
College students build "red building" digital model library! Shenzhen, the party history theme park, has been unveiled

author:Crystal Newspaper
College students build "red building" digital model library! Shenzhen, the party history theme park, has been unveiled

Party history has been read every day for a hundred years, and innovative forms of study have entered the ears and minds. Special education teachers create three-dimensional Braille comic books for blind students, retired party members take a "red boat" to learn party history while swimming along the river, 50 college students work together to create a "red building" digital model library, and Shenzhen's first park with the theme of the spiritual genealogy of Chinese communists has appeared...

The 30th issue of the "3Q Lecture on Party History" column of Jing Bao continues to send you a relaxed, close to the people and fresh "Q method" for teaching Party history

◎ Dezhou, Shandong: Special education teachers create three-dimensional Braille comic books, innovating the "opening way" of party history

◎ Taizhou, Jiangsu: "Red Boat" river tour to learn the history of the party, innovative ways are more into the heart

◎ Yangzhou University: 50 students to create a "red building" digital model library

◎ Shenzhen Longhua District: Shenzhen's first park with the theme of the spiritual genealogy of Chinese communists was unveiled

◎ Shenzhen Bao'an District: 44 red landmarks + 21 research routes, this primary school to carry out party history tracing research

◎ Shenzhen Beili Moscow University: Party History + Science + Literature and Art, the first stop of the University Party History Story Meeting was held here!


Special education teacher creates three-dimensional Braille comic book, innovating the "opening way" of party history

In order to allow blind students to better learn party history, Wang Xiaorui, a teacher at the Special Education School in Dezhou City, Shandong Province, innovated the form of reading and created a three-dimensional Braille comic book "Teenagers Study Party History", allowing students to feel history with multiple senses.

"Teenagers Study party history" mainly tells the glorious course of the Communist Party of China in the past century, from pre-design to post-production to complete in one year. Compared with ordinary braille books with pure text, no color and no illustrations, this book not only has both Chinese characters and Braille, but also has a very vivid three-dimensional paper art model. In the process of creation, Wang Xiaorui personally hand-painted the pictures of each chapter, and the outlines of the pictures are raised lines, and add three-dimensional reliefs of starry sky, ocean, beach and other scenes, so that children can feel the three-dimensional image through touch. In addition, there is a QR code in the upper left corner of each page of the book, which can also bring students an auditory experience.

The books are bound in the traditional Chinese way of folding, and when unfolded, they are up to 10 meters long, like a long corridor of party history. "Juvenile Study of Party History" is a kind of reading innovation for blind students, which not only allows students to touch history with their own hands and feel history with their hearts, but also illuminates the inner world of blind children and better cultivates students' patriotic consciousness. (Source: Lightning News)

College students build "red building" digital model library! Shenzhen, the party history theme park, has been unveiled


The "red boat" swims to learn the history of the party, and the innovative way is more heartfelt

"I was once a soldier, and the spirit of the revolutionary predecessors who were not afraid of bloodshed and sacrifice and the courage to fight still inspire me..." A few days ago, a retired military party member in Chengnan Street, Hailing District, Taizhou City, Jiangsu Province, shared his story with everyone.

This is a scene in which the Service Station for Veterans in Chengnan Street organized more than 60 retired party members to ride on the "red boat" and carry out party history study and education on "carrying forward the revolutionary spirit and inheriting the red tradition." Outside the cabin, the sun shines brightly, and inside the cabin, it is very lively. "Without the Communist Party, there would be no new China..." On the "red boat," everyone indulged in singing revolutionary songs one after another, and the cabin became a "mobile classroom" for the study and education of party history.

In order to promote the study and education of party history into the mind and the heart, and to make full efforts in the word "living", this activity organized and carried out red theme activities such as revisiting the oath of joining the party, telling a red story, listening to party lessons all the way, and singing red songs all the way.

