
Where there is love, there is life. Where there is love, there is life.

author:Resourceful English
Where there is love, there is life. Where there is love, there is life.

---mohandas karamchand gandhi

--- Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi

Where there is love, there is life. Where there is love, there is life.

people often talk about love, but most of us are not fully aware about its true essence. there is lot of misconception about efficacy of love that holds us back to generate loving feelings towards others.

People talk about love all the time, but most people don't really realize the essence of love. There are many misreadings about the role of love, and this misreading allows us to reorient our love for others, and this love comes from the heart.

love is not possessiveness. people look love as a possession that has to be acquired and preserved. to expect that others ought to provide it to us so that our life is filled with love is the biggest fallacy, which is cause of much unhappiness. it is not like any other material thing to be demanded from others. even if other person offers us plenty of love, we may not be able to feel it. it is normal to blame others for not loving us, but much depends on our inner self whether it has capability to feel it from others.

Love is not possessiveness. People see love as a private property to acquire and collect. People expect others to give themselves love so that their lives are surrounded by love, which is the biggest mistake, which is the cause of a lot of suffering. This kind of love is not like the love that comes from marriage, the love that comes from marriage is what you ask for. Even if others give us a great deal of love, we cannot perceive it. It is not normal to blame others for not giving us love, but the perception of love depends more on the inner self, to see if it has the ability to perceive love from others.

Where there is love, there is life. Where there is love, there is life.

love is a feeling of well being and of good emotions. it is an activity that keeps us in good spirit and is liked to our emotions. let us engage and create feeling of love by making self capable through appropriate changes in our dealings with others. there is no other way to love and be loved. the physical intimacy devoid of good feelings is not love but lust. people often fail to conceive love as pious in essence. while dealing with others, let us take care that our dealings make them cheerful, by helping them to come out of their problem, appreciate their successes and be grateful for help received from them. all these activities are to express love. the benefit of giving love to others is that it appeals to our heart and makes us connected to others, provides stability and security, removes fear and gives a feeling of being good towards other people. one can get to know love by first generating such feelings of being good to others. how can a person feel love from others if he is filled with ego, anger and selfish tendencies? these negative emotions suppress inner urge to love others.

Love is a sense of peace and goodness. It is an activity that makes us mentally peaceful, similar to other emotions. Let us devote ourselves physically and mentally to creating a love that will empower us to make the appropriate changes that are related to the handling of good relationships with others. There is no other way to love and be loved. Physical intimacy, which lacks good feelings, is not out of love, but out of desire. People don't usually think of love as a refined belief. In the process of dealing with others, we have to handle this relationship carefully. Through us to help them out of their predicament, appreciate their success, and express gratitude for the help from them. The purpose of this is to make them happy. All these activities are expressions of love. It is good to give love to others. It gives us an infatuated feeling within us, brings us closer to others, provides them with stable security, dispels their fears when interacting with others, and makes them feel comfortable. One can first recognize love through the emergence of this comfortable mood and show kindness to others. If one has only ego, anger, and selfish tendencies in one's heart, how can one feel love from others? These negative emotions suppress your own inner desire to love others.

Where there is love, there is life. Where there is love, there is life.

love is a divine energy. i had a very vague idea about love initially. as i tried to understand more about it, a completely different perspective and thinking develops that explains the true essence of love. i have come to know from spiritual literature that love is nature and nature is love. it appears too abstract in the first instance, but more we tend to think of nature will make us to love nature and all other creations of nature. it is like energy flowing within us derived from ultimate that thinks positive and helps in inner purification. albert einstein discovered energy mass equation that explains interconnection of material and energy. it revolutionized the thinking of present century by using a small amount of mass to derive a tremendous energy. hence, along with our material existence, somewhere we are also part of the divine energy lying within us as dormant. logically, this divine energy which is nothing but love brings us close to ultimate. i can imagine that every one of us has a great capacity of this divine love within us, but it is hidden, untapped and misdirected. great saints have worked on human beings from time to time by developing intense feeling of love and concern for others. this has helped them to achieve higher levels of spiritual growth and closeness with the ultimate. the true meaning of love is inner purification of soul. this is the real purpose of love.

