
The key error is not a typo I don't know the iron fan to write Iron Mountain


Ren Zhaoying (Peking Opera Fan)

See Today's Headlines recruiting "Headlines Content Tasters" from active users. I hope to judge the content of the headlines with a professional and sharp eye. Designed to create the ultimate experience with users to deliver better content.

The following, right things are not right people. Only discuss the subject, do not interfere with anything else. For example, in the mechanical engineering industry, the figure is not right, the standard (in line with the national standard) is not the teacher (the title of the draftsman); on the matter, on the topic, should be named (referring to the cartographer) but point to this (not involving others); that is, the matter ends here.

◆ Low-level big mistake I don't know the iron fan

This is the lowest level of error. It is not a general typo, to put it bluntly, it is not to understand Peking Opera, and to randomly move Peking Opera videos.

It's not an overstatement to say that it's a big mistake: the video is worthless, or what V. This is the eyelid of "Today's Headlines".

The well-known traditional Peking Opera "Sun Wukong vs Iron Fan Princess" was written as "Sun Wukong vs Iron Mountain Princess". Where to come from the "Iron Mountain", there is no joke.

This takes Peking Opera as a video clip, ready-made to take it, everyone will. It's easy, it's quick, it doesn't take time to write, and it plays a lot. Self-media shortcuts.

Some people say: Writing history and writing long articles is the most uneconomical, young people should not look at and see are tired, and very few people write long articles. Especially girls, there are fewer people who love historical geography, unless they are liberal arts or elite schools.

Take it easy to pick up the performance content of Peking Opera for yourself. Pick up the fruits of Peking Opera, for yourself"original. Without half a bit of writing skills, it is better for primary school students to learn to write essays.

In the mechanical engineering industry, this is definitely plagiarism.

The plagiarist does not read classical literature, and if the four masterpieces consider a few words and do not need entries, if they answer a few names, they will certainly appear foreign.

Hangzhou group chat as a joke, randomly sent video "Beijing opera blind"

No matter what V how to certify, only the headline "what is being done"

The key error is not a typo I don't know the iron fan to write Iron Mountain
The key error is not a typo I don't know the iron fan to write Iron Mountain
The key error is not a typo I don't know the iron fan to write Iron Mountain

(Figure 1-3) Screenshot

"Sun Wukong vs Iron Fan Princess", originally known as "Flame Mountain" and "Sun Wukong Three Borrowed Banana Fan", originated from the Qing Dynasty's "Full Book Flame Mountain". The former name once had (after less), not called the Great War, but the Basho God Fan of the Iron Fan Princess was powerful, and this fan fan made Sun Dasheng disappear without a trace.

This play is mainly borrowed fans. Sun Wukong borrowed the fan three times through the main content, and the Peking Opera Troupe in Beijing, Tianjin and Shanghai, the Zhejiang Shao Opera Troupe, and the Zhejiang Peking Opera Troupe (formerly the Hangzhou Peking Opera Troupe) all performed.

The key to the show is the iron fan. Princess Iron Fan is the first protagonist and Goku is the second. Like the spider spirit of "Pansi Cave", the Wudan Dao Ma Dan is shangjing Fang Xiaoya or the Qingyi dao Ma Dan Shi Yihong.

The theme of this play is four words. Borrowing fans and iron fans, borrowing fans is three borrowing banana fans, and iron fans refer to iron fan princesses. As the Princess of the Iron Fan, it is Hua Dan Dao Ma Dan or Qing Yi Dao Ma Dan, with large sections of lyrics and martial arts. As Sun Wukong, he is a martial artist (短取, a short dependent wusheng) or a martial arts (as in Shangjing Yan Qinggu).

◆ So write iron mountain I don't know what iron fan

Was the author mistakenly written as Iron Mountain? In fact, no; in fact, I don't know the iron fan. It is impossible to say "three borrowed banana fans", the purpose is to cross the Flame Mountain; I don't know the relationship between Goku and the old cow, the iron fan princess, and the red child. Completely unaware of the "Wukong Opera" of Peking Opera.

Content or even titles with typos, would have been forgivable, or hasty or negligent. But it depends on where you are wrong.

If you write Sun Wukong as Sun Dasheng, it doesn't matter. Even if the "great war" is written as a "small war", it is also understood. "Big War" is a bit unspeakable, the focus is on borrowing fans, the key is the iron fan, the iron fan princess has a large high singing voice when she scolds Goku three times, and sets the Xipi inverted board, the original board, the rocking board, the slow plate, and the allegro.

Ruo'er wrote the great war as three wars (Sun Wukong three battles iron fan princess), which shows that you are a master, because three times to borrow the fan is to face the three battles; Peking Opera masters will also recognize you as an expert: these three battles, named better than the big war, but also better than the three borrowed. Fans (fans) recognize you as a pen holder.

