
Looking back on the effectiveness of women's work in the past five years, Han'an Scarf has supported "half the sky"

author:Cover News

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Cover news reporter Huang Xiaoqing intern Wu Man

Compared with 5 years ago, the average number of years of education for women increased by half a year, the proportion of women in the employment of the whole society increased by 2.3 percentage points, the degree of poverty of women was significantly reduced, the minimum living security standard was continuously improved, and the living standards and quality of women were further improved.

Looking back on the effectiveness of women's work in the past five years, Han'an Scarf has supported "half the sky"

On December 9th, the 8th Women's Congress of Neijiang Shizhong District was held at the Piaoxiang Garden Hotel, and when Comrade Long Yue made a work report on behalf of the 7th Executive Committee of the Shizhong District Women's Federation, a group of intuitive data made the participants excited, which was the result of the unity and progress of the majority of women in the district.

By summarizing the struggle practice of the "five major actions", the report reviews the main work of the women's cause in the past five years. That is, the implementation of quality improvement actions to cultivate a new image of Han'an women; the implementation of the action of building meritorious service, and actively promote women's entrepreneurship and employment; the implementation of the action of safeguarding women's rights to promote social harmony and stability; the implementation of happy family actions to improve the family happiness index; the implementation of the strong foundation and solidification of the foundation action, to stimulate the new vitality of women's federation organizations.

The report clarifies the overall requirements, main objectives and tasks for the development of women's undertakings in Shizhong District in the next five years. The work of the Women's Federation will hold high the great banner of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, fully implement the decision-making and deployment of the central, provincial, municipal and district party committees, adhere to the basic national policy of equality between men and women, always maintain and enhance the political, advanced and mass nature, and focus on the "two major projects" of the reform of the Women's Federation, the strict management of the party, and the "four major improvement actions" of the party, the new merits of the women's federation, the warm hearts of the people, and the love of the family, and solidly carry out innovation and entrepreneurship, rural revitalization, and grass-roots governance actions, and strive to further improve the comprehensive quality of women The legitimate rights and interests of women have been further safeguarded, the environment for women's development has been further optimized, women's access to employment, medical care, education, culture and other guarantees has been more solid, and women's participation in economic, political and social life has been more fully realized.

Looking back on the effectiveness of women's work in the past five years, Han'an Scarf has supported "half the sky"

At the opening ceremony, Zhong Hua, secretary of the party group and chairman of the Neijiang Women's Federation, thanked the workers of the Women's Federation and people from all walks of life who supported the cause of women and children, saying: "Women are the pioneers of human civilization and the promoters of social progress. ”

Lan Xu, deputy secretary of the Central District Party Committee and mayor of Neijiang City, said that the vast number of women in the whole region are an important force in promoting economic and social development and progress, and women's federations at all levels are the bridge and link between the party and the government and the masses of women. It is hoped that the vast number of women in the whole region can take "passing on virtues" as their responsibility, "promoting righteousness" as their responsibility, and "excellent family style" as their own duties, highlighting the brave and trendy style of contemporary women.

The one-day conference elects the members of the Eighth Executive Committee of the Women's Federation of the Central District of the City, as well as the chairman, vice chairman and standing committee member. The conference was held at the end of the "13th Five-Year Plan" and the beginning of the "14th Five-Year Plan", inheriting the past and opening up the future, which is of landmark significance for promoting the new development of women's undertakings in Shizhong District.

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