
Solve the pension treatment of rural doctors Shouguang pays social security for rural doctors

author:Qilu one point

Qilu Evening News Qilu one-point reporter Ma Yuanyuan

The reporter learned from the Shouguang Municipal Health Commission that in order to consolidate and enhance the team of rural doctors, in 2016, the Shouguang Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government incorporated the solution of the problem of old-age security for rural doctors into the government's people's livelihood, and through the implementation of the "three-step approach", let the rural doctors have old and sick treatment, and mobilized their enthusiasm. Coordinated by the Shouguang Municipal Government, with the active participation of health, human resources and social security, finance and other departments, all in-service rural doctors who meet the conditions for insurance shall pay social insurance for enterprise employees.

The Shouguang Municipal Government clarified the identity of rural doctors. The township health center to which the rural doctor belongs signs a formal labor contract with them, handles the recruitment and employment procedures, and includes the rural doctor into the contract staff of the township health center for management. Multi-departmental joint efforts to solve the guarantee treatment for township doctors. Coordinated by the Shouguang Municipal Government, with the active participation of health, human resources and social security, finance and other departments, all in-service rural doctors who meet the conditions for participation in the insurance are paid social insurance for enterprise employees, including pension, medical care, work injury, unemployment and maternity, the payment base in 2016 is 3179 yuan, the payment base in 2020 is 3457 yuan, and the unit undertakes part of 24.9% of the base and 150 yuan of large insurance, which is included in the financial budget and is allocated regularly; the individual part is 10.3% of the base. Deducted from the salary of the village doctor. In 2016, 887 rural doctors participated in this insurance, and the financial allocation fund was more than 14 million yuan. Thereafter, it will be included in the financial budget and regularly allocated every year. For the elderly rural doctors who cannot participate in the social insurance of enterprise employees, they are given living allowances in accordance with the provincial policy, and 2472 people have passed the certification, and since January 2015, a total of 55.983 million yuan has been issued, all of which are borne by the municipal finance. Establish a mechanism for the normal admission and withdrawal of rural doctors. It is clarified that rural doctors who are 60 years old and women who are 55 years old can go through retirement procedures, and those who are really required for work and whose health permits (physical examination is determined) can be re-employed, but the maximum period of employment is not more than 5 years. At the same time, it is stipulated that in the future, all newly hired rural doctors who have been openly recruited will be signed by the health center to sign a labor contract with them, and all social insurance procedures will be handled, and the required expenses will still be borne by the finance according to the original channels.

Solve the pension treatment of rural doctors Shouguang pays social security for rural doctors

In 2016, Shouguang City properly solved the pension insurance problem of rural doctors, and rural doctors became attractive positions. Based on this Shouguang City to improve the entry threshold of township doctors, in accordance with the method of "city recruitment, town management, village use" for the public to recruit medical graduates with full-time college degree or above to enrich the team of township doctors, a total of 75 recruited in the past 3 years, of which practicing (assistant) physicians accounted for 31%, effectively improving and optimizing the quality of the rural doctor team, the social response is better.

At the same time, in terms of improving the multi-channel compensation mechanism for rural doctors, Shouguang City Finance allocates 199 million yuan of grass-roots health funds every year, and the town street health center conducts monthly performance appraisal of village clinics and rural doctors, cashing in the salary of township doctors, and the average monthly salary of rural doctors in Shouguang City will reach 4200 yuan in 2020.

Shouguang City also in the improvement of the village clinic environmental facilities without stopping, the cumulative investment of more than 90 million yuan for high-standard construction, the average area of the city's village clinics reached 139.17 square meters, the look of a new look, the working conditions of rural doctors have been significantly improved, has become a desirable profession, the social status has also been significantly improved, 70% of rural doctors have been invited to participate in village affairs management and decision-making; the age structure and academic structure of township doctors have also been significantly optimized, and the aging rate has increased from 27.2% to 27.2%. Reduced to 14.9%, college degree or above accounted for 36%, which better guaranteed the health needs of the grass-roots people and helped improve the quality and efficiency of the construction of "Healthy Shandong".

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