
During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, Qian Ying entered Yichang three times and made meritorious contributions to the party

author:Journal of Decision Making and Information
During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, Qian Ying entered Yichang three times and made meritorious contributions to the party

Qian Ying (left) when he was the head of the Organization Department of the Southern Bureau of the Communist Party of China during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression (Source: Courtesy of Yichang Municipal Archives)

During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, Qian Ying entered Yichang three times and made meritorious contributions to the party

Former site of the Xiang'e West Committee of the Communist Party of China - No. 9 Aijia Lane, Yichang City, Hubei Province (Source: Provided by Yichang Municipal Archives)

Qian Ying was the first Minister of Supervision of the Republic. At the age of 20, Qian Ying, who had a strong personality since childhood, broke through the shackles of the feudal concept of marriage and persuaded her mother to apply for the Hubei Provincial Girls' Normal School (hereinafter referred to as "Hubei Female Teacher") where Chinese communists spread revolutionary ideas. Since then, Qian Ying has grown from a rebel who rebelled against arranged marriages to a self-conscious revolutionary. At the age of 24, she joined the Communist Party of China. Since then, she has devoted her whole body and mind to the revolutionary struggle and embarked on the great journey of professional revolution.

Rectify the party organization and evade the enemy's search and arrest... During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, Qian Ying overcame many dangers and obstacles and secretly came to Yichang three times to grasp party building work. The relevant documents of the Yichang Municipal Archives record thrilling and inspiring stories.

After arduous efforts to find the party organization

On May 14, 1903, Qian Ying was born into a family in Maqiao Town, Xianning County (now Xian'an District, Xianning City), Hubei Province. Qian Ying's parents have always adhered to the concept of "moral old-fashioned, learning is only new", so she studied the Four Books and Five Classics and Tang poems and Song Ci with her brother at an early age. Because her father was a businessman, Qian Ying often lived a life of traveling with her father when she was a child, but this also gave her more opportunities to contact new ideas and new things. Therefore, her character is stubborn and independent, and she has the spirit of challenging feudal etiquette. In the Qian family, there is Qian Yishi, known as the "red theorist" of the Chinese Communist Party, who is Qian Ying's uncle. Under his influence and support, Qian Ying finally stepped into the door of the Hubei Female Teacher as she wished, and under the guidance of progressive ideas, a revolutionary seed sprouted in Qian Ying's heart.

In early 1927, Qian Ying joined the Communist Youth League of China and later became a member of the Communist Party of China. Soon after Qian Ying joined the party, she ended her studies at the Hubei Female Teacher, and after receiving training in the labor representative training class, she was assigned to the Organization Department of the Federation of Trade Unions in Jiujiang City, Jiangxi Province, as an officer. Since then, Qian Ying has begun the most difficult years of revolutionary struggle in her life. She was repeatedly arrested and imprisoned by reactionary warlords and cleverly escaped from danger, and she also lost contact with the party organization many times, but she had firm faith, selfless soul, strict organizational concept and incomparable loyalty to the party, and finally went through hardships to find the party organization.

It is advisable to deal with the issue of "self-sufficiency" once in a while

Qian Ying's first visit to Yichang was in the first half of 1938. At the end of March of that year, Hubei Province appointed Li Shengquan (the son of Li Hanjun, a major representative of the Communist Party of China) to Yichang as the secretary of the special branch. Previously, Wang Mingding had established a party organization in Yichang. Qian Ying, then head of the organization department of the Hubei Provincial Party Committee, attached great importance to this news and assigned a person named Wang Jun to Yichang to investigate first. After listening to Wang Jun's report, Qian Ying immediately came to Yichang secretly with him to help Li Shengchun deal with the issue of freely forming a party organization. Qian Ying first went to No. 9 Aijia Lane in Yichang to rent a few rooms as a foothold, and said to the outside world that she was a wife whose husband died of illness and came to do business here. Subsequently, Qian Ying began to investigate the "self-sufficiency party" in depth. After her personal investigation and understanding, she reviewed the party building procedures, assessed the background of the members, and confirmed that this organization did not conform to the principle of party building and was characterized as a "spontaneous party". During the investigation, Qian Ying found that some leading members of the organization also had apostatistic behavior and lacked purity; the members of the development organization joined collectively in the form of meetings, which was extremely unserious; they did not get in touch with the higher-level party organizations, which seriously violated the organizational procedures. To this end, Qian Ying immediately announced the dissolution of the "Self-Spontaneity Party" and the cessation of its organizational activities. However, during the investigation, Qian Ying also learned that many members of the "Self-Spontaneity Party" were very eager to join the Chinese Communist Party and had high hopes for the War of Resistance led by the Chinese Communist Party. Subsequently, Qian Ying took corresponding measures to separately handle the formalities for comrades who met the conditions to join the party and recruit them to join the Communist Party of China.

