
UFO mystery case tracking, that year's Roswell flying saucer crash, whether the United States concealed the truth 1947 Roswell incident 1995 alien dissection video incident Roswell incident official decryption

UFO mystery case tracking, that year's Roswell flying saucer crash, whether the United States concealed the truth 1947 Roswell incident 1995 alien dissection video incident Roswell incident official decryption

If we want to talk about the most well-known and sensational third-type contact incident with alien civilizations in the world, then we must not avoid the flying saucer fall that occurred near Roswell Air Force Base in New Mexico on July 4, 1947!

According to the records, that night, a farmer named Macbreyser suddenly heard a loud thunderous sound in the distance, and he did not pay much attention to it; but when he got up the next day, he was surprised to find that many metal fragments inexplicably appeared on his farm, covering a range of 400 square meters.

On July 8, about 5 kilometers west of the farm, a metal dish with a diameter of about nine meters was found crashing above the emperor, and around the dish, there were several bodies of meaning aliens.

Moreover, the local Roswell Chronicle also published a sensational news on July 9, the sixth day after the incident, in the form of a front-page headline - the US Air Force had recovered the crashed flying saucer and alien remains 120 kilometers northwest of Roswell.

But strangely enough, less than 24 hours after the news was waited out, the newspaper's tone came directly to a 180-degree turn, claiming that it was not a ufo that fell, but a weather ball with a radar reactor, and the farmer McBreyser found the wreckage of the radar reactor on the weather ball.

Although the newspaper and the US official released the news at the first time to clarify, but most people feel that the newspaper this time so quickly changed its mouth, really faintly revealed a hidden taste, so a large number of civilian UFO fans began to collect evidence of the fall of Roswell's flying saucer. At the same time, some rumors about the UFO crash have also been stirred up and publicized.

Some people even claim that the U.S. military did find the remains of flying saucers and aliens at the crash site, and that they have been recovered, and that everything is stored in Area 51 in the Nevada desert, and that the U.S. military is conducting in-depth research on them. Although these claims are not supported by substantial evidence, the discussion of this third type of contact incident has never stopped.

UFO mystery case tracking, that year's Roswell flying saucer crash, whether the United States concealed the truth 1947 Roswell incident 1995 alien dissection video incident Roswell incident official decryption

Fast forward to 1995, when a British producer at the time took out a tape claiming to be a dissecting aliens at Roswell Air Force Base, and began to sell it to the public. According to him, the tape was secretly provided to him by a service officer working at Roswell Air Force Base.

It was a row of black-and-white, silent videotapes filmed in a small, dimly lit dissection room. In the picture, two doctors in white coats are deconstructing the body of an alien with six fingers, which is not tall.

As soon as the 17-minute video was released, it immediately became the focus of major media coverage, and was also enthusiastically sought after by ufo fans around the world, not only selling 500,000 copies in just one year, but also broadcasting it on television stations in more than 40 countries around the world.

However, there are also those who suspect that the producer is really hyped and question the authenticity of the tape. Skeptics believe there are two points of doubt throughout the video:

First of all, the doctor in the video never looks at the camera, not even glances at the camera, as if the photographer does not exist at all, and feels that there is some deliberate performance.

Secondly, the picture appears in the picture of the earpiece connected by a circle of soft wire wall-mounted telephone, which is the most controversial point, the doubters believe that the telephone handset at that time, can not be connected by a soft coil; and even some people think that in 1947, there was no wall-mounted telephone at all.

Coincidentally, it is precisely this telephone that does not seem to appear in the video, and finally becomes the key to unraveling the mystery. It was confirmed that a similar wall-mounted telephone appeared in 1950, and the video was filmed in 1947, which proved that this dissected alien tape that caused a sensation at the time was actually a forgery.

After the scam was exposed, two film and television producers in the United States who claimed to be videographers also came forward and publicly admitted that the so-called alien anatomy footage was actually filmed in a barn.

The alien's corpse is played by the son of one of the photographers, and the so-called military doctor who dissects it is a butcher they found in the local area. As for the internal organs removed from the alien corpses during the autopsy, they are only chicken offal.

At this point, the whole farce is over, and the truth is revealed, which is just a shocking hoax concocted for us by two UFO enthusiasts.

UFO mystery case tracking, that year's Roswell flying saucer crash, whether the United States concealed the truth 1947 Roswell incident 1995 alien dissection video incident Roswell incident official decryption

However, in the face of such a truth, there are still UFO fans who believe that although this video is fake, it is just two fame-selling and reputation-seeking people who are using the Roswell incident to hype, and it does not prove anything. Moreover, they firmly believe that in Area 51 in the United States, there must be flying saucers that crashed in Roswell, and there may even be other aliens hidden.

Since then, a large number of UFO enthusiasts have been calling for and asking the U.S. government to release the files on Roswell and Area 51, and the U.S. officials have never responded. It was not until 2003, 56 years after the incident, that the US authorities declassified a full 21 boxes of so-called classified information about the Roswell flying saucer crash, but UFO enthusiasts were disappointed to find that many parts of these materials were blacked out, and even in the other readable parts of the data, no substantial findings could be found to give a satisfactory explanation for the incident.

To put it bluntly, the U.S. authorities have declassified a loneliness for them! In this regard, what do you think, is it the UFO fans who are fooling around, or the official desire of the United States to cover up?

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