
"13 Hours of Crisis" starred as a weapons expert in the spring

"13 Hours of Crisis" starred as a weapons expert in the spring

Dominique Formoussa joins Michael Bay's new film "13 Hours of Crisis"

Michael <b>Bay</b> directed the political thriller "13 Hours of Crisis" to announce the new cast list, and the actor Dominique Formoussa in "Nurses In Charge" has confirmed to join, and he will play a weapons expert in the film, and he is also a former Marine, in the film he still serves the US government department.

To date, along with Dominique Formosa, who has just signed a contract, there are other actors: John Karasinski, James Berji Dale and Pablo Shreber. The cast of "13 Hours of Crisis" is already relatively neat, and the film is expected to start this spring and be released in 2016.

Based on Mitchell Zuckoff's novel of the same name, Michael Bay's new film is a film with a political theme. On September 11, 2012, dozens of militants stormed the consulate in front of the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya, and the demonstration turned violent into a violent clash that eventually led to the deaths of four people, including the U.S. ambassador, Christopher J. Stevens, the first U.S. ambassador to be killed by a terrorist in 33 years.

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