
She became a widow at the age of 19, went to the United States to study at the age of 24, boycotted Japanese goods all her life, loved only one person, was born in a famous family, was born in a war, met the only three, became a widow four in two years after marriage, and fought for the legitimate rights and interests of new China

author:Hole A C

Look up at the birds flying, the size will be double-soaring. The birds in the sky are in pairs, but the people on the earth are alone. Brutal wars tear apart sisters and brothers, and newlyweds. And experiencing the feelings of life and death parting is moving at any time.

During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, there was such a legendary woman, married to an anti-Japanese general at the age of 17, became a widow at the age of 19, and never married again, and was displaced all her life, boycotting Japanese goods all her life, loving only one person, and still dazzling in her later years. What kind of person is she?

She became a widow at the age of 19, went to the United States to study at the age of 24, boycotted Japanese goods all her life, loved only one person, was born in a famous family, was born in a war, met the only three, became a widow four in two years after marriage, and fought for the legitimate rights and interests of new China

Perhaps many people are familiar with her name, she is Wang Yuling. Wang Yuling, originally from Anhui, was born in Changsha in 1928. His father had a way of business, so the Wang family was rich and rich. In addition, Wang Yuling's father is also a graduate of the sixth batch of Baoding Military Academy, and he is a classmate of Gu Zhutong, Wang Boling and others. His mother's mother's family is also famous, and her ancestors served as the military shangshu of the Qing Dynasty.

Growing up in such a family, Wang Yuling was influenced by a good education since childhood. Unlike many families at that time, although Wang Yuling's parents came out of the old feudal society, they were particularly open to their daughter's education. They encouraged their daughters to receive a new type of education. So in 1933, Wang Yuling entered the famous Hunan First Normal Affiliated Primary School in the entire history of modern China, which was also the school where Ren Bishi and others had attended.

She became a widow at the age of 19, went to the United States to study at the age of 24, boycotted Japanese goods all her life, loved only one person, was born in a famous family, was born in a war, met the only three, became a widow four in two years after marriage, and fought for the legitimate rights and interests of new China

In fact, when Wang Yuling was in elementary school, China had already entered the period of the War of Resistance Against Japan. By the time Wang Yuling was in her fourth year, the Japanese had attacked all the way from the northeast to Changsha, Hunan.

The hometown fell and fell into the Japanese burning and looting, and the Wang family could only flee. After several turns, after the gradual stabilization of Xiangxi, Wang Yuling re-entered a regular school and finished primary school. Wang Yuling, 15, had firmly expressed her desire to join the army to her mother, but was stopped by her mother. After all, can a person who has been pampered since childhood and is not even well prepared for tea be able to afford a gun?

We can't imagine how what we saw and heard with our own eyes along the way shocked and eroded the soul of Wang Yuling, a still primary school student, and only knew that Wang Yuling insisted on not buying Japanese goods and not looking at the Japanese people squarely in her later life.

She became a widow at the age of 19, went to the United States to study at the age of 24, boycotted Japanese goods all her life, loved only one person, was born in a famous family, was born in a war, met the only three, became a widow four in two years after marriage, and fought for the legitimate rights and interests of new China

In 1945, the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression was won and World War II ended, and the people finally got rid of the suffering of the War of Resistance. It was also in this year that 17-year-old Wang Yuling met Zhang Lingfu, a 42-year-old anti-Japanese general. Although the two are 25 years apart, they have a very pleasant conversation. Zhang Lingfu fell in love with Wang Yuling at first sight, and Wang Yuling was also the first to open her love. The two fell in love and soon became married.

Zhang Lingfu was handsome in appearance and also received a new-style education, and was admitted to the History Department of Peking University for two years. As an outstanding soldier, Zhang Lingfu participated in many important battles, including the Battle of Songhu, the Battle of Xuzhou, etc., and made great achievements.

Before meeting Wang Yuling, he had three unhappy marriages. Zhang Lingfu wrote a good hand, and after joining the army, he also made many friends with artists and literati, the so-called "talking and laughing have a great Confucianism, and there is no white Ding in exchanges." Years later, his only son, Zhang Daoyu, filled a bookcase in his Shanghai office with biographies of his father. He said that if his father Zhang Lingfu had not been a soldier, he would have become a literati and an artist.

The combination of heroic talents and jasper beauties can be described as a sensation. Everyone's blessings. Who wants to be good for a long time, Zhang Lingfu can not just be the father of an ordinary family, he has more responsibilities to bear. Many times, people are in the whirlpool of the times, and their lives are affected by major historical events.

