
How did Masanori Fukushima, who had been cautious all his life, play from 490,000 stones to 3,000 stones?

author:Paddling brother

In 1616, after the establishment of Nurhaci in Hetuala, the Jin Dynasty was officially opposed to the Ming Dynasty, and while laying a major foreshadowing on the mainland, the island states in the east also underwent changes that were enough to make history turbulent.

Lived long enough to survive Oda Nobunaga, Toyotomi Hideyoshi, Maeda Toshikayasu and his old rival Tokugawa Ieyasu, who led an old rival in Tokaido, Japan, to exhaust seventy-five years of ups and downs in the city of Surufu in Tokaido.

For his son, Tokugawa Hidetada, Ieyasu's death could be both a catalyst for his growth and an opening whistle for the samurai family's crisis. Although Hidetada had been succeeding Shogun Tokugawa Ieyasu for ten years since 1605, Hidetada was still a chick living under Ieyasu's wings.

How did Masanori Fukushima, who had been cautious all his life, play from 490,000 stones to 3,000 stones?

Take the most important military command power, the power of the shogunate was divided in two, in 1605 hidetabate accepted the general's announcement to go to Luo, the first in the front was the Pharao family, the second team was Oshu one-eyed dragon Date Masamune, the three-fan team was Echigo, the four-fan team was Kofu, Uesugi Kenshin and Takeda Shingen, who had fought all their lives, could not imagine that the samurai of their own land could come together so harmoniously, and then they were all Eastern daimyōs such as Dewa, Mutsu, and Aizu.

The Shimazu family of Satsuma, the Maeda family of Kaga, the Kato family of Kumamoto, and the Maori family of Nagato did not appear in Hidetada's ranks for a while, but it was 6 years later that these Nishikuni daimyo appeared in the ranks of Those who followed the Ōmiyoshi Go-yōshū because Ieyasu was going to preside over the abdication ceremony of Emperor Go-yōsei.

How did Masanori Fukushima, who had been cautious all his life, play from 490,000 stones to 3,000 stones?

If the more ceremonial events of Shangluo do not explain the different military command rights of Ieyasu and Hidetada over the daimyo of the Western Kingdom and the Eastern Kingdom under the dual system of the Daimyo of the Imperial Palace and the Shogunate, then let's analyze the final decisive battle with the Toyotomi family. Before the Osaka Campaign, those western daimyo who stayed in the Kanto to build houses because of Edo's request did not receive orders from Hidetada in Edo. They first accepted the instructions of the Great Imperial Palace and returned to their respective territories, and then waited for a month. On October 19, Ieyasu issued a mobilization order to the Daimyo of Nishikuni on his march.

In fact, as early as half a month ago, Xiuzhong had already ordered troops to the daimyō of the eastern kingdom, and if there was no division of military power, Hidetatsu could have made instructions at the same time, not to mention that many of the daimyōs of the western kingdom were in Edo. Not to mention this kind of unreasonable behavior, even how many of the Daimyo of the Eastern Kingdom who were classified as Hidetada were ordered by Hidetada because of Ieyasu's absolute strength as a person in the world, it is difficult to estimate.

How did Masanori Fukushima, who had been cautious all his life, play from 490,000 stones to 3,000 stones?

Tokugawa Ieyasu

But one thing is for sure, although Hidetada was a general for ten years, he was still an incomplete general, and Tokugawa Ieyasu, who had been manipulating Japanese politics in Surufu Honmaru, was the real boss behind the scenes. At the moment of Ieyasu's death, how to realize the transfer of power and consolidate his identity as a samurai as soon as possible is the most urgent task facing Tokugawa Hidetada.

Where the power of the samurai family comes from, naturally those who draw their swords and cut their abdomen without saying a word, oh, how to draw their swords and cut off the heads of the people, how to control those Daimyo of the Eastern Kingdoms that were originally under his command but may cause disturbances, how to inherit the control of the Daimyo of the Western Kingdoms that were originally controlled by the Junfu, is the key to Tokugawa Hidetada's smooth realization of the succession of imperial generations.