Party members of retired soldiers took the "red boat" and experienced the elaborate party history study and education course while touring the scenery along the Fengcheng River in Taizhou. The cabin is like a mobile learning position, which is not only an effective move to promote the study and education of party history to go deep and solid, but also an important way to deepen party building work and consolidate grass-roots party building. (Source: Learning Power Taizhou Learning Platform)

College students build "red building" digital model library! Shenzhen, the party history theme park, has been unveiled


50 students of Yangzhou University created a digital model library of "red buildings"

Recently, 50 undergraduate and graduate students from the Department of Engineering Management of the School of Architectural Science and Engineering of Yangzhou University, which lasted more than 3 months, used building information modeling BIM technology to realize the digital modeling of 10 representative red buildings with important commemorative significance, such as the site of the First Congress of the Communist Party of China, the site of the Zunyi Conference, and the Tiananmen City Tower, through which to review the historical journey from Shikumen to Tiananmen and relive the glorious struggle of the Communist Party of China.

In order to trace the red mark, the teachers and students of the Department of Engineering Management planned the "Party History in Architecture" red cultural practice activities, and formed 10 research team through the "Research Book 1+1" method, each team consisting of 2 graduate students and 3 undergraduate students, relying on the BIM Engineering Center and the Intelligent Construction Laboratory, combining the study of Party history with professional practice, through data consultation and group discussion, selected 10 representative "red buildings" such as the site of the First Congress of the Communist Party of China for digital modeling. In order to restore the style and color of the building, the team not only built a model of the exterior of the building, but also specially modeled complex components such as indoor chandeliers and coffee tables.

The red building is the most distinctive historical witness of the centenary party history, combining BIM digital modeling technology with VR simulation reality technology to show the style of red architecture, which not only strengthens the students' ability to comprehensively apply professional knowledge, but also feels the great spirit of the CPC's century-old struggle. The team instructor said that in the future, we will dig deeper into red resources, create a larger-scale "red building" digital model library, and lead college students to inherit red genes and continue the red spirit. (Source: Learning Power Yangzhou Learning Platform)

College students build "red building" digital model library! Shenzhen, the party history theme park, has been unveiled


Shenzhen's first park with the theme of the spiritual genealogy of Chinese Communists was unveiled

Focusing on the implementation of the strategic deployment of "Digital Longhua, Urban Core" and under the strong guidance of the Organization Department of longhua District Committee, Minzhi Street, Longhua District, Shenzhen has created the first park in Shenzhen with the theme of the spiritual genealogy of Chinese communists. The first batch of great spirits included in the spiritual genealogy of The Chinese Communists, such as the "Great Spirit of Party Building", "The Spirit of Fighting the Epidemic", "The Spirit of Reform and Opening Up", and "The Spirit of the Special Zone", were engraved in a prominent position on the park installation, attracting many residents who came to the park to stop and watch, and to learn the strength to forge ahead.

With the theme of "Struggle + Red Heritage", the street has set up "Streamers of the Spiritual Genealogy of Chinese Communists", "Forest of Famous Words of a Hundred Years of Famous Sayings", "Wall of Glory of Strivers", "Corridor of Party History", "Style and Governance of the People" and other devices in the park of about 2 kilometers long and covering an area of about 50,000 square meters, and the interactive block of "High-light Punch Point of the Spiritual Genealogy of Chinese Communists" in various forms, integrating the spiritual genealogy of Chinese Communists into the park landscape, and integrating this red inheritance into the daily life of the people and the Longhua people.

At the same time, Minzhi Street adheres to the combination of red heritage and people's livelihood services, carefully creates a party and group service V station in the park that is convenient for the people and the people, and designs and builds theme spaces of different styles according to functional positioning, such as the strivers book bar, the business circle council hall, the mother and baby room, the dream era screening hall, the peace of mind hut, the rest house, etc., to meet the differentiated needs of the residents. (Source: Reading Special Network)

College students build "red building" digital model library! Shenzhen, the party history theme park, has been unveiled


With 44 red landmarks and 21 study routes, Shenzhen Bao'an District Gang Primary School carried out party history tracing and study

Ganggang Primary School is the first batch of demonstration schools for party building work in the education system of Bao'an District, Shenzhen. In order to carry out in-depth party history study and education, promote the implementation of the "double reduction" policy and after class, the school decided to carry out party history tracing and study in the form of a curriculum.

