
Part-time work vs entrepreneurship, what is the best choice

author:Moderator Xu Yan

Are you currently in the stage of part-time work or entrepreneurship, are you satisfied with your current state? I have experienced the different feelings of part-time work and entrepreneurship from part-time work to entrepreneurship, today we come to talk about part-time work and entrepreneurship, which is the best choice in life, right?

01. Bondage and freedom

I have a male friend next to me, he is resolutely unwilling to work, even if he earns less than three or two thousand a month, he would rather lose money and be his own boss, the reason is that he does not want to look at other people's faces. But look closely at his so-called self-employment, sitting in the middle, selling air conditioners, air conditioning quality problems, or will be criticized by customers, or rework over and over again, re-repair. Therefore, not looking at the boss's face is really not a factor in deciding whether to work or not. Whether it is part-time work or entrepreneurship, you need to do your own job well. Part-time work may be a leader staring at your job every day, and entrepreneurship may be a different customer staring at your work, and that's it.

02. Cognition and harvest

Another example, he is the boss's assistant, driving, reception, setting up meetings and other trivial things, the boss is very good to him, but he watched the boss earn so much money, easy to earn, and he worked hard to follow the boss, but only enough to support the family, unbalanced, bent on starting a business. However, everyone can only earn money within his cognitive range, the reason why the boss can make a lot of money, is because his cognitive level is relatively high, he considers the problem must be considered from a long-term perspective, the pattern must be much larger than us, so he can earn the money that belongs to him, and the reason why the salary will not be very high is because the part-time work only needs to do the things required by the boss well, and there is no need to think deeply, how to develop the enterprise from a long-term perspective, how to manage the company and other issues. Different cognitions, different patterns, and different harvests. Instead of thinking about doing some small business every day, it is better to learn the boss's entrepreneurial ideas and behave in the world, this intangible wealth is actually more important than a salary increase.

03. Flow and attitude

This question about flow, let me take myself as an example. I first worked in a pharmacy, to be honest, the basic salary of two or three thousand a month really did not have any attraction, worked for six months, still not very proficient in medicine, only knew that selling drugs is very profitable, and then I opened my own store in a vacuum. After opening the store, people's potential suddenly exploded, in the case of batch medicine, you can quickly remember the name, price, and function of each drug, and then in the case of completely different drug combinations, two months to make up a pass of pharmacy knowledge, even Chinese medicine dialectics have been learned. Therefore, human potential can be forced out, and part-time work is more without the stimulation of money, neither pressure nor motivation, so there is what everyone calls a chaotic day. Entrepreneurship does not necessarily make a lot of money, but it will definitely release all your potential.

04, pressure and hope

How much pressure you can resist, how much honor you can win. The ability to resist pressure is the basic psychological quality that must be possessed whether it is a part-time job or a business, but the requirements for the ability to resist pressure in entrepreneurship may be higher. From the initial opposition of the family, do not understand, (because if they are particularly supportive, then they must have done it, so this is actually not a big deal) to the early stage of entrepreneurship may not be able to make ends meet, the business is dismal, it is easy to open a store and it is difficult to keep the store, and then to the various contradictions of the team, etc., all kinds of pressure will be particularly testing, once discouraged, it will be abandoned. Unlike part-time work, the pressure is great, and when you can't make money, you quit your job, change your career, etc., and the loss is not large. Therefore, before starting a business, we must be mentally prepared, that is, entrepreneurship is not so glamorous, people are noble in front of them, and people are guilty after them.

05. Make full use of the eight hours outside of work

For office workers with fixed working hours and small wage fluctuations, it is very important to make good use of the eight hours outside of work. Realistically, it is to find yourself a side job. There are two kinds of side businesses, one is short-term can generate income, such as part-time work in the catering industry, leaflets, takeaways, stalls, etc., which is suitable for not having any technology or is a little tight in the near future; the second is long-term investment in generating income, such as writing, editing, doing short videos or doing live broadcasts, which requires certain resources, certain capabilities or more upfront investment, but this development to a certain extent The income is still considerable. In fact, even if it is not to generate income, for office workers, it is necessary to make good use of the eight hours outside of work to improve professional skills and learn more knowledge. For migrant workers, whether the eight hours outside the work are well utilized is an important factor in opening up the gap.

06, fish and bear paws are not bad

Briefly talk about the comparison between part-time work and entrepreneurship, in fact, part-time work has the benefits of part-time work, do your own work well, take a stable salary, or basic salary, there is not much pressure, do something you like outside of work, or do a job that you can have low investment and long-term returns, the same will be a sense of achievement; entrepreneurship has the benefits of entrepreneurship, entrepreneurship can maximize their potential, let go of themselves, show themselves, and see where their limits are. Whether it is part-time work or entrepreneurship, as long as it is suitable for their own personality and their current economic situation, it is a good choice. Life is only a few decades, don't be too entangled in your choices are right or wrong. Choose a good path, go on confidently, and believe that the harvest you want must be the result of hard work today! I'm Xu Yan, a novice reporter, click to pay attention to it!