
Tancheng Subdistrict: Redeploy and remobilize to fully promote the new crown vaccination work

author:Information News
Tancheng Subdistrict: Redeploy and remobilize to fully promote the new crown vaccination work

At present, the situation of prevention and control of the new crown pneumonia epidemic is still very grim. In order to maximize the benefits of vaccines to the masses and consolidate the achievements in epidemic prevention and control, Tancheng Street has continued to exert efforts to promote the new crown vaccination work, regard the vaccination work as an important part of the party history study and education "I do practical things for the masses", and effectively take various measures to contribute to the construction of the Great Wall of epidemic prevention.

Tancheng Subdistrict: Redeploy and remobilize to fully promote the new crown vaccination work

I. Strengthen organizational leadership and consolidate responsibilities layer by layer From August 2 to 3, Tancheng Street held two consecutive meetings to promote the new crown vaccination work, Zhang Nian, secretary of the street party working committee, presided over the meeting and made a speech, Liao Jianwen, deputy secretary of the party working committee and director of the office, made deployment arrangements, and more than 40 people from the street team and the secretaries of various villages and communities attended the meeting.

Tancheng Subdistrict: Redeploy and remobilize to fully promote the new crown vaccination work

The meeting stressed that it is necessary to conscientiously implement the decision-making arrangements and relevant work requirements of the district party committee and the district government on vaccination, and analyze and judge the situation facing the current vaccination work in the streets, strengthen measures, reverse the construction schedule, scientifically dispatch, further consolidate the territorial responsibilities of villages and communities, and establish and improve the work mechanism of grasping the work step by step.

Tancheng Subdistrict: Redeploy and remobilize to fully promote the new crown vaccination work

After the meeting, the leaders of each hanging point led the cadres to sink rapidly, and went to the villages and communities to convene meetings of the cadres of the two committees, group leaders, and volunteers for implementation at the first time, requiring them to quickly find out the "family background", clarify the target, and accurately mobilize.

In the community, joint property, building management, and enthusiastic volunteers carried out mapping work, went deep into residents' homes to understand the number of people who had received and missed and why, actively mobilized eligible unvaccinated people, and established ledgers and lists. In the village, the cadres and group leaders of the two committees were organized to carry out household mobilization and register the unvaccinated personnel who met the conditions one by one. The streets require villages and communities to report the vaccination data before 17:00 every day.

Tancheng Subdistrict: Redeploy and remobilize to fully promote the new crown vaccination work
Tancheng Subdistrict: Redeploy and remobilize to fully promote the new crown vaccination work
Tancheng Subdistrict: Redeploy and remobilize to fully promote the new crown vaccination work
Tancheng Subdistrict: Redeploy and remobilize to fully promote the new crown vaccination work

Third, scientific scheduling, open up the "last kilometer" of vaccination In order to solve the difficulties of the elderly who are mostly inconvenient to travel, on the morning of August 4, the street unified docking Wuyi Transportation Company, organizing buses to go to each village to pick up villagers for free vaccination, and effectively open up the "last kilometer" of vaccination services. The staff of the street organization follow up the whole process of mapping, making appointments, pick-up and drop-off, vaccination, and observation, and carry out all links in an orderly manner, fully doing a good job in facilitating and benefiting the people, and ensuring that the whole process of vaccination is fast, safe, controllable and effective.

Tancheng Subdistrict: Redeploy and remobilize to fully promote the new crown vaccination work

Fourth, strengthen publicity and mobilization, guide the masses to consciously prevent the epidemic in accordance with the principle of "should be received", continue to strengthen publicity, strictly implement the "two-code joint investigation", carry out publicity at the entrances and exits with large flow of people, distribute leaflets, do a good job of consultation and explanation, guide the masses to actively vaccinate, take the initiative to vaccinate, and vaccinate early, and build an immune barrier as soon as possible.

Tancheng Subdistrict: Redeploy and remobilize to fully promote the new crown vaccination work

(Source: Jianyang District People's Government website)


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