
Descendants of Song Qing Returned to Their Hometowns to Worship Their Ancestors The Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of Penglai City accompanied the excavation of historical materials throughout the process

author:Big and small news

During the Qing And Ming Dynasties, under the coordination and contact of the Municipal Overseas Chinese Affairs Office, more than 20 descendants of the Song clan at home and abroad, led by Ms. Song Wei, an overseas Chinese in Singapore, and descendants of the Song clan in Bo Song Village, Nanwang Street, gathered at the Song Qing Cemetery in Xingshan Village, Xiaomenjia Town, to pay tribute to General Song Qing, a famous patriotic general and national hero in modern China.

Song Qing (1820-1902), also known as Zhu San, was a native of Bosong Village, Nanwang Subdistrict. Song Qing's family was poor in his early years, and at the age of 30, he went south from the army, and was promoted to the rank of Viceroy of Sichuan, Prince Shaobao, and Shang Shu. He was stationed in Lushunkou for 12 years, building forts and strengthening coastal defense, and his merits were outstanding. In 1894, the Sino-Japanese Sino-Japanese War broke out, Song Qing was ordered to go out at the age of 74, as a "white-haired general", Song Qing deputy to handle Beiyang military affairs, commanded the generals of various armies, and achieved outstanding results, which was the first person in the Sino-Japanese War of Resistance.

Before his death, General Song Qing built roads and dams for his hometown, donated schools and porridge, and performed good deeds, and was the second famous national hero in Penglai after Qi Jiguang. In view of the excavation and collation of Song Qing's deeds and the protection of related historical sites, the Municipal Overseas Chinese Affairs Office and the Historical and Cultural Research Association actively carried out rescue excavations and induction and sorting, and the descendants of Song Qing have also been actively committed to the excavation, collation and protection of relevant historical materials, and strive to restore the historical truth of the Sino-Japanese Land War and give future generations an explanation. On the occasion of the Qingming Dynasty, large-scale sacrifice activities were held to publicize the touching deeds of General Song Qing's loyalty and bravery and struggle to resist Japan, carry forward the patriotic tradition and nationalist spirit, educate and inspire future generations not to forget the national shame, be angry and strong, and strive for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. "Ancestor worship in the Qingming Dynasty is a fine tradition of the Chinese nation, I am the seventh grandson of General Song Qing, and I am also an authentic Penglai person, as a Chinese overseas Chinese, the feeling of seeking roots, seeking the source and worshipping ancestors has always accompanied me. It is hoped that more people will learn, inherit, inherit and carry forward the national spirit of their ancestors. Song Wei said. Correspondent Chu Kunpeng Reporter Wang Dongmei

Editor-in-Charge: Yu Nian

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