
Fox, aliens who didn't have time to evacuate?

author:Earth travelers
Fox, aliens who didn't have time to evacuate?

The Atlantic coast of southwest Africa is home to one of the world's oldest deserts, the Namib Desert, which, by a combination of air pressure, trade winds and cold ocean currents, has become the world's dry pole.

In the Naama language, namib means "the place where there is nothing.".

Namib Desert

The area is more than 50,000 square kilometers

Across Angola, Namibia and South Africa

Fox, aliens who didn't have time to evacuate?

Sosuve comes to the dunes

The flowing dunes are like spreading flames

Devour all life that comes with it

Fox, aliens who didn't have time to evacuate?

Death Valley, Namibia

Trees that have died due to extreme water shortage

It has stood here for a thousand years

Fox, aliens who didn't have time to evacuate?

The beings who survive in this land either have extremely strong drought tolerance, such as succulents, or have superb intelligence, such as humans.

The Bushmen are the indigenous people here.

They had no writing and were mostly still in the primitive social stage, living a hunter-gatherer life.

Bushman Hunter

Half a century ago, it was still in the prehistoric period that no one knew

Fox, aliens who didn't have time to evacuate?

Today, most of the Bushmen have moved from the government to areas close to towns and cities, living on the periphery of modern civilization. Full integration into today's society may require a generation,—— or it may mean the disappearance of the Bushman civilization.

There is also a kind of spirit, both intelligent and able to cope with drought, so the originally barren and barren land became their paradise.

They are foxes.

"Only when I stand in the c position can I know how to watch the camera"

Fox, aliens who didn't have time to evacuate?

The territory of the fox on Earth

This includes, inter alia, Angola, Namibia and Botswana

Fox, aliens who didn't have time to evacuate?

If you were to ask, are there aliens in this world...

Most of the aliens conceived in the movie look like this

Fox, aliens who didn't have time to evacuate?

And the fox, it looks like this

"Humans, huh"

Fox, aliens who didn't have time to evacuate?

Isn't it like that?

This similarity seems to have a commonality in the underworld.

After all, not only do they look alike, but foxes also have quite a few "black technologies." ”

Contemplate and discuss big things

"The earth is very difficult!" "Yes."

Fox, aliens who didn't have time to evacuate?

The temperature difference between day and night in desert areas can reach 30 ° C - 50 ° C, that is, the maximum temperature during the day can reach more than 40 ° C, and at night the temperature will plummet below -10 ° C.

Every morning, when the foxes emerge from their burrows in a warm huddle, the first thing they do is stand upright and face their bellies toward the sun.

Fox, aliens who didn't have time to evacuate?

The abdomen of the lemur is covered with only sparse fur, and the skin is the most absorbent black color.

In this way, their abdomen is like a solar panel, which can quickly absorb heat and regulate body temperature and devote a day's "work".

That's what the job is

Monitor every move around you

Fox, aliens who didn't have time to evacuate?

Adult lemurs are about 20-30 cm tall, and their most famous posture is standing.

When everyone stands upright together and checks the movements nearby, it seems like a wonderful little country.

Fox, aliens who didn't have time to evacuate?

The long tail of the fox provides a tripod-like support when they are upright, slowing the pressure on the toes.

Lemurs are social species, and in harsh environments, there is little chance of survival for foxes wandering alone.

They are highly disciplined, allowing them to make uniform movements without the need for command and practice.

"There's a situation on the right!"

Fox, aliens who didn't have time to evacuate?

In this villain country, the oldest matriarchal clan system of mankind is inherited.

A group is often a family, consisting of about twenty members, led by an adult female fox.

In this family, only the chief has the right to reproduce offspring, while her sisters, daughters or other female foxes can only submit to her and give up reproductive rights.

"Concubines don't dare..."

Fox, aliens who didn't have time to evacuate?

Of course, it is also possible that some unwilling female foxes will meet the male foxes who pass by behind their backs, and once pregnant, the chief foxes will unceremoniously banish them from the family, even if they are their own adult daughters.

