
[Procurators in the new era] The direction, depth, and effectiveness of procurator Zhang Xin look at the three axes of procurator Zhang Xin

author:Jincheng Procuratorate
[Procurators in the new era] The direction, depth, and effectiveness of procurator Zhang Xin look at the three axes of procurator Zhang Xin

Since being admitted to the Lingchuan County Procuratorate in 2014, Zhang Xin has been dealing with words every day and has been working in the office for 6 years. In the past 6 years, he has told the story of the prosecutor in his own way. In 2019, the Office of the Lingchuan County Court was commended by the Jincheng City Court as an "Advanced Collective in Procuratorial Information Work", and Zhang Xin was also rated as "Advanced Individual in the City's Procuratorial Organs".

Strengthening "Research and Judgment Consultation"

Find the direction of information dissemination

The city's procuratorial organs routinely hold business operation analysis and judgment meetings every quarter to analyze and judge the current procuratorial business operation situation, identify the gaps, and clarify the direction of efforts. Zhang Xin drew this procuratorial business experience into procuratorial information work, for example, in early 2020, the information work was analyzed and judged, and the analysis of "compiling and distributing more information on one's own work, less information paid attention to by leaders, and not many times forwarded by superiors" "there are more procuratorial dynamic information, less comprehensive research and judgment information, and the value of leadership reference is not high", "the quality of information is generally not high, and the forwarding and modification of superiors is large", and other problems, and put forward reasonable and targeted improvement suggestions for work shortcomings and weaknesses. Since the beginning of this year, comprehensive research and judgment information such as "Lingchuan County Procuratorate's "Three Threes" To Strengthen Civil Administrative Procuratorial Weaknesses" has been forwarded by the provincial and municipal courts.

[Procurators in the new era] The direction, depth, and effectiveness of procurator Zhang Xin look at the three axes of procurator Zhang Xin

Do a good job of "early intervention"

Expand the depth of information dissemination

Early intervention to guide investigation and evidence collection is an important starting point for consolidating the evidence base and ensuring the quality of the case. In procuratorial information work, Zhang Xin adopted the method of "early intervention", timely familiarity with the progress of key work, effectively excavating information clues, collecting and sorting out materials at the first time, and effectively improving the quality of procuratorial information. For example, in 2018, after the Jincheng City Procuratorate made the decision that "the first-instance cases of cult-related crimes handled by the grass-roots procuratorates in our city's jurisdiction will be handled by the Lingchuan County People's Procuratorate in a unified manner", the office adopted the working method of "early intervention", timely familiar with the progress of the work, digging deep into experience and practices, and improving the quality of information. After summing up and refining, he wrote information entitled "Lingchuan County Procuratorate Takes handling cult cases as the starting point and goes all out to safeguard national security and social stability," which was forwarded by the provincial and municipal procuratorates.

[Procurators in the new era] The direction, depth, and effectiveness of procurator Zhang Xin look at the three axes of procurator Zhang Xin

Adhere to the "win-win situation"

Pay attention to the effectiveness of information publicity

Win-win and win-win is the concept of legal supervision that conforms to the requirements of the party and the people in the new era. The purpose of summarizing and refining experience and practices is to better promote the development of work, and only when the work is carried out in depth can there be more good experience and practices. He adhered to the idea of using work to cultivate information and promote work with information, and promoted the deep integration of comprehensive procuratorial work and procuratorial work. For example, since the beginning of this year, with the procuratorial work as the starting point, many pieces of information such as "Giving Play to the Advantages of Stationing Procurators to Enhance the Effect of "Two Supervisions"" have been forwarded, and the number of information written and forwarded has been doubled; at the same time, the relevant requirements of "experience and practices published in the media at or above the provincial level" in the work of "establishing brands and building highlights" have also been successfully completed. It can be said that with the actual results of information publicity, the mutual promotion and mutual improvement of procuratorial work and procuratorial information work have been realized.

Contributed by: Zhang Xin

Editor: Gao Jinlong

Review: Tian Qing

Coordinator: Hao Lifang

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