Isn't there a movie "Three Dozen", a famous six-year-old child of Shao Opera. Peking Opera has "Three Dozen Zhujiazhuang" and "Three Battles Zhang Yue'e".

Zhang Erpeng thought hard and meditated, and did not expect this "three battles", he played "Sun Wukong Three Crossing the Heavenly River", when I watched it at the Dongpo Theater, I couldn't help but say: This "three passes", the two words are good.

The Iron Fan Princess is both literate and martial, and the three large singing voices have attracted the audience to applaud loudly. The iron fan is "singing, reading, dancing, doing, playing", and Goku is "reading, hitting, falling, rolling, turning". In particular, the appearance of the Iron Fan Princess is many, and the person holding the iron fan, this Wudan sword Ma Dan Kung Fu is awesome. The Shanghai Peking Opera House has Qi Shufang (Xiao Changbao) and Fang Xiaoya.

Therefore, Zhang Erpeng (Zhejiang Peking Opera Troupe) finally changed this play "Flame Mountain" to "Sun Wukong Three Borrowed Banana Fan".

It can be seen how important the word "iron fan" is. If you have seen this play, the Iron Fan Princess is deeply imprinted in her mind, and the word "Iron Fan" will definitely not be mistakenly written as "Iron Mountain".

In summary, it can be seen that the recorder has not seen this play, and does not know the singing and playing of Peking Opera; it is expected that he will not sing Peking Opera, and if he can sing, he will not make a mistake with the iron fan.

Record a video, simple and refreshing, write a few lines of text. Take it with you, make headlines, and take the fee. Some comrades earn a small income.

This gong and drum is so powerful that someone will watch it. But if you meet a fan of the play, don't you laugh?

◆ Blunt comments

See the video of the "Listening to the Drama APP". Reader Ren wrote a review on May 29, 2021. Now look for the following:

【 Comment: Ren 05-29

@ Listen to the drama APP:

Your title is: Peking Opera Borrow Fan Sun Wukong vs Iron Mountain Princess? What are you listening to? Send He Wen (video), watch Beijing opera no. I am small in Hangzhou Dongpo to watch Beijing opera, I don't know if you see it or not. Mistakes in posting are inevitable, but you: why not make such a big headline (bold) mistake? "Borrowing a Fan": From Li Wanchun and Six-Year-Old Tong to the little three Wang Guiqing, Chen Zhengzhu and Zhang Erpeng, I can write 2,000 words.

I haven't sent a Peking opera yet. It is good to have your avatar, you are specialized in drama, and it is good to promote Peking Opera, but it is necessary to pay attention to quality. Like your short video release form, it is no wonder that there are tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of plays, readings and tens of thousands of fans, and your headline fee is a lot, which is your skill. None (write long articles and never take the fee).

If I go to Tian toad to see the second play, I can turn dozens of short videos into "Headlines", but I don't want to do it. I followed my traditional form of "scientific and technical papers", with an average of 2-5,000 words. Therefore, the hair length does not care about what indicators, plays, and reading volume of "Headlines".

Today's review, I am blunt, you can not accept. Borrow wine to write this for your own good. Disrespectful 】

◆ Three borrowing iron fans for a long time

Wukong drama, belongs to the short play of Wusheng drama, also known as short relying on (Wu Song, Yan Qing class) drama; short rely on Wusheng, most of them rely on Wusheng (Zhao Yun, Ma Chao).

Peking Opera's sheng, dan, net, end, ugly, lao sheng, wu sheng, wen wu lao sheng, wu jing, wu ugly, accounted for a large share. Dan is a raw pair, and a raw Dan duet is sung.

The whole Peking opera "Banana Fan" and the Qing Dynasty name "Wukong Three Borrowed Fans" have been performed from empress dowager Cixi in the Qing Dynasty to the Republic of China, after the founding of the People's Republic of China (excluding the Cultural Revolution) until now, nothing more than less performances during the new crown epidemic. Long time.

Reasons for not fading: Goku drama is difficult, waist and leg kung fu, stumbling and tumbling, and the audience has a large amount. Literary and martial arts are two pillars.

Beijing, Tianjin and Shanghai often performed Wukong plays "Flame Mountain", "Tongtian River", "Pansi Cave", "Daughter Country", "Eighteen Arhats Fighting Wukong", "Haunting Dragon Palace · "An Tianhui · Haunting heavenly palace", "Golden Knife Array · Battle Luohan", "Water Curtain Cave", "Tongtian River", "Lion Camel Country" are also known as "Sun Wukong vs Jin Si Peng", "Sun Wukong vs Red Child", "Sun Wukong five hundred years later" and so on.

"Pansi Cave" by Shanghai Peking Opera House, Fang Xiaoya has performed continuously in Western European countries, causing a sensation.

Zhejiang's home drama "Sun Wukong Three Dozen White Bone Essence", a six-year-old child

(Zhejiang Shao Opera Troupe) once had a movie, and the urban and rural areas were empty.

