
At the age of seventy, Sun Lutang defeated the five masters of Japan, why did he dare not compete with the prince at the age of sixty-eight? After years of arduous efforts to learn martial arts, the Japanese samurai were defeated by the "enemy" of the Japanese people

author:Gu Sanqiu
At the age of seventy, Sun Lutang defeated the five masters of Japan, why did he dare not compete with the prince at the age of sixty-eight? After years of arduous efforts to learn martial arts, the Japanese samurai were defeated by the "enemy" of the Japanese people

"Patriotism is an arbitrary worship of real estate that transcends principles." For the glory of the motherland, we must wholeheartedly guard, when suffering from unbearable humiliation, whether it is the old and weak women and children or the iron man, as long as it is the sons and daughters of China, they are willing to stand firm and fight back against the enemy.

In the last century, there was a martial arts master who was rumored to be afraid to compete with his juniors at the age of sixty-eight, but two years later he defeated five Japanese masters in the ring, and he was Sun Lutang, who was known as the "first hand in the world". Why is there such a contrast between before and after this?

Sun Lutang was born in Hebei, a major martial arts province, and his father died early when he was nine years old, relying on his mother's support to live. He was very talented in martial arts, and at a young age he visited a jianghu boxer to learn Shaolin boxing, which started his kung fu life.

At the age of thirteen, Sun Lutang learned shape and meaning boxing under the famous teacher Li Kuiyuan in Hebei, and under the guidance of professionalism, he made rapid progress, and he practiced both literature and martial arts, read a large number of related books, and practiced hard, and the essence of shape and meaning boxing was firmly grasped by him.

At the age of seventy, Sun Lutang defeated the five masters of Japan, why did he dare not compete with the prince at the age of sixty-eight? After years of arduous efforts to learn martial arts, the Japanese samurai were defeated by the "enemy" of the Japanese people

Young people are always enthusiastic and full of momentum, after Sun Lutang finished his studies, he bid farewell to his mentor, went to the capital, learned Bagua palms again, practiced hard for eight years, and even fused the two martial arts to have the style of a family of his own.

In this way, Sun Lutang left the capital again, the four seas to learn art, he spent two years on foot to travel through the eleven provinces of southern and northern China, Shaolin, Wudang, Emei have his figure, along the way, he and many masters have competed tricks, rarely defeated, the name of Sun Lutang spread farther and farther, later, he returned to his hometown, opened a lecture hall, received apprentices to teach, many people are scrambling to follow him.

In 1912, Hao Weizhen, a master of tai chi, taught his life's learning to Sun Lutang, who revisited Beijing, and under his own talent bonus and continuous efforts the day after tomorrow, Sun Lutang carefully studied and combined the shape and intention of the fist, bagua palm, and taijiquan into one, perfect integration, and finally founded Sun's taijiquan.

Unlike the people who generally learned a little fur and became complacent and felt that they were invincible in the world, Sun Lutang always adhered to the original belief in his heart, and became more and more determined in the refinement of martial arts, gathering the strengths of his predecessors and rushing into the realm of self-refinement.

At the age of seventy, Sun Lutang defeated the five masters of Japan, why did he dare not compete with the prince at the age of sixty-eight? After years of arduous efforts to learn martial arts, the Japanese samurai were defeated by the "enemy" of the Japanese people

It is precisely because of Sun Lutang's humble and low-key personality that he has finally ushered in a leap in his career. At the beginning of the last century, Qing Officials also held a large -- "Hero Meeting" outside the capital, inviting benevolent people from all over the world, regardless of the north and south factions, to come to power to compare, and this time, Sun Lutang stood out among the crowds, and the whole field was invincible, and the reputation of "tiger head and little protection, the first hand in the world" was heard.

Xu Shichang, the governor of the northeast, heard of his prestige and hired him as a guest of honor, and later Sun Lutang served as the head of the Wudang Gate at the Central Guoshu Museum in Nanjing, and because he hated personnel disputes, he became the provost of the Jiangsu Provincial GuoshuGuan.

There is a saying in the jianghu learning art, "Teach the disciple, starve the master", so many capable people always hide in teaching the disciples, "real people, don't show their faces", which is really very unspoon. This was not the case with Sun Lutang, who had taken teaching as his mission all his life, passing on all his martial arts to his disciples without reservation. In education, he taught according to his aptitude and was kind, so he taught the moves according to good manners.

