
Wei Tao investigated and supervised the study and education of party history in the city

author:Taiyuan News Network

Wei Tao stressed during his investigation and supervision of the study and education of party history in the city

Solidly Carry Out Party History Study and Education Draw strong forces for forging ahead from it

Promote high-quality development in an all-round way Comprehensively reproduce the grand scenery of "Splendid Taiyuan City"

Wei Tao investigated and supervised the study and education of party history in the city

The picture shows Wei Tao, member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, vice governor and secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, conducting research and supervision on the development of party history study and education in the second community of Xinjian South Road. Photo by Liang Chen

  On November 3, Wei Tao, member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial CPC Committee, vice governor, and secretary of the Municipal CPC Committee, stressed during his investigation and supervision of the study and education of party history in the city that it is necessary to deeply study and implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important "July 1st" important speech and the important instructions of inspecting Shanxi's important speech, deeply study and implement the spirit of the 12th Provincial Party Congress, solidly carry out the study and education of party history, draw strong forces from it, promote high-quality development in an all-round way, and comprehensively reproduce the grand scene of "Splendid Taiyuan City". Municipal leaders Liu Hu, Yang Ji and Wu Xiaohua attended.

  The Taiyuan History Exhibition Hall of the Communist Party of China vividly reproduces the history of the unremitting struggle, the history of not being afraid of sacrifice, the history of benefiting the people, and the history of self-revolution in which the party led the people of Taiyuan to carry out revolution, construction, reform, and rejuvenation. Wei Tao walked into the exhibition hall, along with the Taiyuan memory of the liberation of the national independent people, the Taiyuan picture of socialist revolution and construction, the Taiyuan practice of socialism with Chinese characteristics, keeping in mind the leader's entrustment, striving to write the Taiyuan chapter of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era, the Revolutionary Spirit and the Taiyuan Logo of the Glorious Tradition, and other 5 parts in turn, carefully reading one fresh historical material after another, stopping to watch one precious photograph after another, listening to the red stories that occurred on the land of Hezhou, asking for details from time to time, and reliving the glorious course of the party with everyone , deeply understand the party's original mission. He said affectionately that Taiyuan is a red city with glorious revolutionary traditions and has made important contributions to the party and the country in various historical periods. He stressed: It is necessary to give full play to the role of the exhibition hall as an important front for party history study and education and patriotism education, and to tell well the glorious history of generations of communists in taiyuan, which has gone forward to succeed and continue to struggle, so that the grass-roots masses can resonate with the study and education of party history, and promote the study and education of party history to better enter the masses, integrate into society, and penetrate the hearts of the people.

  The second community of Xinjian South Road, Laojun Barracks Street, Yingze District, has created an immersive and interactive learning platform from the three aspects of "learning, speaking and doing", so that the study and education of party history can "fly into the homes of ordinary people". Wei Tao combined with the exhibition board to understand the progress of party history study and education, listened to the introduction of grid service management, and walked into the street veterans service station to inquire about the work. Went deep into the party building room, cultural activity room, chuxin classroom and other places, participated in the ongoing music party class, "three original" study group activities, exchanged experiences with community party members, and gave on-site publicity to the spirit of the twelfth provincial party congress, hoping that everyone would lead more party members and masses in the community to set off a wave of study and implementation while learning deeply. Subsequently, he walked into the community canteen for the elderly to inspect the operation and service situation, and praised the community's practice of solving the problem of dining for the elderly. He stressed that the community is closest to the masses and serves the people most directly, and it is necessary to adhere to the people-centered development thinking, constantly enrich the form and content of party history study and education, effectively improve the ability and level of party building to lead grass-roots governance, and strive to open up the "last kilometer" of connecting and serving the masses.

  Taiyuan Financial Comprehensive Service Hall aims to provide enterprises, especially small and medium-sized enterprises, with multi-element, optional, full-process, "one-stop" financing closed-loop services. Wei Tao carefully watched the hall service propaganda film and learned more about the window service matters, procedures, approval procedures, and time limits for completion. He stressed that the establishment of a financial comprehensive service hall is an important measure for the city's "I do practical things for the masses" practical activities, and it is necessary to adhere to the positioning of "financial station for the service center for the people", focus on the financing problems of small and medium-sized and micro enterprises, further innovate service methods, expand service content, improve service quality, and strive to build a financial service highland in the province to provide financial support for the doubling of market players.

  The Party and Mass Service Center of Xiaodian District Qinxian Changfeng Business Circle is an urban grassroots party building community with the participation of many forces such as the street party working committee as the core, the party organizations in the non-public sector, and the party organizations of the resident units in the jurisdiction. Wei Tao came to the central building, combined with the "party building map" to understand the organizational structure of party building, walked into the city study, entrepreneur's living room, and political life hall, inspected the construction and use of the public service platform, learned more about the list of projects and the progress of "I do practical things for the masses", and affirmed the practice of the party committee of the business circle adhering to party building to lead the development of services and promoting the organic connection of party organizations in various fields. He stressed that it is necessary to strengthen the exclusive party building services of "non-public" organizations, innovate work methods and methods, fully integrate party building work into the organizational system, cultural construction, production and operation, and social responsibility of "non-public" enterprises, and use the results of party history study and education to promote the high-quality development of enterprises.

  Wei Tao stressed that it is necessary to continue to deeply study and understand the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech on "July 1st", combine it with the study and implementation of the spirit of the important instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping's inspection of Shanxi," combine it with the in-depth study, publicity, and implementation of the spirit of the Twelfth Provincial Party Congress, continue to carry out in-depth party history study and education, continuously enrich and expand the connotation of deepening the study and education of party history, and earnestly achieve the study of history clearly, increase credibility, learn history reverence, and practice history, and constantly enhance the "four consciousnesses", strengthen the "four self-confidences", and achieve "two safeguards" He has always been a firm believer and faithful practitioner of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era. It is necessary to continue to do a good job in the practical activities of "I do practical things for the masses", give play to the role of grass-roots party organizations as fighting bastions and the vanguard and exemplary role of party members, earnestly solve the problems that the people are anxious and anxious about, ensure that good things are done well and do practical things well, and make the people's sense of happiness and security more fulfilling, more secure, and more sustainable. It is necessary to promote the study and education of party history and the all-round promotion of high-quality development with the same frequency resonance, take the initiative to adapt to the new development stage, completely and accurately implement the new development concept, seize the historical opportunity of building a new development pattern, transform the study results into a high-spirited spirit and practical actions to overcome difficulties, take new responsibilities and new actions to ensure that the "four walk in the forefront", continuously enhance Taiyuan's primacy in the province and its influence in the whole country, and comprehensively reproduce the grand scene of "Splendid Taiyuan City". Taiyuan Evening News