
Xu Jiayuan shined ten dan and led the Japanese reiwa go

author:Make excuses to be quiet
Xu Jiayuan shined ten dan and led the Japanese reiwa go

Original Address:

Hara 题: The Reiwa's go world leader, The New 10th Dan of the Attack, the outdoor school on holidays

Excerpt from: Sankei Shimbun

Author: Yoichi Ito

Translation and finishing: Making excuses for being quiet June is a bit lazy

Xu Jiayuan shined ten dan and led the Japanese reiwa go

In the 59th ten-dan battle of the Yamato House Cup, Xu Jiayuan finally defeated Shibano Tiger Maru with 3 wins and 2 losses, and won the second title after winning the title of Qi sheng in 2018. Along with shibano Tiger Maru throne and Ichiri Liao Tengen, they will lead the Japanese Game of Go forward.

"The teacher who taught me to play chess in Taiwan contacted me and he said to me, 'Your mom is choking up and talking to me on the phone,' but when I talk to her, she never does that." Mr. Xu recalled that after winning the ten-dan title on April 28, a bunch of text messages from the congratulatory phone calls were sent to him.

Xu Jiayuan began to learn chess in Taipei at the age of 4, his father with an amateur dan level took his brother who was 3 years older than Xu Jiayuan to learn chess, and incidentally took Xu Jiayuan to the Go classroom together, although he did not understand the rules at all, but then answered the question correctly when he gave other children questions, and saw that Xu Jiayuan had chess talent, so he also began to learn chess together. Obsessed with playing chess, so much so that you can play chess until midnight.

Later, through Wang Licheng, who was also a Chinese Taipei chess player, who won the ten-dan four-consecutive hegemony, and introduced Gao Lintuo's second and seventh dan, Xu Jiayuan came to Japan after graduating from elementary school. Although he did not know Japanese, he worked very hard, but in order to become a professional chess player, he came to Japan alone and would not flee from Japan to Taiwan. Fortunately, when Xu Jiayuan was in junior high school, an interpreter would come to Japan every week to teach Xu Jiayuan. Even Takuji Takabayashi's disciples taught Xu Jiayuan other Japanese in addition to Go terminology. "At the beginning, I learned 'thank you (ありがとう)' and 'I opened to eat (いただきます)', but 'Thank you for your hospitality (ごちそうさま)' is not used in Taiwan, this is quite fresh."

The death of the teacher and father

In 2013, Heo became a professional chess player at the age of 15, and became a shibano Tiger Maru earlier than the same period as a student. But it wasn't long before my father died of liver cancer at the age of 58. In 2019, when facing the defense of the title of Xuan Sheng, Xu Jiayuan's teacher Gao Lin Tuo Erqi Duan also passed away. Because I didn't like to go to the hospital, I learned that the cancer cells had metastasized to the large intestine after arriving at the hospital, and I couldn't hold on for long. Later, he summoned his disciples to his home and told them, "Improve your cultivation, and you must become excellent chess players."

This time, the five chess pieces, 2 and a half hours in the morning, played 50 to 60 hands. Using software equipped with AI, we can thoroughly study the situations that are easy to appear in the layout. With a retention time of 3 hours, many players want to use it in the complex middle and back games, but often use a lot of time in the first half of the game. The usual training results allowed Xu Jiayuan to harvest the current results, Xu Jiayuan said: "I feel very happy to play chess."

Rest days are out and forth

Xu Jiayuan likes to go out, sometimes by train to other places, but also likes to climb the mountain, but due to the impact of the epidemic, now he can only watch videos at home. However, there are more opportunities to cook, and I often make some curry or fried rice. However, "Because I can't take notes on the ingredients and the time I cook, every time I don't taste different", I don't show the same meticulousness as when I play chess.

But in the face of Go, Xu Jiayuan's attitude became particularly serious.

"After winning the game, I was very happy that day, and I felt like I was going to float up, but after a day, I calmed down, felt that my strength hadn't actually improved much,' and then went to learn chess again."

Xu Jiayuan Ten Duan and Miyu U chase after Yuta Iyama, the first person in Japanese Go. Satoshi Yuki Kudan, who has won the titles of Ten Duan and Ten Yuan, said: "Whether it is Xu Jiayuan or Shibano Tiger Maru, now their strength is that they are very sensitive to the situation, and then they can calculate far, and they both like to attack, and the style of chess is very similar. I believe that in the duel with Yuta Iyama, it will be a fierce battle like this time."

On June 7, Hui Jiayuan held a ten-dan battle inauguration ceremony in Tokyo to move forward for a higher goal.

Xu Jiayuan shined ten dan and led the Japanese reiwa go
Xu Jiayuan shined ten dan and led the Japanese reiwa go