
"Fighting the epidemic Ganzhou in action" Huazhai Township, Ganzhou District: Rectification and epidemic prevention are grasped at the same time and made every effort to prepare for inspection

author:Ganzhou Online

Over the past few days, with the normalization of epidemic prevention and control in the whole district and the orderly advancement of the resumption of work and production, Huazhai Township in Ganzhou District, while making every effort to grasp the prevention and control of the epidemic, has gradually shifted the focus of its work to the assessment and preparation after consolidating the results of poverty alleviation and the special assessment work of consolidating and expanding the results of poverty alleviation.

"Fighting the epidemic Ganzhou in action" Huazhai Township, Ganzhou District: Rectification and epidemic prevention are grasped at the same time and made every effort to prepare for inspection

During the household visit, the cadres of the package households and the team members stationed in the village inquired in detail about the production and living demands of the poverty-alleviated households, checked the family living conditions and the results of assistance, explained the poverty alleviation results and consolidated various policies for the poverty alleviation households "face-to-face, one-on-one", carefully and meticulously calculated the income of the poverty alleviation households, and combined with the actual situation of the poverty alleviation households, in accordance with the requirements of "one household, one plan, one person, one measure", updated and improved the appendix to the "one household, one policy" consolidation and improvement plan, and did a solid job of consolidating the results of poverty alleviation.

"Fighting the epidemic Ganzhou in action" Huazhai Township, Ganzhou District: Rectification and epidemic prevention are grasped at the same time and made every effort to prepare for inspection

In the next step, Huazhai Township will strictly follow the requirements of the "Ganzhou District To Meet the Central and Provincial Governments to Consolidate the Results of Poverty Alleviation after the Assessment and Preparation Work Plan" and the "Ganzhou District 2021 Consolidation and Expansion of Poverty Alleviation Achievements Special Assessment Work Plan", pay close attention to the feedback of the provincial rural revitalization inspection, focusing on the "two worries and three guarantees", the stable increase in income of poverty alleviation households, the monitoring and support of poverty alleviation households to prevent returning to poverty, and the consolidation and improvement of various policies, etc., to establish a problem work account and formulate effective measures in detail. Set up a special work class to supervise and accelerate rectification, and make full preparations for the inspection. (She Dongqing)

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