
Our festival, oral folklore| and it is time to visit the Chrysanthemum Exhibition in Chengdu People's Park in the crowded alleys of the year

author:Cover News

Cover news reporter Li Yuxin

"Towards the fall of the drinking Mulan, the fall of the autumn chrysanthemum."

"Under the eastern fence of picking chrysanthemums, leisurely see the South Mountain."

"Light muscles and weak bones are scattered, and the golden rui is even more flowing."


For thousands of years, the ancient literati wrote countless poems about chrysanthemums and regarded them as gentlemen, whose elegant character was highly respected by the ancients. In Chengdu, a corner of the southwest of the motherland, the love of chrysanthemums has lasted for thousands of years. It is late autumn, if you walk into Chengdu People's Park, you can see a variety of chrysanthemums blooming here, greeting tens of thousands of citizens with the most beautiful posture. At the same time, visiting the chrysanthemum exhibition and admiring chrysanthemums every year has become a deeply rooted urban memory of the old Chengdu people.

Our festival, oral folklore| and it is time to visit the Chrysanthemum Exhibition in Chengdu People's Park in the crowded alleys of the year

"Uplink: GuanLai Shuqi Monument in; Lower Link: Return to the Yellow Flower for a few days." Liu Xiaochang, a folklore expert who has lived in Chengdu for more than 70 years, still remembers this couplet that was posted in the People's Park, and can clearly recall the scene of his student days when he came to the chrysanthemum exhibition to admire the thousands of chrysanthemums. "Every year at the chrysanthemum exhibition, Chengdu people can be described as pouring out of the nest and dragging their families with their mouths, just to go to the People's Park to see the style of chrysanthemums."

The People's Park Chrysanthemum Exhibition in the crowded alley

It is an unforgettable autumn memory of the old Chengdu people

To talk about the origin of the People's Park Chrysanthemum Exhibition, I am afraid that we must start from the cultural genes of Chengdu people who love chrysanthemums. Liu Xiaochang said that Chengdu people have a long history of cultivating chrysanthemums, since ancient times is one of the main chrysanthemum cities in China, dating back to the Eastern Han Dynasty, in the Shu County Shouwen Weng built in the stone chamber academy, the excavation of chrysanthemum reliefs. In the Song Dynasty, Jing Huan's "Pastoral Idle Talk" recorded: "The Shu people have many kinds of chrysanthemums, which can be harvested with seedlings, and flowers can be used for medicine, because the old people planted in the countryside." ”

Our festival, oral folklore| and it is time to visit the Chrysanthemum Exhibition in Chengdu People's Park in the crowded alleys of the year

Liu Xiaochang

"In the late Qing Dynasty, there were many flower farmers in Chengdu, including Sandong Bridge, The Eastern Suburbs, and Dragon Claw Weir, and there were more than 20 chrysanthemum flower farmers around the Guangsandong Bridge. In the "Chengdu Encyclopedia" of the late Qing Dynasty, it is also written that the famous flower farmer Zhu Maoxian planted more than 10,000 chrysanthemums at that time, with thousands of varieties, including deep purple, ink purple, golden red, cinnabar chrysanthemum and other precious varieties. There is also Qu Jiugao, and the chrysanthemums he planted are also very famous. "And these chrysanthemums are the sources of the famous chrysanthemum varieties in the later People's Park Chrysanthemum Exhibition."

