
In the morning live broadcast, the female partner suddenly "pretended to unzip her pants", and an Israeli host was suspended

Source: World Wide Web

[Global Network Report] Made "indecent actions" on live television - "pretending to undo his pants" to his female partner, and an Israeli weather forecast host was suspended.

According to Israel's "Haaretz" and "Jerusalem Post" reported on the 4th, on a morning live broadcast program on the 3rd local time of Israel's Channel 13, the country's weather forecast host Danny Rupp suddenly stood up and made a "pretend to unzip his pants" action to the female partner next to him, because the female host had previously asked him if he had a tattoo. The Jerusalem Post said the scene was "shocking" to the audience. According to the report, the male host has been suspended on the 3rd day.

In the morning live broadcast, the female partner suddenly "pretended to unzip her pants", and an Israeli host was suspended

Screenshot of the Israeli haaretz newspaper

According to reports, on the morning show on the 3rd, Danny Rupp and his female partner Rotham Isreal discussed the topic of young people covering their body scars with tattoos.

In the morning live broadcast, the female partner suddenly "pretended to unzip her pants", and an Israeli host was suspended

Danny Rupp (left) and female partner Rotham Isrell (right) screenshot of live television

In the morning live broadcast, the female partner suddenly "pretended to unzip her pants", and an Israeli host was suspended

Danny Rupp suddenly "pretends to undo his pants" to his female partner during the morning live broadcast

As the discussion progressed, Isreil asked If Rupp had a tattoo, And Rupp, who was asking the question, suddenly stood up and said, "I'll show you," and he leaned down toward the female partner, pretending to undo his pants, and then he quickly sat down and laughed.

Seeing this action, the report said that the female partner Isrell seemed a little shocked, and responded on the spot: "Sometimes, your jokes are not funny at all." ”

Making such a move on the show, Rupp drew condemnation. The relevant person in charge of Israel's Channel 13 issued a statement saying That Rupp's actions were "inappropriate" and that "the matter will be dealt with." In addition, Hajit, president of an Israeli women's organization, said Rupp's move was "disgusting."

According to the Jerusalem Post, after the incident, the person in question, Rupp, spoke up. "Rotham Isreil is a great friend of mine, a great colleague, one of the women I like and admire most in the media space," he said. Unfortunately, we couldn't even laugh at the end of the event. On the one hand, we have to be careful; on the other hand, anything going in this direction is unlikely, and we will only turn into robots without a sense of humor. Good bye. ”

The report mentioned that for the incident, another party, Rupp's female partner Isrell, declined to comment.