
Shanxi Institute of Letters and Social Governance was established

author:Yellow River News Lvliang Channel

On November 4th, the inaugural meeting of the Shanxi Institute of Letters and Visits and Social Governance was held at Shanxi University, and Shang Liguang, deputy secretary of the provincial party committee, attended and spoke. Li Peilin, member of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress and vice chairman of the Social Construction Committee, sent a congratulatory message. Comrades from the State Bureau of Letters and Visits, Central China Normal University, and other relevant units made speeches and speeches respectively. Provincial leader Sun Hongshan attended.

Shanxi Institute of Letters and Social Governance was established

On behalf of the provincial party committee, Shang Liguang expressed warm congratulations on the establishment of the institute. He pointed out that since the Eighteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the central and provincial party committees have made a series of strategic arrangements for building a social governance pattern of co-construction, co-governance and sharing. The Joint Establishment of the Shanxi Institute of Letters and Visits and Social Governance by the Political and Legal Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, the Provincial Bureau of Letters and Visits and Shanxi University is a concrete action to implement the spirit of the central government and the deployment of the 12th Provincial Party Congress, an important exploration to build a high-level safe Shanxi and rule of law in Shanxi, and to write a chapter of long-term peace and stability in Shanxi, aiming to strengthen and improve the people's petitioning work and promote the modernization of the social governance system and governance capabilities through the study of capital and wisdom to supplement the government. He put forward 4 hopes for the construction and development of the institute: First, we must adhere to the leadership of the party, grasp the correct direction, highlight the "political nature", adhere to the "mass nature", expand the "social nature", and contribute wisdom and suggestions around the overall situation and service center. Second, we must focus on building "three bases", starting from the actual needs of petitioning and social governance, strive to build a theoretical research base, a practical innovation base, and an education and training base, and embark on a new path of building a hospital and strengthening the hospital. Third, we must give full play to the advantages of think tanks, strengthen overall cooperation with the expert database of "policy theory research", "urban social governance", and "petitioning practice research and hearing", and enhance the forward-looking and scientific nature of petitioning and social governance work. Fourth, it is necessary to strengthen the supporting role of intellectual governance, benchmark first-class, and work hard to optimize the top-level design, solve difficult problems, and summarize the paradigm of experience, so as to provide strong support for promoting the high-quality development of petitioning work and improving the efficiency of social governance.

Shanxi Institute of Letters and Social Governance was established

Responsible comrades of relevant departments and units directly under the provincial government, Shanxi University and the grass-roots petitioning system, and some expert representatives participated in the activities and held the first "Seminar on Society and Governance of Letters and Visits". Shanxi TV