In 1953, the First Chrysanthemum Exhibition was officially held in People's Park. But in fact, in the years before the People's Park was named, there was already a "chrysanthemum society". "At that time, the People's Park was still called Shaocheng Park, and the Chrysanthemum Exhibition was not called 'Chrysanthemum Exhibition', but 'Chrysanthemum Club'. In the 1920s, the 'Chrysanthemum Festival' was already held, and more than 100 chrysanthemum varieties were launched. In 1952, the People's Park set up a special chrysanthemum garden, collected more than 130 local chrysanthemum varieties, and introduced more than 200 chrysanthemums, and only in 1953 did the first People's Park Chrysanthemum Exhibition. ”

Speaking of the past, Liu Xiaochang has been vividly remembered, and the grand situation of the crowded alleys when the first Ju Exhibition was held has been permanently imprinted in his heart. In the chrysanthemum exhibition, you can not only enjoy chrysanthemums and chrysanthemums, but also snacks and performances, which is quite the meaning of the Qingyang Palace Flower Fair. "By this year, the People's Park Chrysanthemum Exhibition has been held for more than 50 sessions, which is the most important and most anticipated activity for the old Chengdu people every autumn."

"Lazy grooming", "Xi Shi drunk", "jade ring fat"...

The precious varieties are endless

The scale of the People's Park Chrysanthemum Exhibition is higher than one year, and the precious varieties are not uncommon. According to media reports, the 58th Chrysanthemum Exhibition in Chengdu held in 2020 has a total of more than 800 kinds of chrysanthemums and 200,000 pots of chrysanthemums on display. It is not just a piece of pride and blooming "full of golden armor", but a colorful visual impact like "Purple Yan Red". Because the varieties on display are not only the common yellow and white chrysanthemums, but also various chrysanthemums such as weeping chrysanthemums, polychromatic chrysanthemums, and dragon claw chrysanthemums.

Our festival, oral folklore| and it is time to visit the Chrysanthemum Exhibition in Chengdu People's Park in the crowded alleys of the year

Liu Xiaochang's most interesting memory of Juzhan stayed in the 60s of the last century, in addition to marveling at the beauty of the chrysanthemum morning form, the variety of Juzhan is so many, for him who is already a junior high school student, the best trick is to "name" the chrysanthemum. "Every year before and after the Juju Exhibition, the radio station began to shout, and an announcement was posted to inform everyone. When I was in junior high school, the school would organize students to go to the chrysanthemum exhibition together, and the most interesting thing I remembered was to name the chrysanthemum. ”

Originally, under the monument in the square at that time, various precious chrysanthemum varieties would be placed, and the people who came to the exhibition could name it. As a result, amazing names such as "Handsome Flag", "Lazy Dressing", "Gold Wrapped Silver", "Blue Sky Silver Flower", "Pear Fragrant Chrysanthemum" and so on gradually appeared.

"The most interesting thing is the name 'lazy grooming'. At that time, the students visited the chrysanthemum together and saw a weeping chrysanthemum, with slender petals, like hair, bent and scattered, and spread out in all directions. Just when the teacher was scolding a female classmate who did not comb her hair, saying, 'You see this female doll, the head is not combed', so he named the weeping chrysanthemum, called 'lazy grooming', and now that I think about it, it is really too appropriate. ”

Our festival, oral folklore| and it is time to visit the Chrysanthemum Exhibition in Chengdu People's Park in the crowded alleys of the year

In addition, the large chrysanthemums are called "jade ring fat", and the small chrysanthemums are called "flying swallow thin". There are also the most precious purple-black chrysanthemums, named "ink lotus", just like the lotus flowers in ink paintings; the white and yellow two-color chrysanthemums are named "gold wrapped silver". "There is also a kind of chrysanthemum, named 'pear chrysanthemum', because it has a light fragrance, just like the pear blossom."

Our festival, oral folklore| and it is time to visit the Chrysanthemum Exhibition in Chengdu People's Park in the crowded alleys of the year

Recalling those years and the scene of hundreds of chrysanthemums rushing to open, Liu Xiaochang still remembers it vividly, as if those pictures have been spread out in front of his eyes. "By 1963, there were more than 900 varieties of chrysanthemums in the People's Park." In that era when the material was far less abundant than the present, the countless chrysanthemums in the People's Park were already the joy and comfort that Chengdu people got in the late autumn when the autumn breeze was depressed. ”

(Image courtesy of the interviewee)

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