
The Shanghai grassroots sports association wants to "administrativeize" Olympic champion Le Jingyi as president

author:Xinhuanet client

Shanghai, 9 Nov (Xinhua) -- The Shanghai Xuhui District Swimming Association, which used to have retired cadres as presidents, elected "non-governmental" Olympic swimming champion Le Jingyi as president in a recent re-election of the association, and le Jingyi, the legal representative of the association who was originally separated from the position of president, was also appointed by Le Jingyi. This is the first time that the Shanghai Xuhui District Sports Bureau has tried to "de-administrativeize" sports industry associations.

It is understood that after the launch of the new Xuhui District Swimming Association, the first task is to visit 47 swimming venues in the district and strive to make most of them become members of the association. At the same time, according to the characteristics of swimming projects, five operation teams, such as venue groups, coaching groups and training groups, are set up in the association to provide services for each venue. The original government-supported swimming projects, the government will entrust the implementation of the association through the purchase of services.

Yuan Xinhua, secretary of the party group of the Xuhui District Sports Bureau, said that the traditional sports management pattern obviously cannot keep up with the needs of the development of the social "big sports" cause driven by the national fitness boom. At present, there are 47 swimming venues in Xuhui District, of which the venues run by social enterprises far exceed the venues in the system, and it is urgent to strengthen industry self-discipline. In the past, few social enterprises participated in swimming associations. Most of the work of the Association is mainly focused on various training and competition activities that are included in government programs. In terms of swimming training, it mainly cooperates with several swimming venues in the system, and has little contact with dozens of other swimming venues, "and there is no task in this regard." ”

It is reported that the transformation of swimming associations is only the first step in the reform of the grass-roots sports management system in Xuhui District, Shanghai, and then Xuhui District will evaluate other sports associations according to the needs of the development of national fitness and social "big sports", and the transfer should be turned, for individual associations that have entered the "zombie" state, such as motorcycle associations, due to changes in the urban environment, they have lost the objective conditions of existence and will be written off.

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