At the age of seventy, Sun Lutang defeated the five masters of Japan, why did he dare not compete with the prince at the age of sixty-eight? After years of arduous efforts to learn martial arts, the Japanese samurai were defeated by the "enemy" of the Japanese people

His disciples Jin Yunting, Li Runru, Chen Weiming, etc. are all well-known, as long as he has leisure time, he will definitely travel outside for free to study, answer questions, and his youngest daughter Sun Jianyun inherits her father's business and is the head of Sun's Taijiquan. After several generations, the descendants of the Sun family have spread all over the world, and there are many outstanding people, and to this day, the Sun family is still encouraged in the dissemination of boxing.

At the same time, Sun Lutang also wrote many works in the later years of his life, and successively wrote a series of professional articles such as "Taijiquan Studies", "Shape and Meaning Boxing", "On the Difference Between Internal and External Families in Boxing", which provided great help to later generations to study martial arts and restore moves.

In 1928, the contradictions between the two factions of Waijiaquan and Neijiaquan deepened, and the Waijia boxers were very dissatisfied with Sun Lutang, who stood in the Neijiaquan faction, among which the leader of the "Shaolin Gate" was Wang Ziping, who proposed to duel with Sun Lutang.

The competition between warriors was originally nothing, but this year, Wang Ziping was 47 years old, sun Lutang was already 68, one was in his prime, energy and experience were in his heyday, and the other was in his twilight years. Sun Lutang refused to fight, but instead sent his nephew Gao Zhendong to compete on his own, and in the face of Gao Zhendong's doubts, Sun Lutang frankly said that he was older than when he was younger.

At the age of seventy, Sun Lutang defeated the five masters of Japan, why did he dare not compete with the prince at the age of sixty-eight? After years of arduous efforts to learn martial arts, the Japanese samurai were defeated by the "enemy" of the Japanese people

In case it is easy to fight, lose the game, outsiders regularly mock the inner family faction, winning may be on my bullying, the foreign family may also be due to defeat and no one to take the lead, it is not conducive to the diversified development of martial arts, whether it is lost or won, which side is not favorable, so the inner family will be played by Gao Zhendong, who is the same age as the prince, and it is the most secure. As a result, the two did not win the match.

Two years later, Japan sent a martial arts master to challenge China, naming Sun Lutang, and the people who heard the news were very resentful and scolded the Japanese for being cunning. Sun Lutang was over seventy years old, full of crane hair, and although his spirit was strong, he was really weak in the face of a group of tall Japanese samurai.

People around him advised Sun Lutang to admit defeat, no one will blame him, the Japanese have bad intentions, he may not be able to get out of the ring because of his age, but Sun Lutang still resolutely refused, if it is easy to admit defeat at this time, the Japanese will think that China has no one, and the title of "Sick Man of East Asia" is really sitting under the slander.

On the day of the duel, the crowd was all sweating, but Sun Lutang was full of confidence. He himself lay on the ground, ordered the five Japanese samurai to suppress himself in any way he wanted, and the referee counted three times to see if Sun Lutang could get up. Until the second count, the timid people all fainted, and listened to Sun Lutang's loud drink, rising to the ground, and the five samurai were shocked to a few feet away, and it was difficult to get up.

At the age of seventy, Sun Lutang defeated the five masters of Japan, why did he dare not compete with the prince at the age of sixty-eight? After years of arduous efforts to learn martial arts, the Japanese samurai were defeated by the "enemy" of the Japanese people

The people applauded, and the Japanese were surprised and slipped away. The next day, the Japanese sent someone to invite Sun Lutang to Japan to teach boxing, but he politely refused.

Why didn't Sun Lutang accept Wang Ziping's provocation and instead fight the Japanese one-on-five at the age of seventy? The answer is already obvious, gang battles are only small things, winning or losing is not counted, and the loss of foreign enemies in front of the enemy, the dignity of the country has nowhere to rest, is the top priority. His later years were a difficult period of turmoil in his home country, guarding the national festival and reflecting his love for the motherland, such a personality is really respected by me and so on.

"May I donate my blood to the soil in exchange for eternal peace in Shenzhou." It is precisely because of the many warriors who do not change their color in the face of the enemy and are not afraid of life and death, who are open-minded and proud, that they can recover after the blood stains the vast land of the Chinese nation, build the country into a rising star, and let the world see our scenery.

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