
After the Red Army withdrew from Jinggangshan, who occupied Jinggangshan for a long time? Later, he was named and dealt with by Chairman Mao

author:Qiong Lancheng

The future of things is bright, but the road is sometimes unusually tortuous. The Chinese Communist Party has gone from birth, budding, to being violently hit to being reborn and developing rapidly on Chinese territory, during which they have experienced too much.

China's semi-colonial and semi-feudal society before the Communist Party was born, and later transformed into a capitalist society, has made China's leaders grope for many years.

In its early days, the Communist Party was an organization of a small number of people who at first followed the Soviet path and pursued a strategy of giving priority to urban development, but later found that the path of rural encirclement of cities seemed more suitable for development in China.

The establishment of the Jinggangshan revolutionary base area was a turning point in the Chinese revolution, and the Communists attached great importance to Jinggangshan, but later when they retreated from the revolutionary base area, Jinggangshan was occupied by a single person for nearly twenty years.

This man threatened the Communist Party in the early days of the Chinese revolution, and in the early days of the Chinese revolution, he wantonly killed patriotic and party-loving elements under the nickname of "Living Yama King", but "justice will come late, but it will never be absent." ”

Xiao Jiabi - a "living Yama King" who is horrified by everyone

Before talking about Xiao Jiabi's crimes, we must first understand him a little, about his origins, about his identity, and even about his thoughts.

Xiao Jiabi, who also has a name called Xiao Guiru, was born in the thirteenth year of Guangxu in the Qing Dynasty, and his hometown is Jiutian Village, Dakeng Township, Suichuan County, Jiangxi. His father was very wealthy, and at that time he was also considered a landlord.

The children of the average rich person always have the opportunity to receive education in that poor era, and Xiao Jiabi also has the opportunity to learn, but not all people with scientific knowledge literacy are high in ideology and morality, and the same is true for Xiao Jiabi.

He studied at Suichuan Higher School and Nanchang Law and Politics College, and graduated from Jiangxi Provincial Higher Agricultural College in 1911. He should have learned a trick and a half technique, and he should apply his knowledge to how to benefit the motherland, but his approach is completely contrary to this.

What happens when a smart person commits a crime? He took advantage of the excellent innate condition that he was the child of a rich family and became a bully in the local area. And his father, in order to let him have a better standard of living, actually paid for him a position.

In this position, of course, he did not do some dutiful things, but instead abused his power to abduct the local people, abduct women and kill innocents... He even joined With Yin Daoyi and others in Yongxin, he was called the "Four Great Butchers" of the Jinggang Mountains, and the local people hated them to the bone.

Xiao Jiabi's hatred with the Communist Party

It is said that Xiao Jiabi and Mao Zedong and others actually have certain historical origins, and Xiao Jiabi also hates the Communist Party to the bone, starting from the 1920s.

At that time, the Chinese Communists headed by Chairman Mao were carrying out land reform in their base areas, so they were also very strict with people's work styles, and Xiao Jiabi's deeds were passed to the ears of the Communists, and of course they were punished.

Because Xiao Jiabi's behavior was known and hated by everyone, he was later arrested and imprisoned, but he was cunning, and in prison he actively reformed, falsely claiming that he had realized his mistake, and the result was that Xiao Jiabi was released after only a few months in prison.

In September 1927, Chairman Mao and others led the famous Autumn Harvest Uprising at the then Xianggan Junction, and decided to take the road of independent leadership and armed uprising, and then they led the rebel army to Jinggangshan to establish a revolutionary base area.

At that time, Xiao Jiabi's sphere of influence was in the Jinggangshan area, and he himself had serious ambiguities with the Communist Party, so it was also in October 1927 that he led a group of rebels to carry out a sneak attack on Chairman Mao's way to Jinggangshan.

At that time, as a small who had been wandering in Jinggangshan for many years, he was very familiar with the terrain of the mountainous area, plus some other subjective factors, such as the Communists were not ready for war, so that time, Xiao Jiabi injured the Communists to the skin, and he turned his dissatisfaction with the Communists into revenge.

Light will always triumph over darkness

The attack caused the Communists to lose dozens of people at once, and Mao Zedong and others developed a deep hostility toward the fierce Xiao Jiabi, who wanted to avenge the sacrifice of their comrades.

Chairman Mao, who had gained a firm foothold in 1928, quickly gathered information about Xiao Jiabi from all sides, found out Xiao Jiabi's stronghold in Suichuan, and after making very good preparations, they led the army to counterattack with Xiao Jiabi at the big pit in Suichuan County, Xiao Jiabi suffered serious losses, but Xiao Jiabi did not have any ideas to change, because the Kuomintang threw him an olive branch at this time.

Subsequently, with the support of the Kuomintang warlords Zhu Peide and Wang Jun in Jiangxi, he received great assistance and reorganized his Jingwei regiment.

And how did Xiao Jiabi occupy Jinggangshan for nearly twenty years? Back in 1929, the main force of the Red Fourth Army retreated from Jinggangshan, because the Red Army had already won the war in the countryside at that time. Xiao Jiabi also took this opportunity to take the Jingwei regiment to attack Jinggangshan, and in the end, the Communist army was defeated because it was outnumbered, and Jinggangshan was also occupied by the Kuomintang army and the Jingwei regiment.

Xiao Jiabi killed indiscriminately there to relieve his hatred for the Communist Party, and on Jinggang Mountain, nearly 2,000 Red Army and the masses were killed, and Xiao Jiabi committed the atrocity of "killing once every three days and burning once every five days".

By the time of the victory of the Communists in the Liberation War in 1949, the Kuomintang had almost all surrendered or absconded, and Hu Su, deputy commander of the Kuomintang Jiangxi Provincial Security Force, fled to Suichuan, where Xiao Jiabi was also in Suichuan, and he saw Xiao Jiabi's strong sense of revenge, so he appointed Xiao Jiabi as the commander-in-chief of the anti-communist headquarters in the Jinggangshan area.

However, he did not succeed, and even ended up being betrayed by his own cronies. In 1949, receiving instructions from Mao Zedong, the Red Army rushed to Hukeng in Dakeng Township, and after a long search, finally arrested Xiao Jiabi at Xishan in Hukeng. On November 11, the "Shaw Butcher" was finally sentenced to death.

brief summary:

Evil people will not end up with any good ends after all, even if he can go through a period of glorious moments of glory, but when the darkness is expelled and the light arrives, the evil people will be scattered in an instant.

After the Red Army withdrew from Jinggangshan, who occupied Jinggangshan for a long time? Later, he was named and dealt with by Chairman Mao
After the Red Army withdrew from Jinggangshan, who occupied Jinggangshan for a long time? Later, he was named and dealt with by Chairman Mao
After the Red Army withdrew from Jinggangshan, who occupied Jinggangshan for a long time? Later, he was named and dealt with by Chairman Mao

Justice may be late, but it is never absent. Our current justice is to support and trust the Communist Party, and we should resolutely resist anti-communists!