At this time, Anyi and Bungo 490,000 stones of Fukushima Masanori stood in front of Hidetada, who sharpened his sword. Why Masanori Fukushima has become this unlucky egg of the best of the world, in fact, there is a reason. First of all, Masanori Fukushima was strong enough, he was the most powerful force in the Chinese region, and the 490,000-stone lingzhi taka was placed in the entire Western Kingdom, that is, satsuma's Shimazu family and Higo Kato's family more than him. At the same time, Masanori Fukushima's men were veterans who had been taught the suppression of the Ming Army's all-round combat strength on the Korean battlefield, and their combat effectiveness was also one of the few among the daimyōs.

How did Masanori Fukushima, who had been cautious all his life, play from 490,000 stones to 3,000 stones?

Secondly, Fukushima Isori is weak enough, and so we just said that he was strong, so why did he say weak again? Everyone may also know that in recent years, Manchester United has to compete with Manchester City every year before the quarter, but at the end of the season, it is with the Gunners card slot, and the strength on the book cannot be equivalent to the actual performance. Here, Masanori Fukushima is mainly weak because of his origin, although he is the head of the Seven Guns of Mt. Takatake, but like Toyotomi Hideyoshi, he is not from a samurai background. As the son of a hoop cooper, Masanori Fukushima was raised as a minor surname because his mother was toyotomi Hideyoshi's aunt, and grew up with Ning Ning and has since embarked on the road to his career. But this also meant that Masanori Fukushima, who later became daimyō, lacked enough generations of loyal vassals, which was a fatal flaw in the turbulent Sengoku period, and one of the reasons why the collapse of the Toyotomi regime was the lack of generational loyalty, so that once a powerful figure like Hideyoshi died, the heirs would fall into the situation of lack of cohesion.

At the same time, there are also instabilities in the territory of Fukushima Masanori. An-gi and Bungo, which had been the core domains of the Maori family for generations, were transferred to Fukushima Masanori because they had taken the wrong side in the Battle of Sekigahara, and whether the foundation of their own rule was solid or not, at least the Maori family, which had been transferred to the neighboring Choshu, would be happy to see the wrongdoers in the dove occupying the magpie's nest go wrong.

How did Masanori Fukushima, who had been cautious all his life, play from 490,000 stones to 3,000 stones?

What's more, where Fukushima's status comes from is precisely a departure from the Toyotomi family that has single-handedly pulled himself, and in the old Toyotomi faction, if he has the experience of changing the change of the domain, it may not be able to stir up too much turmoil.

Of course, these are all the conditions that fuel the waves, and the real decision to determine the fate of Masanori Fukushima is his own death. In 1617, Vientiane was renewed, and the people who decided the fate of Japan were changed from Tokugawa Ieyasu to Tokugawa Hidetada, and everyone said that the change of the times would produce a vision, and the heavy rain on Hiroshima would come to join in the fun. From spring to summer, the spring rains followed by summer floods, and the flood spread all the way to The Three Pills, which not only escaped a five-element water shortage, but also caused Ishigaki and the syllah to be tortured by the water prison for many months and seriously damaged, which can also be regarded as another form of the tree ashes.

If the house is broken, it is natural to repair it, not to mention the daimyo's residence, and Fukushima Masanori began to organize the repair work, but the bad fukushima Masanori's actions were not reported. According to the One Country, One Castle Decree issued after the Battle of Osaka in 1615, it was stipulated that in the imperial divisions under the daimyō, except for the daimyo castle, the castles must be destroyed as much as possible; if the castle was damaged, it should be reported to the shogunate in advance for repair; and the degree of repair was limited to restoration. At that time, this document did not actually have a clear document, it was only issued point-to-point in the form of a letter of old and middle service to the great names of the Western Kingdom.

How did Masanori Fukushima, who had been cautious all his life, play from 490,000 stones to 3,000 stones?