In history, famous people with surnames have left behind singable and weeping deeds, but few people have experienced their inner roles with their hearts, just like the generals who heroically killed the enemy on the battlefield, and they were also outstanding literati and scholars at that time.

She became a widow at the age of 19, went to the United States to study at the age of 24, boycotted Japanese goods all her life, loved only one person, was born in a famous family, was born in a war, met the only three, became a widow four in two years after marriage, and fought for the legitimate rights and interests of new China

Wang Yuling said that Zhang Lingfu in her memory is very serious and unsociable. "He never told me about the military. It made me feel as if as long as he was there, I wasn't afraid anywhere. "When fighting on the front line, the family must receive a call from Zhang Lingfu every day.

Although they are simple "good or bad at home", the words are few, but they are never interrupted until May 1947. At that time, Wang Yuling and Zhang Lingfu's son had just been born, and the family did not dare to tell her. It wasn't until a few months later that Wang Yuling vaguely knew that her husband, who had no news, had long since died, when Wang Yuling was 19 years old.

At the end of 1948, Wang Yuling, who had lost her husband, went to Taiwan with her one-year-old son. However, the family's life in Taiwan is difficult and hard, receiving the allocated rice every month, and even receiving a pension, often without food. But in this difficult situation, Wang Yuling, who was stubborn since childhood, was not defeated, and unlike others, she chose to continue to live a difficult life in Taiwan.

She did not take the usual path and chose to continue her studies. In 1952, with the help of relatives, Wang Yuling applied for a visa, leaving her mother and 6-year-old son to go to the United States to make a living. After being admitted to the Finance and Accounting major of New York University in the United States, Wang Yuling, who had no one to rely on and no source of income, worked half-time and studied half-time, worked as a secretary in the morning, went to the university in the afternoon and evening to listen to lectures, and finally graduated with excellent results.

People in adversity can always prop up the progress with a tenacious force. When I was alone in the world, and the pressure around me was heavy and breathless, I could only grit my teeth on my own and walk out step by step. There are many stories in history of starting from scratch in a difficult situation and finally becoming independent. Later narrators, no matter how passionate the tone and poignant the wording, could not bring the listener back to the emotions of the person concerned.

What kind of mood do people who have experienced ups and downs in life and struggled in desperate situations recall the winds and waves in their later years?

She became a widow at the age of 19, went to the United States to study at the age of 24, boycotted Japanese goods all her life, loved only one person, was born in a famous family, was born in a war, met the only three, became a widow four in two years after marriage, and fought for the legitimate rights and interests of new China

Years later, Zhang Daoyu, the only son of Wang Yuling and Zhang Lingfu, has become a business tycoon. Wang Yuling's daughter-in-law, Fang Xiaomei, is also a celebrity queen. Her father was a famous anti-Japanese general at home and abroad, General Fang Xianjue.

When she arrived in the United States, Wang Yuling was only 24 years old, still very young, but did she have the idea of remarriing? In this regard, Wang Yuling said that people have loved once in their lives and been loved once at the same time, which is enough.

For their legendary stories, many directors want to introduce them into the film genre. In 2005, Wang Yuling learned that Zhao Wei wanted to play herself in "Red Sun", and she said that "she is too young and too modern", so she changed to Shi Lanya.

She became a widow at the age of 19, went to the United States to study at the age of 24, boycotted Japanese goods all her life, loved only one person, was born in a famous family, was born in a war, met the only three, became a widow four in two years after marriage, and fought for the legitimate rights and interests of new China

Japan used the money used to exploit our people to buy two buildings in Tokyo, "Guanghualiao" and "Qinghualiao", which are nominally The property of China, but the property rights certificate is in The hands of Japan. It was Ms. Wang Yuling who, through unremitting efforts and mediation, handed over the property rights copies of the two buildings to the central government and helped win the case.

Wang Yuling eventually settled in Shanghai, where she hung a photograph of her husband Zhang Lingfu and spent her old age in peace.

There are many mistakes in personnel, and junyong looks at each other. The world is not as good as it gets, but I hope that you and I will never forget each other. In the ups and downs of history, sincere love crosses the distance, through life and death, but still falls in love.

What makes people feel infinitely emotional is that Wang Yuling broke through the boat during the difficult times and finally changed the choice of the second half of her life. Looking at it now, we admire the tenacity of women in difficult times, and we are also deeply moved by this love that spans time and space, across life and death.

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