The tv series "Journey to the West" for six children, especially the difficult martial arts clips and fighting moves, collects the essence of many Wukong plays in Peking Opera and Shao Opera.

◆ Wukong drama North and South Sheng

The Wukong drama of Peking Opera includes folding drama, full book and liantai play. Divided into the Southern School (Wukong) and the Northern School (Wukong), the North and South china and Hong Kong have been performed and are widely welcomed by the public.

In the north and south, there are two schools of Goku drama, also known as the Great Sacred Drama. Especially before and after the founding of the People's Republic of China, several famous actors were popular all over China.

The audience said: "Watch the drama Beijing, Tianjin and Shanghai, and do not leave Sun Dasheng." The Southern Faction (Gai Pai) and the Northern Faction (Li Pai) play Sun Wukong every night, and the audience applauds continuously, sometimes for dozens of consecutive days.

The Northern Sect Wukong is: Zheng Faxiang (Zheng Pai), Yang Xiaolou (Yang Pai), Hao Zhenji (Hao Pai), Li Wanchun and Li Shaochun (Li Pai). He often performs in Chang'an Grand Theater, Tianqiao Theater, Zhushikou Theater.

The key error is not a typo I don't know the iron fan to write Iron Mountain
The key error is not a typo I don't know the iron fan to write Iron Mountain

(Figure 4-5) The Southern and Northern Factions Goku

The Southern Sect Wukong is: Gai Called Tian (Gai Pai), Zhang Yipeng (Zhang Pai) and Zhang Erpeng. Gai Mingtian (Zhang Yingjie) gradually passed on Wukong drama to his two sons (Zhang Yipeng and Zhang Erpeng) because he played Wusong opera for many years and called Jiangnan Huowusong.

Gai asked The Heavenly Father and Son to perform the Wukong Drama, which was held on the Heavenly Stage (Heavenly Toad Stage), the Common Stage, and the Great Stage (People's Stage) in Shanghai.

Zhang Yipeng and Zhang Erpeng performed Wukong opera at the Dongpo Theater and Victory Theater in Hangzhou. Yipeng is in Huduo, and Erpeng is in Hangduo.

The Wukong opera of the six-year-old is no less than the southern and northern schools of Peking Opera. Zhejiang Shao Opera Troupe has a neat lineup and complete business. The six-year-old died early, including six-year-old children and Liu Jianyang.

Wukong of the northern school of Peking Opera and Wukong of Zhejiang Shao opera (Shaoxing Daban), the faces of each faction, and even the costumes of each faction, look similar but different. Performing on stage, offstage viewers, if you are an insider, you can see it. Because there is a lineage of teachers.

The key error is not a typo I don't know the iron fan to write Iron Mountain

(Figure 6) Shanghai Peking Opera House "Borrowing a Fan", Hao Jie as Sun Wukong.

The key error is not a typo I don't know the iron fan to write Iron Mountain

(Figure 7) Shanghai Peking Opera House "Pansi Cave", Fang Xiaoya as Spider Essence, Yan Qinggu as Huan Wukong.

The key error is not a typo I don't know the iron fan to write Iron Mountain

(Photo 8) Zhejiang Shao Opera Troupe "Qi Tian Dasheng", Liu Jianyang as Sun Wukong.

The key error is not a typo I don't know the iron fan to write Iron Mountain

( Fig. 9 ) Zhan Lei of Beijing Peking Opera House, film project "The Great Haunting of the Heavenly Palace".

The key error is not a typo I don't know the iron fan to write Iron Mountain

( Photo 0 ) Zhan Lei of Beijing Peking Opera House as Sun Wukong, Shanghai Peking Opera House Xi Zhonglu as Erlang Shen.

◆ Childhood practice Xiang Jin Tong Neighbor

Ren Zhaoying lived in Hangzhou's Yongjin New Village as a child, there are more than 10 neighbors and friends, since childhood to watch Peking Opera, morning exercises, continuous tiger jumping can be turned from the northernmost end of the big lane hall in Lilong to the south end, about 130 meters. In the evening, I often go to the Dongpo Theater to watch Peking Opera.

"Toutiao" has Ren Zhaoyingwen "Historical Relics Yong Jinxin Quietly Committed to Visiting Bitao", which contains 04 Huangjin Children and Peking Opera.

The key error is not a typo I don't know the iron fan to write Iron Mountain

( Fig. 11 ) The author's childhood practice photos

The above photo figure 4-10 is a search (verification) for the whole network.

【 Author: As a child, he learned to sing Peking Opera, Gong Wusheng, Shan "Chao Tian Deng; when he was a child, he was admitted to the China Drama Academy (Zhejiang Opera School (Zhejiang Literary and Art School, Zhejiang Art College) in Huanglongdong, and his father obstructed and delayed. Sing the samurai po, the empty city plan, the Shiro visiting the mother and the model drama singing section. Likes to compose lyrics to sing lyrically 】