In addition, we should pay attention to another point, Tokugawa Ieyasu's initial wariness of the new castle of the daimyo originated from Fukushima Masanori, in 1609 Ieyasu was greatly dissatisfied because of the nishikuni daimyo's new castle fortifications everywhere, and there was Fukushima Masanori among the nishikuni daimyōs here, although the incident belonged to false rumors, because Fukushima Masanori did not build a new castle, but the old castle of the Maori Keigen era was restored, but the tenshin was unpredictable, and Masanobu Fukushima immediately planned to abandon this renovation project after hearing that Ieyasu was unhappy. But at this point, Ieyasu once again shows why he can be the one who wins to the end. On the one hand, he expressed a dissatisfied attitude, which made the daimyo of the western country jealous, but on the other hand, he separately expressed to Zheng ze that he could continue the project according to the original plan.

But in any case, in the minds of the shogunate, Masanori Fukushima, a man with a previous conviction, could not run away. Therefore, when in 1619, Fukushima Masanori was still not reported against the background of the one country, one city order had been introduced, and Tokugawa Hidetada naturally did not let go of this opportunity. However, the beginning of the story did not reach the point where the fish died and the net was broken, and as soon as the shogunate asked, Masanori Fukushima apologized for his sins, as if the matter was about to end at this time.

How did Masanori Fukushima, who had been cautious all his life, play from 490,000 stones to 3,000 stones?

Tokugawa Hidetada

However, at this time, Masanori Fukushima once again performed the scolding and scolding, tearing down one more brick to count my strength to die. In the face of Fukushima's apology, the shogunate agreed to accept an apology on the condition that "all completed places other than Honmaru will be invalidated." Although the conditions of the shogunate changed from the demolition of all repaired places to the destruction of repairs except for Honmaru through the mediation of many parties, even so, the regular rules were not carried out, and his illegal demolition only stopped at some stones on the city wall, and the construction of Ninomaru and Sannomaru was not passive.

This is not to indicate that Masanori Fukushima had a different heart, as described in several other reasons that were later classified as a change: Masanori secretly communicated with the Toyotomi family during the Osaka Battle and had the intention of rebellion thereafter, but these reasons were later defined as fabricated by the shogun Arai Shirai.

Obviously not, because the attitude of the right to die mentioned above was actually arranged in the morning. It is more appropriate to say that Tokugawa Hidetada had a murderous intention than that Fukushima Masanori had a murderous intention, and on April 24, Fukushima Masanori and the shogunate negotiated the conditions for demolishing the illegal construction, and at the same time sent people to Hiroshima to supervise, on May 8 Hidetada set out to Gora and arrived at Fushimi Castle on the 27th of the same month, while Fukushima Masanori was ordered to stay in Edo, but his son Fukushima Tadakatsu followed Hidetada to Kyoto. Together with the Fukushima vassals who remained in the domain, the Fukushima clique was divided into three parts: the governor of Edo, the heir to Kyoto, and the army of the domain.

How did Masanori Fukushima, who had been cautious all his life, play from 490,000 stones to 3,000 stones?

The order for Masanori Fukushima to change was made on the fifth day after Hidetada arrived in Fushimi, and Hidetada angrily rebuked Masanori for violating the previously agreed conditions of apology, not following the order to demolish the castle, and decided to confiscate the territory of the two countries and transfer it to Tsugaru. However, considering the mountainous and narrow terrain of Japan, the envoy from Edo to Hiroshima and then completed the overseer's return from Hiroshima to Fushimi, this trip must be completed within a month, combined with Hidetada's arrangement for Fukushima Masanori's father and son, we have reason to suspect that in fact, hidetada Shangluo had already decided to change the Ifukushima masanori.

As for why Hidetada gave Fukushima a step down before, in fact, this opportunity was not given to Fukushima Masanori but left to Hidetada himself. It is precisely because of Fukushima's identity, background, and strength that Hidetada has to deal with the matter of change carefully. He not only gave time, but also personally pressed Shangluo, bringing the pressure to Kyoto, which was closer to the foreign daimyo of the Western Country.

