
Gao Linsheng paid tribute to the retrograde with a song "Give My Life"

Gao Linsheng paid tribute to the retrograde with a song "Give My Life"

In the face of the menacing pneumonia epidemic of the new coronavirus infection, the whole country has united as one and fully engaged in the fight against the epidemic.

To this end, the "Big Love with Sound ● Fighting the Epidemic - We Are Together" public welfare song exhibition and broadcast activity co-sponsored by Guangdong Radio and Television Station, Guangdong Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism, Guangdong Provincial Federation of Literary and Art Circles, and Propaganda Department of Guangzhou Municipal Cpc Committee as the guiding unit, guangdong Radio and Television Station Sound of Music, Guangdong Provincial Musicians Association, Guangzhou Federation of Literary and Art Circles, and Guangzhou Musicians Association, was launched on January 30, and received positive responses from musicians and singers.

In this issue, I would like to recommend to everyone "Give Up My Life" sung by Gao Linsheng, lyrics by Sula, and composed by Xu Jianqiang.

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Composed by the famous musician Xu Jianqiang and lyrics by the famous lyricist Sula, a song with the theme of great love was born. Gao Linsheng, an all-round musician, once again collaborated with Xu Jianqiang and sang this tear-jerking song "Give Up My Life". The mature voice line swims freely between the baptisms of the years, and the unique singing style and calm mentality interpret the love of the song to the fullest.

Gao Linsheng paid tribute to the retrograde with a song "Give My Life"

One side has difficulties, the eight parties support, give up my life, serve the motherland! Medical staff, the guardian angels of life, they have given up their small families for everyone, and even their own lives are at all costs, and they are the most admirable people. It is believed that under the strong leadership of the party and the state, compatriots of all nationalities will be able to overcome difficulties and usher in a new life in the end. Music workers, only hope that through the power of music, solidarity with the medical staff fighting in the front line, cheer for them, let them know that with the strong backing of the relatives of the motherland, the heroes will be able to return as soon as possible and reunite with their families.

Gao Linsheng paid tribute to the retrograde with a song "Give My Life"

Gao Linsheng

Give me my whole life

Gao Linsheng sang

Sula lyrics

Xu Jianqiang composed

Looking back, I was in a sad place

No wind and rain and rainbows

Walk to the end of the mountains and rivers

Watch the clouds come and go calmly

This moment is like seeing you in the clouds

Gently wave at me

Borrow your life to be gentle

Accompany me through the vicissitudes

You never let go in the wind and rain

Give up what I have asked for all my life

Change your smile

Time flies

Only you are immortal in my heart!

"Give Up My Life" will be broadcast in the public welfare song exhibition of "Big Love and Sound ● Fighting the Epidemic - We Are Together" opened by the Sound of Music of Guangdong Radio and Television Station, and will be pushed in the Guangdong Listening App and the Electrocution News App. I hope these songs make people feel the positive energy of warm hearts and cohesion! Welcome more musicians to join, spread love with songs, and praise for medical staff who are struggling in the frontline. Interested contributions can be packaged with songs and related information to the email address: [email protected].

Gao Linsheng paid tribute to the retrograde with a song "Give My Life"

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