
Owner complaint: BAIC Zhida x3 gearbox problem (number: 1021800) complaint content complaint progress expected result

author:Autonomous vehicle network

City: Ili, Xinjiang

Complaint time: 2021-09-09 18:36:54

Dealer Name:

Complaint about the model: quality problems

Complaint issue: Transmission

Mileage traveled: more than 41,000

Brand model: BAIC Zhida x3

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="10" > complaint content</h1>

BEIQI Zhida x3 gearbox 5 gear jump warranty has not yet arrived at the time, I traveled 41,000 kilometers on the problem, are more than half a month or not to solve. Many complaints have been to no avail and ignored. My warranty is within the specified time and the manufacturer should help me replace the gearbox. I hope to pay attention to this incident, I don't want to spend so much money, but I bought a fake. Are manufacturers not afraid to smash their own signboards? Who will buy your car in the future? I hope that the merchant can help me replace it as soon as possible, if you refuse to replace it, you can help me repair it for free, that is, don't run away from this matter, thank you very much.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="12" > the progress of the complaint</h1>

Submitted, processed

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="14" > expected result</h1>

Replace me

Owner complaint: BAIC Zhida x3 gearbox problem (number: 1021800) complaint content complaint progress expected result

The above content does not represent the view of the autonomous automobile network

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