
The countries of World War II in Japan's eyes: Britain, France, and the United States are jokes, and the ranking of Chinese soldiers is a highlight


The ancients often said that "to subdue people with virtue", historically, some countries did not eat this set. In the case of Japan in World War II, the Japanese who tasted the sweetness did not hesitate to let the whole country go narrower and narrower on the road of militarism in order to obtain greater war dividends. In such a country, it is useless for you to reason with it, and you have to be fierce enough to completely subdue it. In fact, Japan at that time despised its Asian neighbors, and the brother on the 10,000 yen bill was named Fukuzawa Yukichi, who was regarded as the greatest enlightener and spiritual leader of modern Japan. He famously argued that if Japan wanted to be truly powerful, it had to be completely Westernized; if it had to cling to the same thing it had learned from China before, the country would be completely finished.

The countries of World War II in Japan's eyes: Britain, France, and the United States are jokes, and the ranking of Chinese soldiers is a highlight

At that time, China was in a historical trough, and Japan, which had hitched the train of the trend of the times, was thriving in national strength, not only dominating East Asia, but also ranking among the world's great powers. Fukuzawa's claim was quite "explosive", but it represented a considerable part of the Japanese high-level at that time. We know only that the militarists are arrogant and arrogant, and what is less known is that there were some people at that time who held the opposite view, but they thought that Chinese was still a good nation.

Among this group of "minorities", I am afraid that Masanobu Tsuji is the most famous. This person's position in the Japanese army in World War II is very special, and it is really bad to say how he is. He regarded Ishihara Guan'er as his spiritual leader, and always wanted to make some big news. In 1939, he, then the operational staff officer of the Kwantung Army, issued the "Outline for the Handling of the Manchu And soviet border" in the name of The Commander-in-Chief General Kenkichi Ueda, encouraging officers and men to actively provoke the Soviet army, which eventually became the trigger for triggering the Battle of Nomonhan, which not only caused the Japanese army to suffer a crushing defeat, the future of his superiors was ruined, and the base camp had to completely abandon the national strategy of "going north". During World War II, Masanobu Tsuji also single-handedly concocted the Bataan Death March in April 1942 and the Singapore Massacre in March 1943.

The countries of World War II in Japan's eyes: Britain, France, and the United States are jokes, and the ranking of Chinese soldiers is a highlight

Not only that, but there are also some terrible rumors about Masanobu Tsuji. It is said that this person once gave birth to human flesh, so he was called "Jackal Staff Officer". It is also said that during the Battle of Nomonhan, he single-handedly ran to the Soviet army's territory to spy on military intelligence, but the plane malfunctioned in mid-air and had to make an emergency landing. The pilot was frightened and afraid of being captured by the Soviet army, but Tsuji Masanobu said darkly: Don't be afraid, I know Russian, if I meet the Soviets, we will say that we have come to surrender, and maybe we can take advantage of his lack of preparation to take him back.

The bad Tsuji Masanobu has all the evils and characteristics of Japanese militarists, but such a role is very unpleasant within the Japanese military hierarchy. Isoroku Yamamoto was one of the people who hated him the most, and he once bluntly referred to him as a "clown jumping up and down." But then again, Tsuji Masanobu was indeed very active during the war, and he participated in almost all the major strategies and battle plans of the Japanese army, brushing up on his presence everywhere. He once proudly said: "I have fought with Russians, Chinese, Americans, British, French, Indians, Australians, Javanese, Filipinos and Burmese people in the industry, and have been wounded 7 times, leaving more than 30 scars, and there are still more than 20 bullets in my body." In his opinion, as a "veteran of hundreds of battles", he is most qualified to evaluate this war.

In exchange for profit, the evil Tsuji Masanobu did not get the punishment he deserved after the end of World War II, and after returning to Japan, he wrote a book called "The Empathy of Asia", in which he made a ranking based on the performance of the soldiers of various countries in the war.

The countries of World War II in Japan's eyes: Britain, France, and the United States are jokes, and the ranking of Chinese soldiers is a highlight

According to their usual arrogance, Britain and France were placed on the lowest level by Masanobu Tsuji. Needless to say, France is also the former world boss, and the skinny camel is bigger than the horse. However, the overall performance of the British army in World War II was very humiliating, and "its arrogance did not diminish at all." Thanks to the Meiji era of Japan's use of Britain and France as benchmarks, the faces of the old powers have all been wiped out by these two "old overlords". The US military behaved very strongly, and after fighting Japan and Germany, it did not instigate at all; but in Tsuji's view, the strength of the American soldiers completely depended on the advanced weapons, the ferocity of firepower, and the strength of logistics. If the same conditions were provided to the Japanese army, the American army would still be beaten to the ground.

Masanobu Tsuji was optimistic about the mercenaries who were active in India and Nepal during World War II, and these armies were mainly Ghokkhas. Unlike the Indian army, which fought like a child's play, the Golkha mercenaries were calm-headed and quick-witted, and their attacks were also very fierce, leaving little way for the enemy to survive. Although their presence in the war was low and they hardly tossed out any tricks, Masanobu Tsuji still ranked them ahead of Britain, France and the United States. Further up are the Soviets, the "old enemies" of the Japanese army. The psychological shadow left by the Battle of Nomonhan on the Japanese army was too great, and the Soviet army's daring to fight and fighting at any cost deeply shocked Tsuji Masanobu himself, and the Japanese officers and soldiers always praised themselves as "brave and martial", but they were beaten without temper by the unreasonable playing style of the Soviet army. He believes that the Soviet army in World War II is absolutely world-class.

The countries of World War II in Japan's eyes: Britain, France, and the United States are jokes, and the ranking of Chinese soldiers is a highlight

Masanobu Tsuji ranked the Japanese army at the top of the list, arguing that the officers and men of the Japanese army in World War II relied on not very advanced weapons and equipment, once occupied a small half of Asia, and also fought against the US army in the Pacific theater. The "Emperor's Samurai" have extremely strong spiritual powers, and if they have weapons of the same level as Western countries, they will sweep the world. Of course, we also know that this is the arrogance and ignorance of the militarists, but what is quite surprising is that unlike other colleagues who look down on the Chinese army and clamor to "complete the occupation in three months", Tsuji Masanobu instead put the Chinese soldiers ahead of the Soviet army, only one point inferior to the Japanese army. The reason he gave was this: as he had seen with his own eyes, the Chinese army was often easily scattered by the Japanese army, surrounded by divisions, and struggling in despair. If it had been changed to Britain and France, it is estimated that it would have surrendered a long time ago. But what is surprising is that even if these Chinese soldiers face a doomed defeat, they would rather die in battle, but rarely surrender to the enemy.

Masanobu Tsuji also said that he had seen the last few men left in one division charge against the Japanese, as well as the last man who held his position until he was killed. Even if it is replaced by the Japanese army, this situation is really rare. In contrast, the performance of some so-called "world power" armies is like a joke.

The countries of World War II in Japan's eyes: Britain, France, and the United States are jokes, and the ranking of Chinese soldiers is a highlight

In the world anti-fascist war, the greatness of the Chinese soldiers is unquestionable, but Tsuji Masanobu is also clever: to some extent, praising the enemy is also praising himself. There is no doubt that war is cruel, but today, many works choose to dramatize war, trying to show their wisdom with the stupidity of their opponents. As everyone knows, in the process of demonizing the enemy, the glory of the ancestors has also been tarnished.