
Who was the leader of the displaced people's revolt in the last years of the Western Jin Dynasty?

author:Fang Zhi Sichuan

Who was the leader of the displaced people's revolt in the last years of the Western Jin Dynasty?

In the first year of the Western Jin Dynasty (300), Yizhou Assassin Shi Zhao Kui took advantage of the frequent civil unrest in the Jin Dynasty to attempt to claim the title of king of Shu and raise the banner of anti-Jin, claiming to be the governor of Dadu, the great general, and the pastor of Yizhou. In order to divide Bashu, he first used the armed forces of the displaced people to annihilate the forces of Shi Gengteng in Chengdu, and the second step was to open a knife to the leader of the displaced people. He actually killed Li Ku, the famous leader of the displaced people who had supported him, and his "more than ten sons and nephews of the clan" overnight, sending a signal to comprehensively suppress more than 100,000 displaced people in Western Shu, and the Bashu region was shrouded in the horror of war.

Map of the Western Jin Dynasty

Originally, in the sixth year of Yuankang (296), in the areas of Tianshui, Luoyang, Fufeng, Shiping, Wudu, and Yinping, due to successive wars, famines, and plagues, the common people could not survive, and more than 100,000 people of all ethnic groups such as The Qiang and Qiang had to flee south to "eat for Shu and Han (referring to Hanzhong)." On the way to and from the exile, the leader of the Lee family took the initiative to help the poor and unite the displaced people to tide over the difficulties, so they were supported by the displaced people and became their "master" (leader).

The Xianren (also known as the Wrench Barbarians) were originally from the Batu Canal in Brazil, which is now the upper reaches of the Jialing River, and were one of the ethnic minorities in ancient Sichuan. History calls them "fierce and courageous by nature", shangwu and good at war, and in participating in several wars in the Central Plains, the Jurchen army charged into the battlefield and was invincible, which was appreciated by the Rulers of the Qin and Han Dynasties. At the end of the Han Dynasty, the Li family of the Tangqu benefactors went from Sichuan to Hanzhong to rely on Zhang Lu's Wudou Midao regime, and later moved to Luoyang, this time with the displaced people of the six counties fleeing the wilderness and returning to their original sichuan. In order to defend the interests of the displaced people themselves, they gradually formed an armed force capable of fighting a good war.

Li Techuan Shu displaced people uprising map

When the news of the murder of Li Yu and his sons and nephews came out, the brother Li Te and others quickly gathered troops and retired to Mianzhu (in present-day Huangxu Town, Deyang) to prepare for the incident. There are 5 brothers in Li Te, the eldest brother Li Fu, the second Li Te, Li Ku, Li Liu, and Li Jun, "all of whom are sharp and have martial talents." The Book of Jin and Li Te Zai says that Li Te was "a heroic warrior who rode and shot, and Shen Yi had generosity", and was a leader of both wisdom and courage.

After Li Te surrendered to Mianzhu, he killed the officials sent by Zhao Kuo to pretend to appease them, indicating that he would fight them to the death. At this time, Zhao Yan's general Fei Yuan and others led more than 10,000 troops on horseback, named to go north to stop the Jin army, but in fact, they were stationed at the stone pavilion near Mianzhu, waiting for the opportunity to eliminate Li Te's people.

Li Te only had a hastily gathered group of more than 7,000 people, which was at a disadvantage compared with Zhao Jun. However, due to the innocent killing of Li Yu, Li Te's soldiers had a sense of revenge and a strong fighting spirit. Taking advantage of the unstable foothold of Fei Yuan's army, Li Te sneaked in at night and set fire to the village, and fei's army fled in a hurry and collapsed. Li Te took advantage of the victory and advanced into Chengdu. At this time, Zhao Yan and his gang were busy organizing the cabinet, and when they saw Li Tebing approaching the city, the civil and military officials were "frightened and did not know what to do" for a while, and they scattered one after another. Zhao Yu only sneaked out of the city with his wife, probably bringing too much gold and silver jewelry, and his cronies were red-eyed, so they ended his life with a knife and took the money away.

The image of Li Te in film and television dramas

After Li Te occupied Chengdu, he sent people to the capital to state the process of ping Zhao's rebellion, and the Western Jin Dynasty made Li Te a general of Xuanwei and was given the title of Marquis of Changle Township; Li Liu was made a general of Fenwei and the Marquis of Wuyang. However, this edict was suppressed by Guanghan Taishou Xin Ran and others, who not only opposed the expansion of the rights and interests of the exile army, but also planned to eliminate it at the opportunity. Wave after wave, wave after wave, where will the more than 100,000 displaced people under the leadership of Li Te go?

In the first year of the Western Jin Dynasty (301), the Jin Dynasty appointed Luo Shang as the general of Pingxi, False Festival, Lieutenant of Xiyi, and Assassin of Yizhou, in addition to appointing the general Wang Dun and the Shu Commandery Taishou Xu Jian, accompanied by more than 10,000 troops, and the soldiers rushed to Yizhou in two directions, respectively, deployed in the fortress and important town of the Chengdu Plain.

