
9 domestic comedies recommended, "Wulin Wai Biao" is the most popular, "Family with Children" scored sixth

author:Light shop

Comedy still depends on domestic production!

The reason is that the Chinese civilization, which has many disasters and difficulties, has created a comedy that is more interesting.

At present, the epidemic is not over, and there are floods in many places, which can be called "the summer of troubles".

In order to make you quickly resurrected with blood in your busy time, today I specially sorted out 9 high-scoring domestic comedies.

9 domestic comedies recommended, "Wulin Wai Biao" is the most popular, "Family with Children" scored sixth

Some of these dramas are familiar to you, and some of them may not be heard of because of their age, but they are classics and are worth brushing you n brush.

It is worth saying that 8 of these 9 dramas are works from more than 10 years ago, and they have all stood the test of time.

Well, without further ado, let's take a look at what TV series are available. (The following ranking refers to the Douban score)

9 high-scoring domestic comedies recommended 1

Tales of The Martial Arts

Starring: Yan Ni, Sha Yi, Yao Chen, Yu Entai, Jiang Chao, Wang Shasha

Douban score: 9.6

"The Tale of Wulin" is a zhanghui costume sitcom directed by Shang Jing, written by Ning Caishen, and starring Yan Ni, Sha Yi, Yao Chen, Yu Entai, Jiang Chao, Wang Shasha, etc.

9 domestic comedies recommended, "Wulin Wai Biao" is the most popular, "Family with Children" scored sixth

The story of the play takes place in a "Tongfu Inn" in the "Town of seven heroes" in the virtual Ming Dynasty (about the Wanli period), telling the story of the female treasurer Tong Xiangyu (Yan Ni) and several of her buddies living under the same roof.

9 domestic comedies recommended, "Wulin Wai Biao" is the most popular, "Family with Children" scored sixth

Since its broadcast in 2006, this drama has performed a classic funny story, and has accompanied countless viewers to grow up in laughter and tears.

In addition, the play attacked the "martial arts culture" that promoted violence, and imitated, satirized and criticized the social phenomena of the time, which aroused strong resonance.

9 high-scoring domestic comedies recommended 2

"I Love My Home"

Starring: Song Dandan, Wen Xingyu, Yang Lixin, Liang Tian, Guan Ling

Douban score: 9.3

"I Love My Home" is a family sitcom directed by Yingda, written by Liang Zuo, and starring Song Dandan, Wen Xingyu, Yang Lixin, Liang Tian and Guan Ling.

9 domestic comedies recommended, "Wulin Wai Biao" is the most popular, "Family with Children" scored sixth

The drama tells the story of the joys and sorrows between a family of six in Beijing in the 1990s and their neighbors, relatives and friends, which reflects the personalities of various types of characters in society and shows a colorful picture of life in the world in the tide of reform.

9 domestic comedies recommended, "Wulin Wai Biao" is the most popular, "Family with Children" scored sixth

This drama is the pioneering work of China's sitcom, which draws on foreign sitcoms and combines Chinese sketch art, which is of epoch-making significance. At that time, there was also a slogan: why are there so many troubles and trivialities, but I can't stop the laughter, because I love my family!

9 high-scoring domestic comedies recommended 3

《Underground Transportation Station》

Starring: Wu Fan, Bao Dazhi, Liu Jinshan, YingZhuang, Zhao Weidong

Douban score: 9.3 points

"Underground Traffic Station" is a anti-war sitcom written and directed by Yingda and starring Wu Fan, Bao Dazhi, Liu Jinshan, Yingzhuang, Zhao Weidong, etc.

9 domestic comedies recommended, "Wulin Wai Biao" is the most popular, "Family with Children" scored sixth

The story of this drama takes place in Anqiu City, a small town in Jizhong, a base area behind enemy lines, and tells the story of Cai Shuigen, a big guy from the donkey meat restaurant "Dingxiang Lou", who led several Communist Party members to carry out heroic and fearless underground anti-Japanese activities.

