
The Wanben Villagers Group of the Jiele Village Committee of Mengjiao Town, Ruili City, was adjusted to a low-risk area


According to the national requirements for the zoning and grading prevention and control of the new crown pneumonia epidemic, after the assessment of the epidemic prevention and control expert group, since 12:00 on August 23, 2021, the stick and clam villager group of the Jiele Village Committee of Mengjiao Town, Ruili City has been adjusted to a low-risk area. #抗击疫情 Yunnan in Action # (Ruili City COVID-19 Epidemic Prevention and Control Headquarters)

The Wanben Villagers Group of the Jiele Village Committee of Mengjiao Town, Ruili City, was adjusted to a low-risk area
The Wanben Villagers Group of the Jiele Village Committee of Mengjiao Town, Ruili City, was adjusted to a low-risk area