
Who you are and how you position yourself


People often ask, who am I and where I am. If you don't know who you are, you can know who you are in the eyes of others

If the men are all like you, you may be a beautiful woman.

If women like you, you may be pretty.

If both men and women like you, then you may be in RMB.

There was an episode in the round table pie before, Dou Wentao, Jiang Fangzhou, Jiang Fangzhou said, when the female is 25 years old, the object of introduction by others is generally civil servants, lawyers, teachers, etc., and by the age of 30, the object introduced by others has become divorced, and when he is 35 years old, the object of introduction has become, and the person's eyes or legs and feet are not good [Teeth]

Who you are and how you position yourself