
Former "sewage pond", today's Bird Lake! Because of what?

author:Bright Net
Former "sewage pond", today's Bird Lake! Because of what?

In April, thousands of heron birds nest here, or stand like white dots on the branches of early spring, or soar from the reeds; the pond is sparkling and the fish are fat... In the spring, this flexible ecological map makes the tourists in it linger. "You see, these two Eastern White Storks have made their home here!" Xu Qing, a professor at the College of Wildlife Resources of Northeast Forestry University, pointed to the beam between the high-pressure poles in the distance, and his heart could not hide his joy.

This is located in the Nen River Basin Qiqihar section of the Qifu Highway Bridge on the south side of the east bank, in 2011 is also a sewage treatment oxidation pond, sewage flow, everyone "walking around" the place, after 10 years of ecological environment management, now attract the national first-class protected animals Oriental White Crane, Blue-headed Diving Duck, Secondary Protected Animals White Spoonbill, Black-necked Pelican and other rare birds to roost here, becoming a veritable Bird Lake.

How did the sewage treatment plant become Bird Lake? What is the story behind the return of migratory birds? The reporter recently conducted an investigation and visit.

Migratory birds don't go away

Donglin experts call it a miracle

Former "sewage pond", today's Bird Lake! Because of what?

The spring breeze rustles with reeds, and large meadows and ponds stretch endlessly. The reporter followed the car into the Bird Lake Scenic Area to investigate, in a large grassland between the wetland, a few blue-headed diving ducks frolicking in the water, more than a dozen oriental white storks hovering over the sky.

According to the research data of the Donglin touyan team, as of the end of 2020, there are 344 oriental white storks here, an increase of 151 over 2019; the white storks that never stay for many days have "rested" here for 41 days, which is called a miracle by experts.

According to Professor Xu Yanchun of Northeast Forestry University, in 2019, he visited here and found this newly formed bird habitat. It was learned that this place was originally a sewage treatment plant, and after 10 years of environmental transformation, it was the scene that it is today. Professor Xu Yanchun said that Bai bird lake provides a good experience for the construction of oxidation ponds in other parts of the country, the protection and utilization of wetlands in cities, and is a scientific and effective model. Since August 2020, he has led the team to start researching the migration rules and spatial distribution of birds here, understanding the living environment of different birds and providing a scientific basis for their protection.

"Birds are a mirror of the ecological environment. As the wetland environment gets better and better, many migratory birds choose to make their homes here, and there are more than 600 in total. Zhang Meiqi, an expert at the Northeast ForestRy University Wildlife and Nature Reserve College, said.

Turn on "Lake Bird Mode"

Pollution control "four-pronged approach"

Improve the environment of oxidation ponds

In a survey interview, "How?" This question has always been in the minds of reporters.

Construct diversion canals, diversion sluices, and connecting sluices, implement water diversion and water lifting, wetland water system connection, and sediment wetlands... Over the years, the local government has launched a battle to defend clear water, vigorously promoted the prevention and control of water pollution, and strictly cleaned up pollution in the river.

Former "sewage pond", today's Bird Lake! Because of what?

In addition, in order to protect this pond, Heilongjiang Ruitao Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Ruitao Environmental Protection") launched the comprehensive protection project of sewage treatment in 2007 with the support of the local government, through dredging and dredging, interception of sewage pipes, scientific water distribution, biological treatment "four-pronged approach", to improve the water environment of the oxidation pond here, restore and strive to achieve sustainable development of the natural ecology.

At present, 80% of the area of Bai bird lake is ponds, lakes, swamps and other types of wetlands, and the water quality is generally maintained in class III. and the core area reaches class II.

"Water is the soul of bird habitat, and the beauty of natural ecology is the innermost and most important beauty of the Bird Lake Scenic Area." Zhang Meiqi said.

Bird introduction

Artificial nests are set up to build breeding islands

A standing cement pole with a nest on top, "that is an artificial nest built specifically for storks in the scenic area, and the stainless steel bowl nest is the 'affordable house' for birds." Wang Zhentao, chairman of "Ruitao Environmental Protection", said with a smile.

"There is a camera installed on it, and the birds hold eggs, are born, and practice flying, which can be viewed and recorded in real time!" More than 10 days ago, in the professional bird watching telescope of the Bird Observatory, 10 black and white blue-headed diving ducks foraged in the water, which was the largest number of such endangered birds in the world observed in the scenic area. Wang Zhentao said cheerfully that the scenic spot began to build nests and lead storks last year, and there are currently 80 poles erected, and another 20 poles will be erected this year.

Walking to a wetland, Wang Zhentao pointed to the small island not far from the shore: "That is not simple, there is our patent." ”

Former "sewage pond", today's Bird Lake! Because of what?

At a glance, the island is full of reeds, no different from ordinary islands. "It's Cormorant Island, which breeds cormorants, and is generally circular, with a concave middle area that resembles a crater." Wang Zhentao broke through the mystery.

According to experts, cormorants have high requirements for the breeding environment. Since 2017, the scenic spot has designated 2,000 mu of intertidal zone as the core protection area to implement cormorant breeding and protection projects. There are 20 breeding islands like this, and there are currently nearly 30,000 breeding cormorants in the reserve.

Build artificial nests, build breeding islands... Give the birds a home, in the Bird Lake, the action of protecting birds is much more than that.

After years of scientific management, the breeding population of the Eastern White Stork has grown year after year in Bird Lake. "From 2019 to 2020, the Oriental White Stork successfully nested 22 times in Bai bird lake and bred more than 50 young birds; more than 1,000 gray cranes and more than 30,000 geese were stranded in the bai bird lake." Zhang Meiqi said that at present, the annual observation of migratory, wintering and breeding birds in the Bird Lake Scenic Area reaches 83,177 birds of 104 species in 15 orders, 33 families, and almost every season there are more than 50,000 birds roosting here, like "the international airport of birds".


Align yourself with world-class nature reserves

Such achievements have not been easy to come by. Wang Zhentao said that more than ten years ago, he fell in love with birds because of photography, and the annual cost of pollution control, bird raising and bird protection costs millions of yuan, "Whenever I watch the birds live here leisurely and self-reliantly, I feel that the past is worth the effort." ”

In the next step, Bai bird lake will be in line with the world-class nature reserve, increase investment, and will undertake the important tasks of ecosystem construction and science popularization and research entrusted by the Qiqihar Municipal Government, so that it will become an ideal habitat for more birds.

Reporter: Zhao Yinuo Tan Xiangzhu

Photo by Shao Guoliang

Source: Heilongjiang Daily