9 domestic comedies recommended, "Wulin Wai Biao" is the most popular, "Family with Children" scored sixth

This drama is china's first sitcom that reflects the theme of the War of Resistance, creating a series of vivid positive and negative characters with flesh and blood, so that the audience is influenced by revolutionary optimism and revolutionary heroism while laughing.

9 high-scoring domestic comedies recommended 4

"Xiaojing Hutong"

Starring: Chen Baoguo, Wang Ji, Xie Gang, Zhang Shaorong

Douban score: 9.2

"Xiaojing Hutong" is a period comedy directed by Gong Xiaodong and Tian Di, written by Li Longyun, and starring Chen Baoguo, Wang Ji, Xie Gang, Zhang Shaorong, etc.

The play tells the story of the changing fate of dozens of ordinary citizens in a small alley in Beijing's southern city, from before liberation to the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee of the Communist Party of China in the more than 30 years.

9 domestic comedies recommended, "Wulin Wai Biao" is the most popular, "Family with Children" scored sixth

This drama has a detailed depiction of Beijing culture and Beijing folklore, the characters in the play are colorful, flesh and blood, but they are all kind, calm, generous and open-minded in the face of the ordinary, trivial and bitter in life, and look for the joy and hope of life.

9 high-scoring domestic comedies recommended 5


Starring: Ling Lin, Zhou Ping, Meng Xia, Zeng Fanqiang

Douban score: 9.1

"Neighbors" is a Chongqing dialect comedy directed by Zhang Xin, written by Zhu Yunqing, Lu Guangfeng, Li Xiaohai and Yu Ji, and starring Ling Lin, Zhou Ping, Meng Xia, Zeng Fanqiang, etc.

The story of this drama takes place in an ancient Jialing Lane in Chongqing, where a group of happy residents live, they talk about the world, the parents are short, the skin is pulled, the chicken is feathered, and the scene is a funny human comedy.

9 domestic comedies recommended, "Wulin Wai Biao" is the most popular, "Family with Children" scored sixth

Because the story of this drama takes place at the intersection of the new and old centuries, tradition and the future clash here, habits and trends rub here, the story is real and emotional, the characters are witty and humorous, in Chongqing dialect: "It looks good and miserable!" ”

9 high-scoring domestic comedies recommended 6

"Family with Children"

Starring: Song Dandan, Gao Yalin, Yang Zi, Zhang Yishan, You Haoran

Douban score: 8.9

"Family with Children" is a family sitcom series directed by Lin Cong, written by Zang Li, Zang Xi and Li Jianhong, and starring Song Dandan, Gao Yalin, Yang Zi, Zhang Yishan, You Haoran and so on.

9 domestic comedies recommended, "Wulin Wai Biao" is the most popular, "Family with Children" scored sixth

The drama tells the story of two divorced children's choreographers Xia Donghai (Gao Yalin) and the hospital nurse liu mei (Song Dandan) to re-establish a family, and the various interesting stories that happen between their parents and three children after their union.

9 domestic comedies recommended, "Wulin Wai Biao" is the most popular, "Family with Children" scored sixth

This is a sitcom about children's themes, the drama has a strong comedic color and humorous character language, suitable for all ages, making people laugh and make people think deeply.

9 high-scoring domestic comedies recommended 7

"Marshal Ma"

Starring: Zhao Benshan, Fan Wei, Meng Zhen, Wang Yajie

Douban score: 8.5

"Ma Dashuai" is a series of comedies directed by Zhao Benshan, written by Bai Tiejun, and starring Zhao Benshan, Fan Wei, Meng Zhen, Wang Yajie, Zhao Gang and others.