When Luo Shang marched into Chengdu, Li Te quickly withdrew from Chengdu and returned to the old camp in Mianzhu. At the same time, Shi Niu sent wine, treated Luo Jun, and bribed Luo Shang with treasures to show his deference to the imperial court, at which time Wang Dun and Xin Ran offered Luo Shang a plan and killed Li Te on the spot. Rochamp believes that the time is not ripe enough to adopt it.

The image of Li Te in the film and television drama

Soon, the Jin Dynasty ordered that all those who originally lived in Qinzhou and Yongzhou and later exiled to Hanzhong and Bashu should be repatriated to their original homes. This is like a thunderbolt in the sky, because the vast number of displaced people have come to Western Shu through hardships, just settled down, and they have to be driven back to their original places where their industries are exhausted, how can more than 100,000 people make a living? In particular, the "Rebellion of the Eight Kings" in the Central Plains was in full swing, and the displaced people were driven back to Guanzhong, which was undoubtedly more fierce and less auspicious.

Not only that, but the Roshan Legion also planned to set up dangerous passes along the way when forcing the displaced people to go north, "if you want to kill the leader of the displaced people and take their goods", you will want to put them to death. At this time, Li Te's eldest brother Li Fu made a special trip back to Western Shu from Guanzhong, and they analyzed the current situation and believed that the Central Plains was in turmoil and that there was no way out to return to Guanzhong. Backed by more than 100,000 displaced people, Li Te adopted delaying tactics and asked for a pause to see what happened.

Seeing that Li Te refused to comply, xin ran people who harbored hatred for the displaced people openly went around bidding for rewards: Whoever kills Li Te's brothers will be rewarded with a hundred silk horses.

In order to unite the displaced people, Li Te rewrote the reward as "there are those who can cut off the six counties with the surnames of Yan, Zhao, Ren, Yang, Li, Shangguan, and the first rank of The Six Counties, such as Yu Shuo, Liang, Dou, Fu, Kui, Dong, and Fei, and each head will be rewarded with a hundred horses of silk." This infuriated the vast number of displaced people, "everyone is sad and does not know what to do." "Because they know the surnames of the six counties, and the Shau is their leader, they kill them, and the displaced people can only be slaughtered." Therefore, they defected to Li Te and openly raised the banner of armed struggle. In October of the same year, the displaced people divided into two large camps in chizu (present-day Deyang County), the east and the north, and they were leaning on each other. Li Te called himself the Great General of Zhenbei and Yizhou, Li Liu called himself the Great General of Zhendong, and the rest also appointed a number of hussars, generals, lieutenants, and counselors.

Little's camp of displaced people

In the spring of the second year of Tai'an (303), Li Te led his troops to attack the Pijiang Defense Line, and the defenders were discouraged and retreated, and Luo Shang was trapped in Dacheng. When the exile army and Luo Shang launched a tug-of-war, the village protection armed forces controlled by the gentry landlords in the Chengdu Plain were politically at both ends and dependent on the strong. When the exile army was victorious, they moved closer to the exile army in an attempt to survive; As soon as the officers and men were favorable, they also quickly turned. In terms of fundamental interests, the village protection organizations are inextricably linked to the Western Jin dynasty, and they have contradictions with the displaced people's army, and there is also an ethnic gap, so they are suspicious of the displaced people's army.

Faced with the siege of Chengdu by the displaced people's army and the precarious situation of Luo Shang, most of the village leaders in the Chengdu Plain planned to surrender their sincerity to Li Te, at this time, Li Te sent "fierce sharpness" to each village to protect the liaison. When the two armies were opposed, dispersing the troops was taboo for soldiers. Therefore, both Li Liu and Li Xiong tried to expose their shortcomings and proposed that the village security should hand over the hostages to prevent them from changing. But Li Te believes that the first thing to establish a political power is to calm people's minds, and it is no longer possible to do things that rob the people out of doubts and uncertainties.

Li Te Anmin's policy is worthy of recognition, he believes that uniting the village to protect the people can better isolate Roshan's forces. But the problem is that Li Te is not vigilant against the wavering nature of the village protection, not to mention that the "fierce sharpness" that goes deep into the village protection will inevitably harass the people. Li Te's division of troops was detected by Luo Shang's official Ren Huan for the weakness of the policy of jiecun Bao, who suggested to Luo Shang to secretly plan the village bao anti-water, and should cooperate inside and outside to attack Li Te's people. On February 10 of that year, Luo Shang, who had always shrunk in the big city and did not dare to fight, suddenly launched a full army and attacked Li Te's military camp, and the armed forces of the village guards were also raised for a while, and the scattered "fierce sharps" were killed. The Li Tebu rushed to the battle, failed one after another, and retreated to the new fan. In the tossing and turning struggle, Li Te and his generals Li Fu and Li Yun were killed one after another, and the exile army suffered an extremely heavy blow since the founding of the army.

Due to the corruption of the Western Jin Dynasty, more than 100,000 people of all ethnic groups in Guanzhong were forced to flee to Hanzhong and Western Shu in order to survive. They made a living by selling their labor power everywhere, and were oppressed by the landlord class and the Western Jin class. Representing the interests of the vast number of displaced people, Li Te led the displaced people to carry out an arduous struggle against the ruling clique of the Western Jin Dynasty and won a series of victories, which fully demonstrated that he was an outstanding military expert and politician among the ethnic minorities in our country and the founder of the future Cheng (Han) regime.

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