In early April 1938, Qian Ying and Su Zhen, members of the Yichang Special Branch of the Communist Party of China, held an oath-taking ceremony for Joining the Party at the home of Hu Chuanxiao outside Yichang City for Jian Sheng, Zhou Diji, Wen Jiaxiang, Chen Ran, and others who had been members of the "Self-SpontaneIty Party." On that day, Su Zhen informed Wen Jiaxiang, Chen Ran, and others to go to Hu Chuanxiao's house, and Su Zhen said: "The higher-level party organization has approved several of your comrades to join the party, and today Sister Qian Ying will preside over the oath-taking ceremony for joining the party." After a while, Qian Ying, who was simply dressed, walked into the house, and Su Zhen went to the door to look at the wind. Qian Ying took out a party flag from her arms, she raised her right hand in front of the party flag, and Wen Jiaxiang, Chen Ran and others stood behind Qian Ying and solemnly read the oath. Soon, Liu Zhen, a member of the "Self-Spontane Party", and others were also admitted as party members after examination.

In early April, the Yichang Special Branch of the CPC was formally established, with Li Shengchun as secretary and Members Zhang Qinghua and Su Zhen as members. This was the earliest party organization rebuilt in Yichang during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression. Qian Ying's practice has strictly enforced the procedures for the development of party organizations and purified the party's local organizations. During this period, some of the party members developed in Yichang later held important leadership positions in central or local departments, such as Liu Zhen, the first mayor of Yichang, as one of them.

The second time it is advisable to be a "midwife" to avoid searching

Qian Ying's second visit to Yichang was in October 1938. At that time, the Japanese invading China occupied Wuhan, and Qian Ying, as the head of the Hubei Provincial Cpc Committee, withdrew from Wuhan to Yichang with the provincial party committee. This time in Yichang, Qian Ying completely solved the problems left over from the "spontaneous party" and guided the construction of party organizations in Yichang.

Once, Qian Ying took a boat ashore from the Yang Wharf on Erma Road, encountered the Kuomintang troops searching around, and Qian Ying cleverly hid in the alley next to Zhu Dashun Oil Mill on Taozhu Road. At this time, a woman was in a broken house, and her husband who was guarding her was overwhelmed. Qian Ying quickly entered the house to be a "midwife" for the pregnant woman, and at the same time cleverly evaded the search of the Kuomintang army. Just before Qian Ying was about to return to Wuhan, the Kuomintang agents in Yichang received an urgent task: "According to secret reports, Qian Ying, a 'major criminal of the Communist Party', will carry out activities in Yichang in the near future, and you must take strict precautions." But it can only be monitored, not arrested, and cannot be grass snakes. So the agents concentrated on their actions, searched in Yichang for half a month without results, and Qian Ying left safely.

Three times he came to Yi to successfully plot against the Kuomintang agents

Qian Ying's third visit to Yichang was in April and May 1939. At that time, the Xiang'eXi Party Committee of the CPC was established, with Qian Ying as the party secretary, Cai Shubin as the director of the organization, and Zeng Yufan as the propaganda director. No. 9 Aijia Lane is the seat of the party committee office in western Xiang'e. This time, as soon as Qian Ying arrived in Yichang, the spies received intelligence, and they learned the lessons of the last time and changed the centralized operation into a head action. After a secret agent named Hu Rongkui discovered Qian Ying, he began to closely monitor Qian Ying's whereabouts from the evening of the next day, waiting for an opportunity to act. When he saw Qian Ying and his "relatives" out, he sneaked into Qian Ying's house to look for evidence. When Hu Rongkui was about to move, a low and powerful voice came from the door: "Don't move, raise your hand!" Two men pointed pistols at him, and Qian Ying also appeared in front of him. Hu Rongkui was stunned, and at the same time, the pistol he was wearing was also disarmed. But Qian Ying did not hesitate to hand him the pistol and said, "How nice it is that you use the gun to fight devils, but unfortunately you use it to kill Chinese!" After listening to Qian Ying's words, Hu Rongkui explained the purpose of his entry into the house and said that he would never be a traitor again. Later, Hu Rongkui was introduced by the underground party of the Yichang Communist Party to Join the Anti-Japanese Guerrillas in Xiangxi, Hubei Province. In the 1960s, Qian Ying returned to Yichang and came to the old house at No. 9 Aijia Lane. Accompanied by the staff, she walked through the stone road of Nanzheng Street, and climbed a building near Binjiang Road, enjoying the panoramic view of Yichang City, full of emotions!

Source: Three Gorges Evening News (original title: Qian Ying: Three Secret Visits During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression to Seize Party Building)

Author: Huang Jin, all-media reporter of the Three Gorges Evening News, and Gong Yaqin, correspondent of the Three Gorges Evening News

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