
If the college entrance examination uses a set of test papers nationwide, which province's candidates are more powerful, big data tells you that if the college entrance examination uses a set of test papers nationwide, which province's candidates are more powerful, big data tells you the new college entrance examination model, how to choose subjects to have more advantages? Professional coverage gives priority to the three main subjects, and we must not deviate from the discipline, and do not let any one discipline drag its feet

author:Rice sugar says education

Text/Rice Sugar says education

Students who understand the college entrance examination know that the current college entrance examination is not a national unified examination paper. In order to ensure the fairness of talent selection, the national volume is divided into volume A, volume B, and volume C. Since 2013, the new national curriculum standard has been divided into one volume and two volumes, and after 2016, the new national curriculum standard has been divided into one volume, two volumes and three volumes.

Because the difficulty of the high school examination papers in different regions is different, there will be some differences in the students' college entrance examination results. For example, before the new college entrance examination model, jiangsu area was called "hell difficulty" by many people, because the college entrance examination in Jiangsu was more difficult, and many students also gave Jiangsu a very interesting nickname, called "Su Daqiang".

If the college entrance examination uses a set of test papers nationwide, which province's candidates are more powerful, big data tells you that if the college entrance examination uses a set of test papers nationwide, which province's candidates are more powerful, big data tells you the new college entrance examination model, how to choose subjects to have more advantages? Professional coverage gives priority to the three main subjects, and we must not deviate from the discipline, and do not let any one discipline drag its feet

In the face of the difference in difficulty and difficulty, many candidates in the major provinces of the college entrance examination are inevitably dissatisfied, feeling that the examination papers in some areas are too simple, and if they take the college entrance examination, they can also use such examination papers, and the students' performance will also improve as a whole. So if the college entrance examination really uses a set of test papers in the whole country, which province do you think the candidates will be more powerful.

Probably the first reaction of many students is the Jiangsu region. Because before the new college entrance examination model, Jiangsu region was the mode of independent propositions. And because of the difficulty, there are adjectives such as "the national college entrance examination to see Jiangsu". And in the eight provincial joint examinations before this year's new college entrance examination, Jiangsu and hebei regions have surpassed hebei and become the first among eight provinces.

If the college entrance examination uses a set of test papers nationwide, which province's candidates are more powerful, big data tells you that if the college entrance examination uses a set of test papers nationwide, which province's candidates are more powerful, big data tells you the new college entrance examination model, how to choose subjects to have more advantages? Professional coverage gives priority to the three main subjects, and we must not deviate from the discipline, and do not let any one discipline drag its feet

However, after this year's college entrance examination, a situation that surprised the students occurred, that is, the first place in the eight provinces joint examination at that time became the last place in the college entrance examination. According to the data, in the new college entrance examination model, among the eight provinces, the largest proportion of high-scoring candidates is Liaoning Province, followed by Guangdong and Hebei regions.

If a set of examination papers is adopted throughout the country, then in major provinces such as Shandong, Henan and Anhui, more candidates will achieve high scores and become the best. And the more economically developed the region, the better the students' college entrance examination results will be, because the economically developed areas will have richer educational resources.

If the college entrance examination uses a set of test papers nationwide, which province's candidates are more powerful, big data tells you that if the college entrance examination uses a set of test papers nationwide, which province's candidates are more powerful, big data tells you the new college entrance examination model, how to choose subjects to have more advantages? Professional coverage gives priority to the three main subjects, and we must not deviate from the discipline, and do not let any one discipline drag its feet

At present, the educational model is slowly changing, from the previous distinction between liberal arts students and science students to a model in which students can choose their own courses. The new college entrance examination has changed from the 3+3 model at the beginning to the 3+1+2 model of the new college entrance examination in some regions. This year, eight provinces will adopt this model for the college entrance examination, and next year, 7 provinces will adopt this model for examinations.

When choosing a combination of subjects, students should first consider the professional coverage rate, because of the combination of higher professional coverage, students will have a greater advantage when filling in the college entrance examination volunteer, and there will be more universities and majors that can be selected. For example, in medical majors, many schools require students to apply for physics, or both physics and chemistry.

If the college entrance examination uses a set of test papers nationwide, which province's candidates are more powerful, big data tells you that if the college entrance examination uses a set of test papers nationwide, which province's candidates are more powerful, big data tells you the new college entrance examination model, how to choose subjects to have more advantages? Professional coverage gives priority to the three main subjects, and we must not deviate from the discipline, and do not let any one discipline drag its feet

To improve their strengths, students first consider what universities and majors they want to enroll in, and then review the requirements of the school. However, if you have not yet thought out what major to choose for students, try to choose a combination with high professional coverage, so as not to affect the college entrance examination volunteer to fill in.

Grade assignments should be used as a reference

In the new college entrance examination model, there is also a grade assignment, which needs to be carefully referred to and studied by students. Most regions will assign points to the selected subjects, divided into 5 grades and 21 levels. The proportion of people at all levels is 15%, 35%, 35%, 13% and 2%.

If the college entrance examination uses a set of test papers nationwide, which province's candidates are more powerful, big data tells you that if the college entrance examination uses a set of test papers nationwide, which province's candidates are more powerful, big data tells you the new college entrance examination model, how to choose subjects to have more advantages? Professional coverage gives priority to the three main subjects, and we must not deviate from the discipline, and do not let any one discipline drag its feet

According to different levels, the candidates' scores are converted, corresponding to 100-86, 85-72, 70-56, 55-41 and 40-30. It can be seen that the final scores of the candidates will change a lot, so when choosing subjects, try to choose a combination that is not so competitive to improve their advantages.

In the new college entrance examination 3+1+2 model, students can choose a subject in physics and history first, choose history if they are good at history, and choose physics if they are good at physics. After that, you can choose two subjects that you are good at in the remaining subjects to improve the advantage of the overall score.

If the college entrance examination uses a set of test papers nationwide, which province's candidates are more powerful, big data tells you that if the college entrance examination uses a set of test papers nationwide, which province's candidates are more powerful, big data tells you the new college entrance examination model, how to choose subjects to have more advantages? Professional coverage gives priority to the three main subjects, and we must not deviate from the discipline, and do not let any one discipline drag its feet

These subjects can be selected is relatively easy to say, and students can choose well and maximize their advantages. However, the three main subjects that cannot be selected, English, mathematics and Chinese, students should pay special attention to them, and they must not let these three disciplines drag their feet.

This year's college entrance examination in Jiangsu is because there are too few candidates with high scores in chinese, and the highest score is only 110 points, which will be the first to last. In the process of learning, these three main subjects must not be biased.

I would like to say:

There are many large provinces in China's college entrance examination, such as Hebei, Henan, Anhui, Shandong, etc., and the number of applicants in these areas is relatively large, and the competitiveness is relatively large. However, the population of students is large, the number of natural high-scoring candidates will be relatively large, if the same high examination paper is adopted throughout the country, the regional results of the college entrance examination provinces will naturally be better.

If the college entrance examination uses a set of test papers nationwide, which province's candidates are more powerful, big data tells you that if the college entrance examination uses a set of test papers nationwide, which province's candidates are more powerful, big data tells you the new college entrance examination model, how to choose subjects to have more advantages? Professional coverage gives priority to the three main subjects, and we must not deviate from the discipline, and do not let any one discipline drag its feet

Today's topic: Do you think that the results of the unified examination paper of the college entrance examination will be better in which region?


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