
Strange flavor of fava beans to prepare

author:Healthy eating

Today Bought fava beans, originally planned to burst fava beans in green onion oil, peeled the pods but found that the broad beans are a bit old, so they changed to strange flavor fava beans.

Ingredients: 500 g of fresh fava beans, about 200 ml of vegetable oil (for frying)

Accessories: 30 g of sugar (or 25g of sugar + 5g of caramel), 0.25g of pepper powder, 0.25g of paprika, 1g of allspice powder, 1 spoonful of cooked sesame seeds, 18g of vegetable oil, appropriate amount of refined salt, appropriate amount of monosodium glutamate, appropriate amount of sweet sauce.

Practice steps

1. Wash the fresh fava beans and cook them in a pot on high heat for about 10 minutes, then simmer for half an hour. Drain and drain.

Strange flavor of fava beans to prepare

2. Heat the oil in the pot until boiling, fry the broad beans on low heat until golden and crispy (the body size is reduced), and drain the oil on the plate.

Strange flavor of fava beans to prepare
Strange flavor of fava beans to prepare

3. Pour sugar and 1 spoonful of water into the pot, simmer until it bubbles, add pepper noodles, chili noodles, five-spice powder, sesame seeds, sweet sauce, salt, MONOS glutamate and mix well, pour in the fried fava beans and turn off the heat, quickly stir-fry to make the broad beans covered with sauce.

Strange flavor of fava beans to prepare
Strange flavor of fava beans to prepare
Strange flavor of fava beans to prepare

Serve on a plate and serve on a cold plate.

Strange flavor of fava beans to prepare

Product features: the taste is slightly spicy, and the delicate taste has different flavors.

Note: If you use dried fava beans to make strange broad beans, you need to soak them in water for 30h, then add 6g of edible alkali to soak for 3 to 10h, take out and rinse clean. This formula is also suitable for making strange peanuts.

In addition: the formulas I use are all changed from the textbook "Snack Food Processing Technology"!