
Lotus leaf double flower drink lowering blood lipids

author:China Economic Net

Hubei reader Ms. Wang consultation: This year's physical examination of my blood lipids exceeded the standard, usually occasionally feel dizzy, get a square from a friend: 3 grams of dried lotus leaves, 6 grams of honeysuckle and chrysanthemums, put into a teacup, flush into boiling water, cover for a moment, 3 times a day, frequent tea drinking. After drinking, I feel a lot more comfortable, and I want to ask experts to comment on this party.

Jiang Haitao, deputy chief physician of the Department of Cardiology of the Second Affiliated Hospital of Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, commented: Hyperlipidemia is very common in modern society and is a potential threat to human health. Lipids are actually what we usually say about oil, which intuitively feels relatively dirty, so Chinese medicine believes that hyperlipidemia is that the blood is more turbid, and some scholars believe that it should belong to turbidity. If a tangible substance is formed, it gathers in the local area, which is the sputum wet. The cause of its formation can be overeating, because the body eats too much, more than the human body needs is harmful, the part that can not be used has formed a turbidity; it can also be the body's internal organ function is weakened, the liver is not drained, the spleen is not transported, so that the transport of nutrients lacks power, nutrients can not be used and deposited. Therefore, the treatment principle is mainly to dredge the air machine, lift and disperse the clear gas.

In this recipe, the lotus leaf is a commonly used shengqing drug, the lotus leaf has an upward instinct, this nature can be ascended to the human body, as recorded in the "Recipe of Experience" it can cure prolapse and do not receive, "water lotus leaf, baking, research, wine to serve two dollars, still sit at the end of the lotus leaf." "It is precisely because it can raise and lower fat, so modern lotus leaves are often used as a good medicine for weight loss." Chrysanthemums can not only evacuate the qi, but also calm the liver wind and reduce the qi. People with high blood lipids are often accompanied by symptoms such as dizziness and dizziness, which is a manifestation of liver wind, which is suitable for using chrysanthemums to calm the liver and extinguish the wind.

Hyperlipidemia due to the total qi machine in the body is depressed, belongs to the empirical evidence, so the day may be depressed and heat, the appearance of dry mouth bitterness, constipation and urine yellow and other hot evidence, honeysuckle is just for this situation, it is cold and cool, to avoid the whole square is too spicy.