
The strictest village rule is "No full moon" to hear what folklore experts have to say

author:Beijing News

Beijing News (reporter Wang Jixin) Recently, the "strictest village rules in history" have aroused heated discussions, and some villages have clearly stipulated in the "announcement" that "from October 1, 2019, it is not allowed to have a full moon, a first birthday, and a sixtieth birthday... Everything is simple, and bad behaviors such as extravagance and waste are eliminated. In this regard, folklorist Wang Zuokai from the perspective of auspicious culture, interpreted the meaning behind the marriage and funeral, red and white weddings, birthdays and other activities, he believes that these belong to the etiquette of life, should be observed, not banned. However, he also stressed that the folk saying that "there are hundreds of different customs and ten different styles" should advocate elegant customs and put an end to ugly customs and vulgarities on the basis of respecting different customs in various places.

"First of all, the full moon, birthdays, etc., these activities are the etiquette of life, and they are part of the auspicious culture." Wang Zuokai told the Beijing News reporter, "Life etiquette is the etiquette that should be observed in a lifetime, and the etiquette of a lifetime begins with one 'three' and ends with another 'three'. ”

According to Wang Zuoyu, the first "three" is called washing three.

"On the third day after the birth of the child, on this day, ask the auspicious grandmother to bathe the baby." After washing three', it is the full moon, and shaving the head of the full moon is the most important part of the full moon activity. Baby fetal hair can not be shaved, to leave a pinch of hair at the top of the halogen door, folk call this pinch of hair 'ghostly', from physiological to psychological is to play a role in protecting children. Wang Zuoyu reminded, "The full moon represents the prosperity of a family, it is a happy event, whether it is official customs or folklore, it must be done, but it is not big, it is a congratulatory activity between relatives, because the baby is still very small, it is not suitable for noise." ”

Then there are the "100 days" and "grasp the week". "When a baby grows up to 100 days, the day is called a hundred days, and it is called a hundred years old. The activity of one year old is called catching zhou, and "Dream of the Red Chamber" has a detailed description of catching zhou, and young children grab the things around them at will, in fact, it also represents the family's expectations for children. Wang Zuoyu said.

Since then, the birthdays that have been celebrated every year, after the age of 60, called birthdays, are part of the etiquette of life.

The second "three" of life is to be buried after the end of life and buried in the third day. This day is called "receiving three", or "sending three", which is a farewell ceremony between relatives and the deceased, so it is also particularly important.

Wang Zuoyu said, "Weddings and funerals, red and white weddings, birthdays, full moons, etc., these are all life etiquette, part of the auspicious culture, and should be observed." At the same time, he stressed, "Some of the folk customs are healthy, some are bad habits, they are vulgar, and they are vulgar, for example, there is a custom of beating the groom with a stick in a certain place, and the groom has been directly beaten to death. ”

"On the basis of respecting the customs of various places, we must put an end to ugly customs and adhere to healthy customs, with elegance in customs and foreign in the soil, and this is possible." Wang Zuoyu said.

Beijing News reporter Wang Jixin edited by Tang Zheng

Proofreading Zhang Yanjun