
"Fighting the epidemic Ganzhou in action" Huazhai Township, Ganzhou District: Strong care shows true feelings Visits to warm people's hearts

author:Ganzhou Online

During the epidemic prevention and control period, the elderly living alone in the jurisdiction have become the concern of Huazhai Township. In order to provide all-round intimate and meticulous services, on November 4, Huazhai Township, Ganzhou District, organized rural cadres and volunteers to visit and comfort the elderly who are difficult to live alone.

"Fighting the epidemic Ganzhou in action" Huazhai Township, Ganzhou District: Strong care shows true feelings Visits to warm people's hearts

"Uncle Dai, we have prepared some scones and noodles in the countryside and sent them to you." Under the leadership of the "joint household team leader", 8 volunteer teams sent more than 2,000 copies of love steamed buns and love noodles to 122 families in need and more than 30 old party members, and inquired in detail about their living conditions and living needs during the epidemic prevention and control period, inspected the safety of electricity and coal, and told them to do a good job of personal protection, do not go out unless necessary, do a good job of regular killing, and if you need to purchase daily necessities, you can contact the village committee to help purchase.

"Fighting the epidemic Ganzhou in action" Huazhai Township, Ganzhou District: Strong care shows true feelings Visits to warm people's hearts

"Thanks to the party and the government, we can always think of us elderly people at this time." Zhu Bolin, a veteran party member, said. It is reported that this activity is a concrete embodiment of Huazhai Township's implementation of the spirit of the instructions of the main leaders of the provincial party committee and the effective work of the masses to safely warm the winter, and in the next step, Huazhai Township will continue to do a good job in caring for and helping the difficult groups to ensure that the masses are safe and warm during the epidemic prevention and control period. (Long Tao)

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