
【Dingxi City Literature and Art Anti-epidemic No. 2】Song "Cheering for Tomorrow"

author:Micro tour of Gansu
【Dingxi City Literature and Art Anti-epidemic No. 2】Song "Cheering for Tomorrow"

In the face of the severe epidemic prevention and control situation, countless retrogrades have fought on the front line of the "epidemic", worked together in the same boat, united as one, worked hard to defend themselves, stuck to their posts, and contributed their strength to resolutely winning the people's war, the overall war and the obstruction war of epidemic prevention and control. There is also a group of people, who use "art" to fight the "epidemic" and "literature" as "aid", silently turn their professional knowledge and creative passion into concern for the epidemic prevention battle, sing the true feelings of the world, and carry forward the positive energy of society. The song "Cheers for Tomorrow" is for everyone who contributes to the prevention and control of the epidemic!

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Words: Han Lin

Music: Xu Zhuo Zhao Huaixi

Singer: Zhao Huaixi

Arrangement: Xu Zhuo Qu Xiao

The haze of early winter hung over us

Stop and start a stand

Put on a white suit and run to the front line

The white-clad warrior has warmth and salvation in his hands

Who carries the expectations of hometown

Rush to the forefront of the fight against the epidemic

Who is with a passion for blood

Stand in front of everyone who needs protection

Believe that there is a source of love

In this land, it is like a rush of water

Believe in that peace and waiting

It is the original intention of you and me to fight together

Let's work together to fuel the future

Source: Angelica Dingxi