Because she wants to make sure that the whole family is focused on raising her newborn baby.

Foxes do not have a fixed birth time, generally want to be born, after giving birth and giving birth, once pregnant for four months, two or three times a year, a fetus can have six or seven cubs.

"The outside world is so scary"

Fox, aliens who didn't have time to evacuate?

These babies are the family's hope for the future, so the lemurs will do their best to care for the newborn baby.

Innocent big-eyed baby

Fox, aliens who didn't have time to evacuate?

When the fox family goes out to forage, the babies also have a special "nanny" to take care of them.

Even if they have never given birth, a fox caring for a baby can produce milk to feed the baby lemur.

The little fox can only go out to play after the full moon, and after two months, it can go out with the adults to forage for food and learn hunting skills.

Nervously stacked up the "Arhat"

Fox, aliens who didn't have time to evacuate?

Foxes spend eight hours a day foraging.

Due to the sweltering heat of the desert during the day, the fox's body stores almost no fat in order to dissipate heat most efficiently.

But there is also a danger to being overly slender, and even if you don't eat a meal, you may starve to death.

"Am I too thin?"

Fox, aliens who didn't have time to evacuate?

Lemurs love to dig the ground and look for insects and eggs for food.

The black-tailed scorpion is the most poisonous scorpion in southern Africa, and the average animal does not touch this deadly creature.

The fox is immune to its venom, and can still be safe after being stung, but the sting is still very painful, so the fox will generally find a way to bite off the tail of the scorpion and chew off the whole scorpion.

"I can't eat the fierce scorpion!"

Fox, aliens who didn't have time to evacuate?

The fox's two-centimeter-long claws are hard and sharp, and they can quickly dig a hidden hole, and their eyelids are like wipers, preventing sand from entering the eyes during the excavation process.

Foxes usually only forage near their homes, and if they want to go far, they will also arrange many "bomb shelters" in advance.

When everyone is digging sand and foraging for food, there will always be a fox standing guard.

"Smiling and guarded"

Fox, aliens who didn't have time to evacuate?

Natural sense of responsibility allows sentry foxes to resist all temptations, and researchers have flirted with their favorite foods, even though the food is right in front of them.

"Busy, don't eat!"

Fox, aliens who didn't have time to evacuate?

The sentinel's responsibility may have been inscribed in the fox's genes, and every fox in the clan would shoulder this responsibility.

While foraging or resting, the foxes will glance at the sentry from time to time, and if they do not see the sentry, another fox will immediately go up.

It is this foolproof sentry system that allows the foxes to forage or rest with confidence.

"It's so sleepy!!"

Fox, aliens who didn't have time to evacuate?
Fox, aliens who didn't have time to evacuate?

The main predators of the lemur are eagles, vultures and fox wolves.

But not only can they see birds a kilometer away, but they also have a circle of black spots around their eyes, shaped like sunglasses, and when predators fly overhead, they can also look up and look directly at the sun.

"Confirmed the look, is not afraid to provoke"

Fox, aliens who didn't have time to evacuate?

Lemurs have clear language communication skills.

They can make more than 30 kinds of calls, each representing different meanings, including: departure, danger, bird coming, snake coming, wolf coming, gathering, distress, fighting, running to this side...

This fixed call allows all foxes to quickly understand each other's meaning and react quickly.

If it were not for the dangers in life, perhaps the fox would have developed the ability to pull home after meals.

Fox, aliens who didn't have time to evacuate?

So, maybe the fox is also a creature from another planet?

They happen to land in the Namib Desert and look somewhat similar to the planets they once were?

"Where am I from?" Where are you going? ”

Fox, aliens who didn't have time to evacuate?

However, they did not have a premeditated plan to invade the earth, in fact, for those who were not hostile, they would not only throw themselves into their arms, but also like to climb above their heads and look far away.

"Good location, good value for money"

Fox, aliens who didn't have time to evacuate?

If they really came from a distant planet, such cute little things, probably no one could refuse them.


Original works by Earth Travelers

Unauthorized, reprinted, excerpted!