
Stand-up comedy strips (recommended collection)

author:Speak in public and eloquently
Stand-up comedy strips (recommended collection)
Stand-up comedy strips (recommended collection)

The most difficult thing about cross-talk may be stand-up comedy, one person and one play. Next is the "Stand-up Comedy Segment" carefully prepared for you by Xiaobian, welcome to collect it and practice eloquence!

Stand-up comedy strips (popular articles)


That said, isn't this to applaud, too smelly don't face.

Yes, I said yes, all learned from those pop stars, so I am here to express strong condemnation and strong signatures to such pop stars.

Hahaha, a bit messy.

As we all know, stand-up comedy is not easy to say, the key is that there is no praise, less support. You think about it, selling shoes has shoe holders, selling socks have socks holders, even Zhao Lirong's old man is almost a rice tray, you say, there is a tray is definitely better than no support, take off is good, take off better, women's -------- can not say, this is an elegant place, hahahahaha.

Therefore, there are fewer people who talk about stand-up comedy, and the general second class does not dare to say it, and the old man Hou Baolin does not dare to say it, so he says the right crosstalk. There are three people who are the best in the country, the first one is Liu Baorui, the stand-up king, the old man has already traveled west with a crane, you can't see him himself to say crosstalk, if you want to see, you have to find Yan Wangye to get a passport, go over there to meet. However, if you go, you will not come back, and I will tell you first, so that you will not regret it.

The other is Guo Degang, Guo Degang said and said, found that it was not as good as I said, very ashamed, there is no way out, ah, and Yu Qian changed the right mouth, it is considered to be a grass for the Kou, abandoning the dark and casting the light.

You don't know, don't say you don't know, I don't know.

If you find out who doesn't do what I say, you'll pay three bucks to hire a mafia to do it.

Now the best thing to say stand-up is me.

Therefore, today you are here, have ears, listen to me stand-up. It is really a good thing, which is equivalent to Dong Yong meeting the seven fairies, a good thing; It is equivalent to Sun Wukong meeting Tang Monk, which is a great thing, and he was rescued from the Five Elements Mountain; It was better than Pan Jinlian meeting Ximen Qing-------

That said, these two are not good things, yes, not good things, but there were good things

Don't be crooked, can't laugh, enjoy it.

It's a great pleasure to be with you today, and to show my feelings, I invite you to dinner.

Eat Western food bar, in the restaurant west of my house, real Western food, McDonald's, KFC, no, now the economic crisis, have to support the national industry, can not eat Western food, boycott foreign goods---- down with US imperialism, down with Japanese devils --

Then-eat-national essence

Steamed lamb, steamed bear paws, steamed deer tails,

Roasted ducks, roasted chicks, roasted goose

, marinated salted duck, chicken with sauce, bacon, pine blossoms, small belly

, dried meat, sausages, assorted su plates,

Smoked chicken, white belly, steamed Babao pig, ginger stuffed duck,

Can pheasant, can quail,

Brine assortment, brine goose, brine shrimp

, braised shrimp, braised shrimp ren'er, pheasant, rabbit breast, python, silver fish,

Steamed hash ant, braised duck loin, braised duck strips, mixed duck silk, yellow heart tube,

Braised white eel, braised yellow eel, bean drum catfish, pot roast catfish, stewed turtle, pot roasted carp, catch fried carp,

Soft fried tenderloin, soft fried chicken, assorted sausages, butter rolls,

Fresh mushrooms, dried fish, fillets, fish belly, vinegar slices, white mushrooms,

Braised three fresh, fried silver fish, braised eel, steamed ham, fried white shrimp, braised clams, fried noodle fish,

Braised asparagus, hibiscus swallow vegetables, fried liver tip, southern fried liver Guan'er, oil fried belly kernel, soup fried belly collar,

Fried gold wire, braised silver wire, sugar stewed dumpling fried, sugar stewed water chestnut, honey yam, plucked fresh peach,

Boiled nanbei, fried nanbei, braised duck shredded, braised dan,

Steamed chicken, yellow braised chicken, large stir-fried chicken, braised chicken, crispy chicken, stir-fried diced chicken, braised chicken nuggets,

Three fresh Ding'er, eight treasure Ding'er, steamed magnolia slices,

Stir-fried shrimp, fried waist flowers, fried hoof tendons, pot roasted sea cucumber, pot roasted cabbage,

Fried sea ear fungus, poured field chicken, osmanthus wings, steamed wings, fried birds, fried shallots, fried pork ribs,

Braised chicken intestines, braised southern water, brine elbow flowers, mixed dumplings, stewed hangings, pot roasted pig's trotters,

Roasted Mandarin duck, roasted lilies, roasted apples, stuffed fruit roots, stuffed rice, fried crabs. Dajia,

Assorted gexian rice, stone fish, striped fish, yellow croaker, oil splashed meat, sauce splashed meat,

Red meat pot, white meat pot, chrysanthemum pot. Pheasant pot, Lantern pot, miscellaneous noodle pot, water chestnut pot,

Soft fried birds, dragon and tiger eggs, orangutan lips, humps, antler velvet, bear paws, suckling pigs, milk ducks,

Bar pig, hanging stove sheep, steamed Jiang Yaozhu, sugar boiled chicken head rice, mixed chicken shredded, mixed belly silk,

Assorted tofu, assorted dice, fine shrimp, fine crab, fine fish, fine fish fillet,