
The "World War" is about to break out? The United States finally found out: the clown was actually myself

author:Tani Hihei

From ancient times to the present, wars have accompanied the history of human civilization; they have been triggered for a variety of reasons, some because of religion, some because of land or wealth, some because of oil, and some just because of one's ambitions and even selfish desires. In the first half of the 20th century, two world wars involved almost all major parts of the world, causing immeasurable damage to human civilization; to this day, humanity has been wary of the possibility of the next world war, and recently the United States CIA (i.e., the CIA) issued such a prediction.

The "World War" is about to break out? The United States finally found out: the clown was actually myself

(Mankind must not forget the lessons of war)

According to the China Youth Network quoted by the Russian News Agency, the CIA recently released a report predicting that in the near future, the world will have a global military conflict due to climate changes. The report's authors argue that by 2040 at the latest, "climate conflicts" will emerge, with parties to the conflict using a variety of geoengineering techniques against each other, exacerbating the frequency of natural disasters such as droughts and floods.

The authors argue that relations between countries are increasingly strained due to the controversy over the implementation of the Paris climate agreement, and that with the emergence of climate change issues, some difficult-to-adapt countries are likely to take extreme measures to survive, including India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Myanmar, and countries in Central and South America.

The "World War" is about to break out? The United States finally found out: the clown was actually myself

(Modern warfare will only hurt humanity more.)

Will this prediction come true? Will humanity really develop a "lightning storm" similar to the Allied forces in the Red Alert? In fact, from the current level of human technology, it may be possible for humans to have limited influence on weather changes in local areas, such as artificial rainfall, but to control meteorological disasters on a large scale, this technology seems too far away.

The report blames the roots of the "world war" on "carbon emissions" and seems to make people feel "drunk not to drink" — as if they were specially formulated to match the recently hyped climate problems in the United States.

The "World War" is about to break out? The United States finally found out: the clown was actually myself

At the G20 summit in Rome, Italy, US President Biden and EU officials reached an agreement to gradually eliminate the steel and aluminum tariffs previously imposed by former President Trump, the purpose of which is to "exclude Chinese and other national products from the US and European markets", and US Commerce Secretary Raimondo also declared that "the United States and Europe should introduce the concept of carbon cleanness in future free trade negotiations, and the United States should produce clean steel products."

The "World War" is about to break out? The United States finally found out: the clown was actually myself

(Are U.S. steel mills really clean?) )

At this point, we can see that the United States is actually making up a grand false narrative: throwing climate issues into the pot to developing countries, especially emerging industrial countries such as China, and forcing developing countries to give up their right to development under the gimmick of "triggering a world war".

The "World War" is about to break out? The United States finally found out: the clown was actually myself

(Throwing the pot this thing, the United States has long been familiar with)

In fact, the biggest problem facing the world today is not excessive energy consumption, but a serious shortage of energy, and the energy distribution is extremely unbalanced. Not only is China facing a shortage of coal supply, Europe has also recently fallen into an energy crisis; fossil fuel investment in Europe has been greatly reduced due to a one-sided emphasis on controlling carbon emissions, but clean energy has not been able to effectively fill the gap, coupled with the transportation chaos caused by the supply chain crisis, The price of natural gas in Europe has risen 2 to 6 times, and some small countries may even face the risk of "gas outage".

In contrast, the United States remains the world's most wasteful country for energy. Washington has put the black pot of carbon emissions on the heads of countries such as China, trying to hide that it is the biggest black hand in the world' carbon emissions, such as the single institution with the most carbon emissions in the world is the US military.

The "World War" is about to break out? The United States finally found out: the clown was actually myself

(Black smoke generated by the continuous take-off of US bombers; the US military weapons and equipment are the first in the world, and the fuel consumption and carbon emissions are naturally n0.1)

Netta Crawford, a political scientist at Boston University, has estimated the carbon dioxide emissions of the U.S. military in Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria, which did not bring security to the United States, but released more than 400 million tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere; in 2017 alone, the Pentagon procured 43 million liters of fuel for its own military every day, and if the 1.4 million U.S. military is regarded as a country, the annual carbon emissions will rank 55th in the world, far more than some developed industrial countries in Europe.

The "World War" is about to break out? The United States finally found out: the clown was actually myself

(The West itself is primarily responsible for carbon emissions.)

Shouted for half a day, it turned out that the clown was America itself!

We must remain vigilant against this "macro narrative" compiled by the CIA. Protecting the environment is indeed very important, there is only one earth, and everyone has the responsibility to love their homeland; but some countries try to use environmental protection issues to suppress us and prevent us from developing the economy, and we certainly will not let them succeed! (Text/Shell piercing)

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