
Asking China and saying one thing and doing one thing to China does not work

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Asking China and saying one thing and doing one thing to China does not work

US Secretary of State Blinken and Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi met yesterday in Rome, Italy. This is the second meeting between the two sides after meeting in Alaska, USA, in March this year. The U.S.-China relationship is the most important bilateral relationship in the world, and although the media of various countries have paid great attention to it, the talks between the two sides ended in less than fifty minutes, which also seems somewhat unexpected. However, the length of the meeting between the two sides is not too unexpected. The habitual hegemony and rudeness of the US side and the inexplicable "sense of superiority" are the most important reasons for the lack of long meetings.

At the beginning of the meeting, When State Councilor Wang Yi greeted Blinken, he held out his hand to Blinken to indicate the location of the photo, and did not mean to shake Blinken's hand. Although the handshake ceremony is not recommended during the epidemic prevention and control period, it is not absolute. Yesterday, when US President Biden met with French President Macron, the two people held hands "and numbly" and held hands for quite a long time! However, this time, the Royal Commission simply "touched the elbow", the "handshake ceremony" during the new crown epidemic, and Blinken was exempted. However, look at the meeting between the Royal Commission and Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov before the warm handshake. It really doesn't hurt without contrast!

Asking China and saying one thing and doing one thing to China does not work

This detail of the start of the talks also indicates that both sides are prepared. Sure enough, after the two sides sat down, they went straight to the main topic and recently engaged in a confrontation on the Taiwan issue, where Sino-US relations are the most prominent. Blinken came up and reversed right and wrong, accusing the mainland side of escalating tension in the Taiwan Strait, saying that he opposed "Beijing's actions to increase tension in the Taiwan Strait and Beijing's unilateral change of the status quo," and falsely claimed that the mainland should bear responsibility for the escalation of tension in the Taiwan Strait.

State Councilor Wang Yi also struck back sternly at Blinken's reversal of black and white, strongly refuting the US claim that "China's change of the status quo has caused tension in the Taiwan Strait." The Royal Commission has clearly pointed out that the main reason for the escalation of tension in the Taiwan Strait is that the Taiwan authorities have repeatedly tried to break through the one-China framework, and the United States' connivance and support for the "Taiwan independence" forces is also to blame! Wang Yi told the United States that if the United States mishandles the Taiwan issue, it will cause subversive and overall damage to Sino-US relations. He asked the United States to "truly implement the one-China policy into action, rather than saying one thing and doing one thing at a time."

On the surface, the "mutual intransigence" between China and the United States on the Taiwan issue shows that the Americans have already forcefully pushed the responsibility to China, but in fact, from the perspective of international law and from the perspective of history and reality, the ACCUSATIONs of the United States are groundless and untenable at all.

Asking China and saying one thing and doing one thing to China does not work

Although the Americans are fierce, the Americans do not dare to really tear their faces with China on the Taiwan issue. Now, while strongly accusing China, the United States has expressed its desire to continue to open channels of communication with China and responsibly control the importance of competition between the two countries.

The reality of Americans is actually a variety of political considerations. First, by making tough accusations against China, we can give an account to the hard-line conservatives in the United States, which will help the Biden administration occupy a favorable position in the next step of the US domestic political struggle. Second, it is necessary to continue to be "strategically ambiguous" on the Taiwan issue, and use the "strategic ambiguity" space to continue to fool the people on the island of Taiwan, while at the same time avoiding a direct conflict with China, so as to safeguard US interests to the greatest extent. The third is to show the influence of the United States to its allies and partners in China's surrounding areas by continuing to be tough on China, and to gather centripetal forces against the United States to jointly contain and contain China's rise.

The Chinese government and people see the americans' goals very clearly. In particular, U.S. State Department spokesman Price said in a statement issued after blinken's meeting with Wang Yi that Blinken "expressed concern about a series of behaviors in China that undermine the rules-based international order and violate the values and interests of the United States and allies." If you look at the "acts" that Price refers to, it is clear that they include so-called "acts related to human rights, Xinjiang, Tibet, Hong Kong, the East China Sea, the South China Sea, and Taiwan." Obviously, the United States is nakedly interfering in China's internal affairs.

Since the Biden administration took office, its foreign policy has generally continued the content of Trump's foreign policy, and the suppression of China in economic, trade, business, science and technology has not relaxed for a moment. But Biden's hard-line policy toward China over the past year in office has not achieved the results it expected, and China has not succumbed to U.S. pressure, but has made more progress in many aspects. This put Biden's China policy in a very awkward situation. Now that Biden is facing a fierce game of partisan political struggle at home, he needs to make some breakthroughs in diplomacy or ease relations with China to gain more time and space to gain more advantages for his implementation of domestic policies and the consolidation of the influence of the Democratic Party.

Asking China and saying one thing and doing one thing to China does not work

In fact, this meeting can also be seen who is more demanding of whom. This time, Blinken led the US delegation to the Chinese delegation for a meeting. Although the Americans have asked for China, they still have a domineering attitude, trying to use their superiority in strength to force China to accept its demands. Americans don't really understand Chinese character yet. Chinese was not overwhelmed by the sanctions of the Americans in the early days of the founding of the country, and now it has become the world's second largest economy, and it is even more impossible to accept the hegemony and rudeness of the United States! China's position is very clear, if the United States continues to challenge China's bottom line on the Taiwan issue, it may cause the consequences of Shaking Sino-US relations and cause subversive and overall damage to Sino-US relations. When Wang Yi refuted Blinken's remarks, he had already clearly told the United States that China was fully prepared for this.