During the summer vacation, the Moral Education Office of Ganggang Primary School conducted research on the "Four Histories" Learning and Education Practice Base in Shenzhen one by one, and at the same time inspected the safety, activity area, epidemic prevention requirements, etc. of the activity site, and then in accordance with the principles of theme fit and site similarity, the overall design, content arrangement, point inspection, route planning, etc. of the study tour course were selected, and 21 study tour routes were designed.

In the past few days, the newly formed Party History Tracing Group of Bao'an District's Ganggang Primary School has walked out of the school gate and traced party history along 21 study routes and 44 important red landmarks. On September 24, the primary school students' party history tracing group set off for the first time, and after a half-hour drive, arrived at the education base of the first party congress in Bao'an County. They listened carefully to the narrator's explanations and carefully took notes. The establishment of the CPC Bao'an County Party organization, the upsurge of the workers' and peasants' revolutionary movement, and the successful convening of the first PARTY congress in Bao'an County... The members of the tracing group listened to the history and anecdotes one by one; the flying knives used by the Workers' and Peasants' Revolutionary Army and the straw shoes worn by them made the students fascinated. It is reported that The Gang Primary School plans to organize all the fourth, fifth, and sixth grade students to take turns to study and visit, so as to promote the study and education of party history into the mind. (Source: Reading Special Network)

College students build "red building" digital model library! Shenzhen, the party history theme park, has been unveiled


Party history + science + literature and art, the first stop of the university party history story meeting was held in Shenbei Mo

On October 12, the first stop of the Party History Story Conference of Colleges and Universities sponsored by the Propaganda Department of the Shenzhen Municipal Party Committee (Lecturer Group of the Municipal Party Committee) was held at Beili Moscow University in Shenzhen. The lecturer group of the municipal party committee innovatively carried out combined propaganda, invited leading cadres, theoretical experts, literary and artistic masters, advanced models and other different types of guests, and adopted various forms such as theory, literature and art, and stories to tell the history of the party, enlighten the mind, and practice the original intention. The first stop of the propaganda activities of the Party History Story Meeting in Colleges and Universities is placed in Shenbei Mo, which is to take this opportunity to explore how colleges and universities can innovate and tell the history of the party well and vividly carry out ideological and political education, and further encourage teachers and students to study history to be clear and reasonable, to increase credibility in learning history, to learn history to revere virtue, and to study history.

At this event, the lecturer group of the municipal party committee specially invited liu Qingsong, a national model teacher, a member of the party committee of the Southern University of Science and Technology, the president of the professor's association, the secretary of the party branch of the Department of Marine Science and Engineering, and the chair professor, the granddaughter of the martyr Peng Pan, the 10th and 11th CPPCC members of the province, the former secretary general of the Shenzhen Care Action Public Welfare Foundation, the senior political engineer Peng Yina, the national first-class actor, the lecturer of the Guangdong Provincial Youth Lecturer Group, the deputy of the Seventh Municipal People's Congress, the vice chairman of the Municipal Musicians Association, and the chairman of the Luohu District Musicians Association.

During the event, the guests took "Geological Stories in the Long March", "The Patriotic Feelings of The Two Generations of Father and Son of Martyr Peng Pan and Academician Peng Shilu" and "Hearing Shenzhen and Hearing Me" as the themes, and cut from three different perspectives: the story of geological science on the Long March Road, the story of the struggle of the father and son of the grandfather Peng Pan martyr and the uncle Peng Shilu of the father and son, and the story of the reform and development process of the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone, bringing a rich and vivid "spiritual feast" of party history in different content forms, combining telling history, science, reasoning, and storytelling. Encourage everyone to strengthen their ideals and beliefs in learning and practicing understanding, and practice their original mission in their efforts. (Source: Deep Lecture Group)

College students build "red building" digital model library! Shenzhen, the party history theme park, has been unveiled

"3Q Talks about Party History", see you in the next issue for more highlights

The source | Jingbao APP

Coordinator: Huang Ruitian

Reporter: Hu Ying, Ye Tingting

Editor: Chen Xiaoling