Do you say that this is necessary, in fact, it is just like Cao Pi also made preparations for not listening to the tune when he used the south to levy Zang's military power. Although Zang Ba's orders to go out in the end, it cannot be said that Cao Pi's measures were improper because there was no mutiny, and most of the stability in history was based on meticulous planning. What's more, the incident against Fukushima Masanori did have a different voice, as a major minister of the Ieyasu era, the elderly minister of the Edo shogunate, Honda Masamune once advised that if you change the correct rule, there will be more than ten daimyo on the side of Hiroshima, so it is recommended to make the Fukushima Masanori big thing small. However, Honda Masamune underestimated the determination of Tokugawa Hidetada, the second generation of Meritoshi, because at that time the shogun could say that he had put all his energy into the reform of Fukushima Masanori.

How did Masanori Fukushima, who had been cautious all his life, play from 490,000 stones to 3,000 stones?

However, this is not a lonely courage, but a set of serial plans, first leaving time to wait and see the attitudes of all parties, and then dividing the resistance forces while exerting pressure on the Western Daimyo of Shangluo, and taking the heirs of the opponent can also play a role in containing Fukushima Masanori.

Then there was the military matter, kato Yoshiaki, Mori Tadada, Mori Hidenori, Beesuka Tomasa, Horio Tadanoharu, Ikeda Tadao and other daimyo of the four kingdoms and the Chinese region were all mobilized, and all of their lingzhi taka over two million stones were almost four times that of the Fukushima Group. The Nishikuni daimyo, represented by the Maori Hideyoshi, actively participated, and for Hidetada, the military command of the Nishikuni daimyo that he had never touched was also realized by changing the Ifukushima Masanori, and in the face of more than 100,000 enemy troops, the Fukushima clan once refused the shogunate's request for peace and kaesong, until the Fukushima Masanori of Edo sent instructions not to resist, and the shogunate successfully entered Hiroshima Castle.

In essence, the choice made by Masanori Fukushima was completely in line with his usual style, how quickly he could abandon orphans and widows during the Battle of Sekigahara, how quickly he could kneel and lick Tokugawa Hidetada in the back, otherwise it would not have been before the Hiroshima Shujo Incident broke out, and within three days, Masanori would go to Hidetada to plead guilty, and as for the development of the back, it would belong to the category of the death of the emperor and the death of the subject.

How did Masanori Fukushima, who had been cautious all his life, play from 490,000 stones to 3,000 stones?

Masanori Fukushima's choice in this life is to preserve his fame and fortune and the name of the Fukushima family, which is beyond reproach in the chaotic world. Ironically, when he chose to kneel again, the Fukushima family fell, first from the great name of 490,000 stones after Anjibei to the lord of takai no 45,000 stones, and the territory was directly reduced to one-tenth. Disheartened, Masanori Fukushima chose to convert to Buddhism, ceding the position of governor of the Fukushima family to his son, Tadakatsu Fukushima.

But the nightmare of the Japanese landless man did not stop there, and a year later, Fukushima Tadakatsu died young, and the 25,000 stones of the regular rule were returned to the shogunate. The last to inherit Fukushima's life's work was his second son, Masatoshi Fukushima, who was only three thousand stones, from the lord of the 490,000 stones to the banner of the three thousand stones, and the lifelong calculation was finally calculated to be Fukushima Masanori himself.

For Hidetada, the change of Ifukushima not only marked the beginning of his real grasp of the military command of the Nishi domain daimyo, but also declared his own power through the strong policy of the imperial family, you said that Hidetada was not afraid of provoking the daimyo's rebellion, it was calculated, but it turned out that not only did not appear the scene of the collective opposition of more than ten daimyo as described by Honda, but the nishi daimyo actively participated in the action of sending troops to the Fukushima family. Wouldn't it be beautiful to reclaim the nearly half-million-stone territory of the Fukushima family after a famous family that was not a pro-clan or a lineage, or even a famous person like Uesugi and Shimazu, and use it for a reward, I'm afraid that after it was completed, Hidetada would laugh out loud in his sleep.

How did Masanori Fukushima, who had been cautious all his life, play from 490,000 stones to 3,000 stones?

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