9 domestic comedies recommended, "Wulin Wai Biao" is the most popular, "Family with Children" scored sixth

This drama tells the story of farmer Ma Dashuai (Zhao Benshan) who goes to the city to look for his daughter, encounters a series of unfortunate incidents and meets Fan Debiao (Fan Wei), after which the two have a series of ridiculous events together.

9 domestic comedies recommended, "Wulin Wai Biao" is the most popular, "Family with Children" scored sixth

Although this drama was broadcast in 2003, because it is starring Zhao Benshan and Fan Wei, it is still talked about by the audience, and the drama is called the peak of Zhao Benshan by many netizens, and there is no one.

9 high-scoring domestic comedies recommended 8

Urban Men and Women

Starring: Huang Fangling, Wang Jingchun, Tong Yue, Yu Entai, Yao Chen, Sha Yi

Douban score: 8.5 points

"Urban Men and Women" is a sitcom directed by Shang Jing, written by Ning Caishen and He Yuanwai, and starring Huang Fangling, Wang Jingchun, Tong Yue, Yu Entai, Yao Chen, Sha Yi and so on.

9 domestic comedies recommended, "Wulin Wai Biao" is the most popular, "Family with Children" scored sixth

The drama is set in Shanghai in the early 21st century, the story takes place in a small advertising agency, the female boss Joanna (Huang Fangling) is ready to do a big job, so recruits, tom (Yu Entai), Jerry (Sha Yi) and other people have joined in, began a comedy story with an uncertain future.

This drama is a work broadcast in 2002, the drama portrays the things of men and women in the workplace very well, and many people say that this is a good drama that appeared in the wrong era, because many of the plots of the drama now can be called workplace enlightenment books.

9 high-scoring domestic comedies recommended 9

"Life is a Little Sweet"

Starring: Feng Gong, Jiang Hongbo, Fang Qingping, Xu Cenzi, Gong Hanlin

Douban score: is 8.5 points

"Life is a Little Sweet" is an urban life comedy directed by Yang Yaya and Yang Bo, written by Wang Hongkun, Guo Junhao, Zhu Nianlong and Ding Qian, and starring Feng Gong, Jiang Hongbo, Fang Qingping, Xu Cenzi and Gong Hanlin.

9 domestic comedies recommended, "Wulin Wai Biao" is the most popular, "Family with Children" scored sixth

The play tells the story of the little character Tang Xiben, who is the deputy section chief of the textile factory and is appointed as the foreman because of his excellent work. But the good times were short-lived, the textile factory experienced pain in the tide of reform, Tang Xi was laid off with many workers, he found a way out for himself, and started the story of theme photography.

9 domestic comedies recommended, "Wulin Wai Biao" is the most popular, "Family with Children" scored sixth

This drama is a TV series that combines realism style and light comedy techniques, which is funny and close to the people, the protagonist is upright, has a strong sense of responsibility, and is humorous and straightforward, his story is full of warmth in the ordinary, life is not easy but adheres to faith, and the healing effect is excellent.

Well, the above is the 9 high-scoring domestic comedies that I counted for you today.

From the above content, you can also see that these 9 dramas are classics that have stood the test of time, and 8 of them have been broadcast for more than ten years from today.

9 domestic comedies recommended, "Wulin Wai Biao" is the most popular, "Family with Children" scored sixth

The highest Douban score in these dramas is 9.6 points for "Wulin Wai Biao", the lowest "Life is a Little Sweet" 8.5 points, and the average score of 9 dramas is as high as 8.99 points.

It is worth saying that "Wulin Wai Biao" is the most popular, with more than 400,000 people commenting on Douban, proper yyds!

9 domestic comedies recommended, "Wulin Wai Biao" is the most popular, "Family with Children" scored sixth

"Family with Children" followed, with more than 150,000 reviews, but unfortunately, it only ranked sixth in terms of ratings.

Finally, the above recommended 9 high-scoring domestic comedies, "Wulin Wai Biao" is the most popular, is yds, "Family with Children" rating only ranked sixth, how many have you watched?

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