
Zhou Xihan, chief of the operations section, did not obey the commander's accusations, and the commander drew his gun and hit it, but several shots were missed

author:Bing said

Author: Cowherds in Su District

There is such a special general in our army, who has gone from an ordinary soldier to a military commander, and most of the positions he holds are deputies. He is arrogant and paranoid, and he believes that things must be done. For his arrogance, his superiors have reminded him many times, but the results are not great, and his nature is still difficult to change. The so-called "character determines fate", his stubbornness and arrogance had an important impact on his life, and even almost lost his life. This general was the founding lieutenant general Zhou Xihan.

Zhou Xihan, chief of the operations section, did not obey the commander's accusations, and the commander drew his gun and hit it, but several shots were missed

Lieutenant General Zhou Xihan

Zhou Xihan served as a staff officer at the headquarters of the Red 4th Front. Once, in order to make Zhang someone rest more comfortably, Zhou Xihan found a relatively spacious compound for him to rest. Unexpectedly, Zhang Ren, who was suspicious by nature, personally went to the courtyard to investigate, and after seeing the courtyard, he was very dissatisfied, thinking that the target of the courtyard was too big and could easily become the target of the enemy's attack, so Zhou Xihan deliberately set a trap to kill him. For this reason, Zhang yelled at Zhou Xihan. Zhou Xihan felt that he had been wronged by his good intentions, and he was very annoyed, so he stared at Zhang and argued. Zhang gritted his teeth in anger and ordered his men to tie him up and kill his head. At this time, Xu Xiang, the commander-in-chief of the Red 4 Front, passed by and interceded to save his life. Even when he was untied, Zhou Xihan still blushed and had a thick neck, angrily expressing his dissatisfaction.

Zhou Xihan, chief of the operations section, did not obey the commander's accusations, and the commander drew his gun and hit it, but several shots were missed

Later, Zhou Xihan served as the chief of the operations section of the Red 9th Army. In one battle, He Wei, the commander of the Red 9 Army who was born from the old warlord, wanted to push a command mistake on his head, and his stubbornness and stubbornness came up again, and he had to argue with He Wei. He Wei became angry and embarrassed, and even pulled out a pistol and shot at Zhou Xihan. I don't know if it was the reason for the inaccurate marksmanship, or if I just wanted to scare him, He Wei didn't hit Zhou Xihan even after firing a few shots. The bullet casing fell to the ground, and he still craned his neck to state his reasoning. As a military commander, He Wei was frightened out of a cold sweat and did not dare to embarrass him anymore.

Although Zhou Xi Khan was very paranoid and arrogant, he was a good hand in fighting and was known as the "general who always won".

Zhou Xihan, chief of the operations section, did not obey the commander's accusations, and the commander drew his gun and hit it, but several shots were missed

In September 1946, the Jinji-Hebei Luyu Liberation Army won the victory in the Battles of Wenxia and Tongpu, dealing a heavy blow to Hu Zongnan's clique. Hu Zongnan refused to fail and mobilized 11 brigades to attack Jinnan again. The main forces of the Jinji-Hebei Luyu People's Liberation Army arranged "pockets" in the Area of Fushan, waiting for the enemy to drill into it. On September 22, the 167th and 27th Brigades of Chiang Kai-shek's army did indeed enter the ambush circle. Hu Zongnan saw that Fushan was in danger, so he hurriedly sent the 1st Army and 1st Brigade to the rescue, which just happened to hit the strategy of our army to encircle the point and provide assistance, and it was Zhou Xihan's 10th Brigade that attacked the reinforcements.

The 1st Brigade of Hu Zongnan's 1st Army was reorganized from the original 1st Division, and its first commander was Hu Zongnan, which can be said to be the place where he started. Hu Zongnan spared no expense to purchase advanced weapons and equipment for the brigade, and the current brigade commander, Huang Zhengcheng, had close relations with Chiang Kai-shek and Hu Zongnan, was Chiang's proud protégé, and had trained in a German military school. Because of this, the brigade was called the "first brigade under the heavens" in Chiang Kai-shek's army, and the brigade commander Huang Zhengcheng was very proud of the spring breeze.