Love is a divine and beautiful force. I began to have only a vague idea of love. When I try to understand the deeper meaning of love, a completely different perspective and the emergence of ideas explain the true essence of love. I learned from reading spiritual literature that love is the Creator and the Creator is love. At first, this may seem abstract, but the more we think of the Creator, the more he loves Him and all that He has created. It's like the energy flowing in our bodies, and this energy comes from the ultimate state of the human body. It actively gives the body to think and purifies our hearts. Albert Einstein discovered the energy mass equation, which explains the interaction between matter and energy. It revolutionized the idea that the world today can produce enormous amounts of energy with the smallest amount of matter. Therefore, as with the existence of matter, somewhere in our body, a part of the Divine Force is dominating us. Logically, this divine power is love, which brings us infinitely closer to the ultimate state. I can imagine that there is this divine power of love within each of us, but it is hidden, untouched and misguided. The wise men have been studying human beings, and their purpose is to develop strong human feelings of love and affection for others. This allowed them to achieve a higher level of spiritual cultivation and to be closer to the ultimate realm. The true meaning of love is the purity of the soul and heart. This is the true purpose of love.

Where there is love, there is life. Where there is love, there is life.

we imagine women in love as beautiful, sacrificing and never arguing. the media depicts love based on physical attraction. in actual life situation, things are different. love does not mean that there will not be any differences and the other person will always remain dumb. it does not mean that a person not very handsome or beautiful will be less attractive and loving in nature. the attractiveness of a person is depicted from overall personality that is a combination of physical looks, positive attitude and confidence. the love stories as reflected in media and narrated by other persons do mostly narrate physical aspect of love. it does not emphasize on the emotional closeness and spiritual part of the love which is more subtle and enduring. our perception of love is thus limited in nature.

We imagine women in love who are beautiful, sacrificial, and never quarrel. The love portrayed in the media is based on physical attraction. In real life, the situation is very different. Love does not mean that there are no disagreements, and the other half is always silent. Nor does it mean that the other half is not handsome or beautiful and lacks innate attractiveness and cuteness. A person's attraction is described as the comprehensiveness of personality, which is a combination of appearance, positive attitude, and self-confidence. Most love stories published in the media or narrated by others are about physical or physical beauty. They do not emphasize emotional closeness and the spiritual dimension of love. These aspects are more subtle and enduring. Our understanding of love is limited in its essence.

Where there is love, there is life. Where there is love, there is life.

Love your neighbor

life is not always about happy or sad situation. it has its own moments of ups and down. how to adjust in each situation and take it in stride will greatly affect the quality of life and relationship with other people. the perception of love as being devoid of any problem, trouble and pain is thus misconception. people feel more and more pain as they are not able to live in love in relationship with other people. our perception of love has to change. we have to live with all the problems that we face in unison, sort out our differences and make change in our life style to bring semblance of love and tolerance in our attitude. we have to meet the need of soul to develop spiritual love for other persons which goes beyond the physical attraction.

Life is not always about happy and sad situations. It has moments of ups and downs. How to adjust each situation and take big strides can affect the quality of life and interpersonal relationships with others. It is a misconception to understand the concept of love as it can eliminate problems, problems, and suffering. When people can't be friendly with others, they feel more and more pain. Our perception of love has had to change. We have to face difficulties together, seek common ground while reserving differences, change the way we live, find similarities in love, and tolerate different attitudes towards life. We have to meet the needs of our souls and promote spiritual love for each other beyond our physical attraction.

Where there is love, there is life. Where there is love, there is life.
Where there is love, there is life. Where there is love, there is life.

Let the heart of love and faith always be around

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