
Bald female musician is rumored to have attempted suicide four times The reason for exposing herself in the interview is very painful

On September 12, 2017, Sinead O'Connor, a well-known American skinhead musician, was a guest on CBS's dr.phil' sinead o'connor show, exposing that a radical hysterectomy caused her to lose her consciousness about "her" and began to suicidal tendencies. (Image courtesy of Oriental IC)

Bald female musician is rumored to have attempted suicide four times The reason for exposing herself in the interview is very painful

From Sinead O'Connor's self-report, he acknowledged rumors about his homosexual status and suicide attempts. At the scene, she said that she could not help but burst into tears. (Image courtesy of Oriental IC)

Bald female musician is rumored to have attempted suicide four times The reason for exposing herself in the interview is very painful

Heined O'Connor is an Irish pop singer and songwriter. Born on December 8, 1966, she began writing songs at the age of 14, and in 1987 she released her album The Lion and the Cobra. Her album "No Extravagant" received high praise from the music industry, and the single "Nothing Compares 2u" won the charts in various European countries and won her a Grammy Award. (Image courtesy of Oriental IC)

Bald female musician is rumored to have attempted suicide four times The reason for exposing herself in the interview is very painful

Sinead O'Connor is one of the most distinctive and controversial pop superstars of the 90s. Throughout this decade, the performances of these influential women were very popular on television broadcasts. The reason why she became a "bald singer" was that her record company wanted to launch her as a "sweet sister", she shaved her head in order to show resistance, and the "bald head image" debuted in her album "The Lion and the Cobra", which caused a sensation in the world music scene. (Image courtesy of Oriental IC)

Bald female musician is rumored to have attempted suicide four times The reason for exposing herself in the interview is very painful

In fact, her childhood was very bumpy: her parents divorced when she was eight years old, and later she complained that her mother, who died in a car accident in 1985, often abused her at that time. After being expelled from a Catholic school, O'Connor was sent to a correctional institution for shoplifting. At the age of 15, her singing at a wedding made her be caught up in the music industry and embarked on the road of music, but the road to music has always been bumpy. Tragic life, bumpy life, all kinds of suffering, perhaps it is precisely because of these that she has suicidal tendencies! (Image courtesy of Oriental IC)

Bald female musician is rumored to have attempted suicide four times The reason for exposing herself in the interview is very painful

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