Huang Zhengcheng's 2nd Guard Regiment had just advanced to Guanque Village, when it was surrounded by the 11th Brigade of Chen Geng's corps. Huang Zhengcheng saw the situation and aggressively led his 1 regiment to kill. Huang Zhengcheng brigade is well-equipped, high degree of mechanization, not long, 1 regiment approaching, there is a bend, the curve is all the way uphill, the view is very open after the uphill, far away you can see the front left and right sides of the two ridges, like a natural pass, over the pass is guanque village.

Soon, Huang Zhengcheng and his 1st regiment were about to pass through the pass at the top of the slope. Looking at the pass in front of him, Huang Zhengcheng secretly snickered and thought to himself, saying that Chen Geng fought fiercely, and I think it was no more than that. If it were me, I would definitely not go to the ghost place of guanque, so I will focus on setting up troops at the pass to help.

Zhou Xihan, chief of the operations section, did not obey the commander's accusations, and the commander drew his gun and hit it, but several shots were missed

Just when Huang Zhengcheng was fantasizing about how he would win the battle, a burst of shells "rumbled" and frightened Huang Zhengcheng into jumping. As soon as he looked ahead, his own sharp regiment was blown up at the pass. Huang Zhengcheng quickly jumped out of the car, hid behind a dirt slope next to the road, and picked up a telescope to carefully observe the situation at the pass. He watched for several minutes, and the pass saw neither ambushes nor heavy fire, only sparse trees and a few boulders, which seemed unusually calm.

Looking at the corpses and destroyed weapons in front of him, Huang Zhengcheng understood that someone was blocking his way in front. When Huang Zhengcheng was about to organize a troop charge, a lot of People's Liberation Army suddenly appeared at the pass, all light and heavy weapons opened fire at the same time, and Huang Zhengcheng organized several charges, but failed to pass through the pass.

Zhou Xihan, chief of the operations section, did not obey the commander's accusations, and the commander drew his gun and hit it, but several shots were missed

It was Zhou Xihan's 10th Brigade that guarded the pass. At this time, Zhou Xihan was condescendingly observing the battle situation under a tree not far from the pass with a telescope. His face was calm, calm and leisurely, like enjoying the scenery under the mountain, and like stopping to watch chess, but his eyes were always scanning, looking for Huang Zhengcheng. He wanted to see what this so-called ace brigade commander really looked like.

Later, Huang Zhengcheng was captured and escorted to the headquarters of the 10th Brigade. Under the flickering oil lamp, the two brigade commanders looked at each other, Zhou Xihan was tall and thin, wearing a simple native cloth military uniform, while Huang Zhengcheng was thick and solid, wearing a straight military uniform. Huang Zhengcheng stared at Zhou Xihan for a long time, a little disappointed: "You are not Chen Geng at all!" ”

Zhou Xihan, chief of the operations section, did not obey the commander's accusations, and the commander drew his gun and hit it, but several shots were missed

Zhou Xihan suddenly realized that this defeated general actually wanted to see Chen Geng! He was enraged by the other party's self-righteousness, and coldly returned: "I am Zhou Xihan!" ”

Huang Zhengcheng looked at Zhou Xihan carefully, with a disdainful face: "Why didn't Chen Geng come to see me?" I want to see Chen Geng! Zhou Xihan leaned back on the chair, glanced at him, looked up and said lightly: "Do you still want to see Chen Geng as a character?" To catch you, I Zhou Xihan is enough, kill chickens with a cattle knife? ”

[Deeply cultivate the history of war, carry forward positive energy, soldiers say that all parties are welcome to submit articles, private messages will be restored]

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