
About the author of the filial piety before the Winter Clothing Festival: Liu Chaoxiu, male, Han ethnicity, originally from Liu Dazhuang, Huankou, Feng County, Jiangsu Province. Member of the Communist Party of China, university diploma, senior professional title, county-level position. He has lived and worked in Xinjiang for more than 30 years. In 2002, he retired as the principal of the Turpan Regional Experimental Middle School and the position of inspector of the bureau. He has been teaching for more than 40 years and has been the principal of the middle school for 26 years. He has won the honorary title of advanced individual at the county, city and provincial level 26 times. The results were included in the "Who's Who in Xinjiang Education" and "Dictionary of Chinese Principals". Since 1958, he has published more than 2.5 million words of small novels, essays, poems, novels, miscellaneous talks, and essays. "Legend of Phoenix Street", "Shi Hai Idle Fishing", "Virgin Flower God Queen", "Quest" and so on have been published. I am still working hard.

author:Agricultural conditions in northern Jiangsu