
Full net brainwashing! Why did the theme song of Michelle Ice City become popular overnight?

author:Big River Newspaper

Dahe Newspaper reporter Wang Weiyi

"You love me, I love you, Honey Snow Ice City Sweet Honey..." These days, the theme song of Honey Snow Ice City has been all over the Internet, and it has rushed to the hot search on Weibo, Douyin, NetEase Cloud Music and other platforms. How was this magic brainwashing divine comedy created, and why did it suddenly come out of the circle recently? The top news and big river newspaper reporter interviewed relevant people to interpret it for you.

<b>Brainwashing tip: catchy + repeat</b>

"Catchy once, top two times, loop three times in the head." "I can't pronounce this sentence properly!" "Begging for a bowl of Meng Po soup made me forget this melody..."

How was such a "brainwashing" divine comedy created? Wang Weilong, head of marketing and publicity at Michelle Ice City, told reporters that the original song of the song was the classic country folk song "Oh! Suzanne" was quickly popular around the world because of its catchy melody. Since the author has been dead for more than 50 years, the copyright protection of the work has expired and it has entered the field of public copyright.

"The reason why this song was chosen is because its melody is simple, the rhythm is brisk, and it is easy to remember; at the same time, it has been unconsciously popular in China for many years, and the street children's rockers often use this song, and many people have also appeared in primary school music textbooks, which has a good mass base." Wang Weilong said, "Our team also asked professionals to make some adaptations of the original song, removing some complex parts and making the whole melody more simplified; and then paired with a brand slogan as lyrics, which is repeated throughout the song." The simple, easy-to-remember, catchy features are an important basis for this song to catch fire. ”

The musician "Brother Glasses" analyzed the song from a professional point of view: "After the adaptation, the high and low notes of this song are within the normal category of normal people, and both male and female voices can sing." The lyrics are 13 words in total, and a few words are repeated, so simple that children can listen to it once and remember it, which is very easy to sing. ”

After the theme song was composed, it began to be broadcast in various stores of Mi Xue Ice City in December 2019. In Wang Weilong's view, more than 10,000 stores across the country have repeatedly played this song for up to a year and a half, covering hundreds of millions of people, and also laying a solid mass foundation for this overnight hit.

<b>Netizens created twice, helping to become popular overnight</b>

Why did this theme song suddenly explode after a year and a half? It turned out that the spontaneous secondary creation of netizens was the "introduction" of this explosion.

Recently, a netizen uploaded a video of the theme song of Mi Xue Ice City on a certain platform, and suddenly had nearly 200,000 views. We noticed this situation, took the initiative to contact the netizen, used the official account to like him, and took this opportunity to carry out a wave of guidance to encourage netizens to create a second time. Wang Weilong said.

Overnight, various versions of the Theme Song of Michelle Ice City continued to emerge: foreign language version, musical instrument version, Peking Opera version, electronic music version, rap version, shouting mai version, women's group dance version, gesture dance version, two-dimensional animation version... They have been forwarded to major platforms, forming a trend of "brushing the screen"; many topics about the theme song of Mi Xue Ice City have been on the hot search of Weibo, Douyin, NetEase Cloud Music and other platforms.

"The theme song of Michelle Ice City is about to be broken by our play!" Xiao Dong, the owner of a video platform up, told reporters that the second creation is a form that many young people like, and now it is the summer vacation, many young people who have just finished the college entrance examination or just put on summer vacation are in a relatively idle period, and many people will chase the network hotspot "whole work". "Sometimes a certain terrier suddenly catches fire, there will be many people to play the terrier, the taste of light will do some foreign language versions, anime versions, the taste of the focus of the cut of a variety of ghost animal version, magic brainwashing version, can play a variety of tricks." 」

Now, the theme song of Michelle Ice City has become a phenomenon-level topic, which not only triggered the secondary creation of netizens, but also attracted official trumpets such as Huawei and China Central Radio and Television Corporation to follow up and carry out "dream linkage". Huawei released a series of short videos of "Astronauts" on its official Douyin, one of which is that astronauts dance in the bgm of the theme song of Mi xue ice city, which has received more than 180,000 likes as of press time; the official account of the b station "Central Video" released the "Space Station has a palace security chicken": "It doesn't matter if you are a little hungry, the space station has a palace security chicken; if you want to eat here, more than a hundred packages are satisfied." Combined with current events, the food supply of the Chinese space station was well received by netizens and once landed on the first hot search of the B station.

"First there is a work suitable for dissemination, and then it is constantly repeated to form a sufficient amount of dissemination, and finally seize the opportunity to guide users to spontaneously create content secondary creations, giving this song new vitality and infinite possibilities." The reason why the theme song of Michelle Ice City can become popular is that these three factors are very important. Wang Weilong concluded.

How long the popularity of the theme song of Michelle Ice City can last, and what dream linkage there will be with the major IPs, let us wait and see.

Source: Dahe Client Editor: Pei Shenshen