
Brewing is a very warm thing

author:The wine channel is dust-free

If there is one environmental condition that is most important for winemaking, it is undoubtedly temperature. Some people would say, isn't water important? Of course, water is very important, but water is classified as a raw material for winemaking, and you can see it on the back label with a bottle of wine at will; environmental conditions include temperature, humidity, light, ventilation, etc., but do not include water.

For the control of temperature, it completely runs through the entire process of winemaking: from koji-making, steaming grain, looking at water, mixing koji, entering the cellar, fermentation, cellaring, steaming wine and finally storing the finished wine, in each link, the winemaker must control different temperatures, but also according to different temperature conditions to adjust the ratio of raw and auxiliary materials and whether it is suitable for winemaking.

Brewing is a very warm thing

Koji: Daqu can be divided into high temperature, medium temperature and low temperature according to the temperature, and the temperature of the song, just by looking at this name classification, we also know that temperature control has played a key role in it. In the process of koji making, it is necessary to control the temperature of the water when mixing, and also observe and adjust the indoor temperature required at different stages every day after the curved blank enters the room.

Steaming wine and steaming food: Most of the fragrant wines use the continuous bad mixing process, the newly invested grain and accessories are mixed with a certain proportion of the old bad food, first distilled with a smaller fire, and then steamed with a large fire, this process is actually the control of the temperature inside the zhen.

Brewing is a very warm thing

Look at the water: after cooking and gelatinizing starch substances, it must be fully absorbed in water before it can be enzymatic, converted to produce fermentable sugar, and then converted from sugar to produce alcohol. Therefore, after the distillation of the grain residue, it is necessary to add hot water above 85 ° C immediately, which is called "looking at the water", also known as hot water pouring or hot pulp pouring. The water temperature should be high, so that the starch particles that have not absorbed enough water during the steaming process can further absorb the pulp, reaching about 54% of the suitable water in the cellar. The temperature of the water is too low, the starch particles are difficult to suck the water into the interior, so that the water stays on the surface of the particles, and it is easy to appear in the slurry phenomenon after entering the cellar, resulting in the drying of the upper wine, poor fermentation, and the starch is also difficult to further gelatinize.

Spreading, mixing, into the cellar: after steaming and looking at the water, the temperature of the waste is very high, and it must be cooled to within 30 degrees to mix the koji; the best temperature of the aromatic liquor waste is generally 13 ° C ~ 17 ° C, theoretically should not exceed 20 ° C, if in the hot summer, the temperature is too high, most manufacturers have stopped production.

Brewing is a very warm thing

Fermentation: before the fermentation period, 3-4 days after the cellar sealing, due to the role of enzymes and the growth and reproduction of microorganisms, the saccharification fermentation effect is gradually strengthened, and the heat released by the respiratory metabolism promotes the gradual increase in the temperature of the wine mash and reaches the highest value, the length of the heating time and the temperature of the grain into the cellar, the amount of curvature and other factors. The cellar temperature is high, the time required to reach the maximum fermentation temperature is short, the maximum fermentation temperature can be reached one day after entering the cellar in summer, and the maximum temperature can only be raised 8 to 12 days after the cellar is closed in winter. Saccharification is slow due to slow temperature rise. It takes 3 days for the sugar to reach the highest, and the yeast fermentation is also slow, and the mother's residue is warming up slowly, which is the pre-slow. At this time, the temperature of the highest fermented product and the temperature of the cellar are different by 12 to 16 ° C.

Fermentation stability period: fermentation temperature reached the highest peak, indicating that the wine has entered a strong alcoholic fermentation, generally can be maintained for 5 to 8 days, requiring the maximum temperature of fermentation at about 30 ~ 33 ° C the residence time is longer, the so-called medium is very strong, so that the fermentation is carried out thoroughly, the yield and quality of the wine is also high, the high temperature lasts for about a week, it will drop slightly, but the decline is not large, about 27 ~ 28 ° C. Within 20 days after the cellar sealing, the vigorous alcoholic fermentation stage is basically over, the yeast gradually tends to age and die, the number of bacteria and other microorganisms increases, and the alcohol, acidity and starch concentration will gradually stabilize.

Slow falling stage: After 20 days of entering the cellar, until it leaves the cellar, the temperature of the product slowly decreases, which is called slow falling. Finally, the product temperature drops to 25 ~ 26 °C or less. At this stage, the yeast has gradually lost its vitality, and the role of bacteria has been enhanced. Acids such as alcohol and various acids are undergoing slow and complex esterification, and the alcohol content will decrease slightly and the acidity will gradually increase. This is the post-maturation stage of the fermentation process, which can produce more aromatic components of the finished wine.

Brewing is a very warm thing

Distillation: Here mainly refers to the condensation link in the process of distilling the wine, and there is a big difference between the aromatic wine and the sauce-flavored wine. Aromatic wine is generally required to be below 30 degrees Celsius, and cold wine should be produced; while sauce-flavored wine is generally controlled at 35-45 degrees, and hot wine is produced. This is due to the different aromatic substances contained in the two wines.

See, temperature control runs through the entire winemaking process, and it is closely related to the quality of the wine, so winemaking is a very warm thing, you will not have an opinion, right? # Liquor trivia # # Wake up the good spring light # # I want to put on micro hair ## Food diy # #千粉互娱 #

I am the head of the Road, dust-free, from the hometown of liquor original wine - Qionglai, Sichuan, welcome to the discussion! [Assortment]