner of reform and innovation

The first is to learn to make good use of the "Shenzhen experience" and fully release the vitality. In the overall positions to carry out "learning Shenzhen, catching up with Shenzhen" benchmarking self-examination, formulating a plan to learn to catch up with Shenzhen, and determining 31 specific tasks around 8 aspects such as "15 offensives of service" and "audit innovation". Signed a strategic cooperation agreement with Shenzhen high-tech enterprises to jointly build the "Smart Audit Qingdao R&D Center", and relied on this to help the company set up an entity in Qingdao, taking the first step of "double strokes and double introduction" exploration.

The second is to practice the basic skills of process reengineering and exert the greatest synergy. Reengineering the "two overall planning" audit process, coordinating the arrangement of multiple types of audit projects, and implementing them at one time, avoiding multiple audit groups to audit or repeat the input points of a unit at the same time, and minimizing the burden of the audited unit. Re-engineer the cadre management process, actively carry out "describing theories, policies, and typical models", and strictly manage and activate the cadre team. Increase the intensity of supervision and rectification, promote relevant departments to improve more than 200 systems, and promote the reengineering of the audited units.

The third is to actively carry out big data audits and enhance the momentum of development. The big data audit in five areas, such as budget execution, investment, and enterprises, was selected to make breakthroughs in key research, and the image comparison tools independently developed to solve the problems such as landform changes and difficult verification in the process of relocation, which greatly improved the efficiency and accuracy of auditing. The construction of the third phase of the Golden Trial was included in the unified construction plan of the province, and the integrated construction model of "province + city with separate planning" was promoted to the whole country.

The fourth is to give full play to the function of "treating existing diseases and preventing pre-existing diseases" and improve service capabilities. On the one hand, safeguarding social fairness is regarded as a major responsibility, and problems such as illegal shareholding and dereliction of duty by the responsible persons of individual units, forged official seals and paid financial funds in advance, some units took funds to indiscriminately issue subsidies and colluded in bidding, and some enterprises underpaid taxes and fees, all of which were handed over to discipline inspection and supervision, judicial organs, or relevant departments for investigation and handling one by one. On the other hand, more attention is paid to analyzing the reasons from the level of institutional mechanisms, 126 audit recommendations are put forward, and more than 20 aspects of people's livelihood funds, urban development, environmental governance and other aspects have entered the decision-making of the municipal party committee and municipal government.

At the same time, the Audit Bureau has specially optimized the handling process around the comprehensive implementation of the deliberation opinions and proposals of the People's Congress, the proposals of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and the suggestions of the citizens, and established mechanisms such as the first time top grid research and the supervision and implementation of the whole process. For the two suggestions received in the "Three People' " activities last year on parking charges and the establishment of platforms, all of them were carefully handled and resumed on schedule. In the past year, the Audit Bureau has done its best to repay the trust of the citizens with practical actions, but there are still some things that have not been done: such as not understanding enough about the hot spots and thoughts of the citizens, and the audit of people's livelihood projects and funds needs to continue to increase; how to better serve the decision-making and deployment of the municipal party committee and the municipal government and ensure the implementation of various policies to benefit the people; not enough to examine the problems and make suggestions from the macro level, and the macro service and constructive role of auditing need to be further stimulated The quality and ability of the audit cadre team cannot fully meet the requirements of "three modernizations and one type", and there is still a gap from the expectations of the citizens.

In the new year, the Audit Bureau will continue to adhere to the people-centered concept, closely focus on the goal of "serving the overall situation and ensuring people's livelihood", pay close attention to the implementation of people's livelihood policies such as rural revitalization and precision poverty alleviation, the construction of people's livelihood projects, the use of people's livelihood funds and the distribution of people's livelihood subsidies, pay close attention to the construction of 15 offensives, the construction of pilot free trade zones and the SCO demonstration zone, pay close attention to the construction of key projects determined by the municipal party committee and municipal government, and better play the role of audit supervision and service, so that the general public has more confidence in Qingdao's development. Life is more comfortable.

(Qilu Evening News, Qilu one-point reporter Shang Qinglong)

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