
Multidisciplinary collaboration to escort women's health throughout the life cycle

author:Family Doctor Newspaper

Dealing with "menopause" is no longer a one-man operation!

Women are an active and sensitive group in social life, they are women, wives, and mothers, and their physical and mental health maintains the happiness of thousands of families. Women will spend more than 30 years after menopause, and menopause has become the longest stage in a woman's life cycle. During this period, the incidence of menopausal symptoms in women is as high as 60% to 80%, and many diseases such as osteoporosis, diabetes, senile dementia, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, gynecological tumors, and psychological diseases will be concentrated.

The Academic Forum on Women's Life Cycle Health Management focuses on women's health and behavioral health strategies in menopause, advances in cervical cancer screening technology and quality control, menopausal mental health management, multidisciplinary diagnosis and treatment, new advances in clinical diagnosis and treatment, and other hot issues related to menopause, and carries out multidisciplinary academic discussions involving gynecology, women's health endocrinology, obstetrics, intervention, nutrition, psychology, etc. Experts discuss widely, providing effective and comprehensive intervention and treatment suggestions for the occurrence and development of chronic diseases. The conference provides a professional and broad platform to promote the multi-faceted and high-quality development of women's life cycle health management, help more women enjoy the health protection of the whole life cycle, and increase the happiness of the people.

Multidisciplinary collaboration to escort women's health throughout the life cycle


Nanjing, Jiangsu

In order to comprehensively promote the construction of healthy Jiangsu, promote the health management model of women's whole life cycle, and improve the service capacity and level of health care institutions at all levels in Jiangsu Province, on October 23-24, 2021, the Academic Forum on Women's Life Cycle Health Management and the Training Course on New Progress in Menopausal Health Care of the National Continuing Education Project sponsored by jiangsu Health Research Association and undertaken by Nanjing Maternal and Child Health Hospital were held in Nanjing. The conference was mainly online, and experts and scholars gathered in the cloud to discuss and share hot issues and academic frontiers in the field of women's health today, and to contribute to the new development of women's and children's work.

Opening ceremony

Multidisciplinary collaboration to escort women's health throughout the life cycle

Hong Hao, president of the Jiangsu Maternal and Child Health Research Association, delivered a speech for the conference, saying that women's whole life cycle health management is an emerging discipline formed to meet the construction of a healthy China and the health needs of the masses, runs through the whole process of women's lives, and involves multiple disciplines in the field of maternal and child health, and has become a hot spot of great concern to experts and scholars in the field of maternal and child health today.

Chairman Hong Hao highly affirmed the work done by the Special Committee in the early stages, and pointed out that during the 14th Five-Year Plan period, it is necessary not to forget the original intention, continue to work hard, adhere to the people's health as the center, unify thoughts and actions into the decision-making of the Party Central Committee, grasp the law of development, integrate into the pattern of new development, combine the promotion of a healthy atmosphere, strengthen technical support, etc. to jointly promote the health of women and children, implement prevention first, reduce the occurrence of diseases, strengthen early diagnosis, early treatment, and early rehabilitation, and realize the gradual transformation from disease diagnosis and treatment to health management and health promotion. Achieve women's health.

Multidisciplinary collaboration to escort women's health throughout the life cycle

Shen Rong, Chairman of the Conference and Vice President of jiangsu Maternal and Child Health Research Association, thanked the experts for their participation, and reported on the work and progress of the Women's Life Cycle Health Management Professional Committee of Jiangsu Maternal and Child Health Research Association, hoping to carry out multidisciplinary collaboration in line with the national health strategy, establish a regionalized and interconnected women's health information platform, and promote the standardization of women's life cycle health management.

Multidisciplinary collaboration to escort women's health throughout the life cycle

The opening ceremony of the conference was presided over by Lin Chaozhen, secretary general of the Jiangsu Maternal and Child Health Research Association.

Academic gluttony

Multidisciplinary collaboration to escort women's health throughout the life cycle

Shen Rong, chairman of the conference and vice president of the Jiangsu Maternal and Child Health Research Association, presided over the academic forum and made a report on "Multidisciplinary Diagnosis and Treatment of Menopause", and she shared the experience of multidisciplinary diagnosis and treatment of menopausal health care in combination with the special specialty management system of menopausal health care of Nanjing Maternal and Child Health Hospital.

Multidisciplinary collaboration to escort women's health throughout the life cycle

Through health management strategies, consensus, new progress, experience sharing and clinical case analysis, the meeting discussed and exchanged views on the content and methods of women's life cycle health management that are suitable for national conditions and provincial conditions around the problems and challenges currently facing women's health care in China.

Online teaching cloud communication, online students are full of enthusiasm, harvest a lot, learn to apply, to promote the development and construction of women's life cycle health management and maternal and child health, and promote women's health work to a new level.

The academic forum and the holding of the national continuing education study class have built a good communication and exchange academic platform for the professional and technical personnel of female life cycle health management inside and outside Jiangsu Province, better absorbed the essence accumulated by experts inside and outside the province in their practical work, and will surely promote the level of women's life cycle health management at all levels of medical institutions to a new level, so that the professional and technical personnel of various types of medical institutions at all levels in the region can provide better health care services for the masses.

Source: Nanjing Maternal and Child Health Hospital

Correspondent: Shi Yue

Editor: Hu Ying